☆ The Two Jakes ☆

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(Outfit above)

"All right, it's Saturday. I got a lot of nothing planned for today, so let's get to it!" Amy walked into the kitchen where I was leaning on the counter behind jake.

"A lot of nothing? But look at all the fun stuff on today's community calendar: a car show, a line-dancing contest... a pie festival!" Hartley read off her phone as Amy sat beside her.

"Ooh! All perfect for our father-son day, Jake. Let's take a joyride to a line-dancing contest and start a pie fight." Mr. Madden said.

"Or we can do something that doesn't ruin other people's good time." Jake said back to his dad.

"You're taking a lot off the table there." Mr. Madden said, taking a sip of his coffee as a fly started to buzz around.

"Great, a fly got in. I guess this is my entertainment for the day." Amy said, picking up the spatula on the table and standing up, starting to try and hit the fly.

"Amy, stop! It's me, Colby! I shape-shifted into a fly, and I've been stuck ever since." Colby said, landing on Amy's shoulder, making her stop.

"So you're still gross, but now you have wings." Amy said, looking at the small insect on her shoulder.

"Pretty much." Colby replied.

"Wait, you're a fly now? Then why have I been talking to this oven mitt all morning?" Mr. Madden walked over to Amy, holding up an oven mit.

"We just thought you were losing it." Amy looked at her dad.

"And I'm nice now, so I didn't want to say anything." Jake said as Mr. Madden looked at him.

"Morning." Mrs. Madden walked into the kitchen as Mr. Madden walked out, oven mit, and coffee in hand.

"Hey, Mom, what are you all dressed up for?" Amy asked as mrs. Madden grabbed a coffee cup out of the cupboard.

"Well, I'm going to the community job fair at your school. Mama's gonna join the workforce!" Mrs. Madden said excitingly.

"Why do you want a job? I mean, I get the money part, but don't they make you work, too?" Amy asked, confused.

"Everyone in the family has found a place in this new life except me. I mean, you all go to school, your father's a substitute teacher... I used to be third in command of all villains." Mrs. Madden said.

"And now I spend my day building castles out of tortilla chips. Spoiler alert: The drawbridge is my mouth." Mrs. Madden said, pulling a lid off on a plate on the counter to show a castle of tortilla chips. She wasn't joking when she said that.

"Good for you getting a job. Bad for whoever you work for, but good for you!" Hartley said, getting up and poking mrs. Maddens shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're finally getting out there. I'm sure you'll do great." I said, pushing off of the counter and sitting down where Hartley was just at, beside jake.

"I'm glad you feel that way because you three are coming with me." Mrs. Madden said, looking at me, Hartley, and amy making me look at her confused.

"For moral support?" Amy asked, confused.

"No. To show me where your silly little school is." Mrs. Madden huffed a laugh. She looked around when she heard a buzz.

"Is that a fly?" She huffed out a laugh. "I'll get him!" She said, chasing after with her electric powers flickering, making all of our eyes widen.

"Wait, mrs. Madden, don't!" I said, getting up and chasing after her.

"Wait, Mom, no!" Amy yelled, following after her, too. "That's Colby!"

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