Chapter 4 Storm I met a gossip woman, and I was really fanning the flames.

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On the second day, although Ning An's leg injury looked terrible, fortunately, it didn't hurt that much.

Before Ning An went to the field, he took a bag of beans picked in the morning into the house.

"Zian, do you want to pinch these?" The beans were pinched off the head and tail, pulling off the shreds on both sides, so that the taste would be better.

"Well, let's blanch after pinching."

This Wu Zijin knows that raw beans should be cooked in boiling water, and then dried or frozen. Such beans can be stored for a long time, and the taste is different from that of raw beans after cooking.

However, their family is very poor in this summer, where does the ice come from? Thinking about it, Ning'an could only dry the blanched beans and store them.

Wu Zijin suddenly found something he could do to help Ning An.

"Zian, give me all the beans. I'll pinch for you."

"No need." Ning An shook his head.

Even if Wu Zijin could pinch beans, he couldn't blanch them. Might as well have done it all at once.

"Zian, there's no need to blanch them. Give me the scissors, and I'll cut them into shredded beans, and dry them to save them. They're delicious."

Wu Zijin knew what Ning An was thinking. It turns out that Wu Zijin just doesn't touch the water with his fingers, what would he do? No wonder Ning An was worried.

"Be obedient, trust me once." Wu Zijin didn't mind coaxing Ning An like this.

Ning An paused, and a layer of pink crept up his cheeks quietly.

Obedient... This is clearly used to coax children.

But looking at Wu Zijin's doting eyes, Ning An still compromised spinelessly.

Until Ning An went out with a hoe, Wu Zijin was smiling in the room to let him not be too tired. He was still annoyed why he compromised?

"Huh? The husband of the Wu family is here?" Ning'an Road ran into the neighbor's Aunt Chen.

"Yo, look at this little face, it doesn't hurt. What's wrong? Your son Jin has changed his temper?" Aunt Chen is a typical gossip woman, and she doesn't feel comfortable not prying into other people's private affairs.

"Aunt Chen, what's the matter with you?" Ning An didn't like Aunt Chen.

Aunt Chen loves to gossip behind others' backs. Ning An was beaten by Wu Zijin many times, and she was the one who fanned the flames from behind.

Said that he was indiscreet and flirting with the men in the village. She also shamelessly seduced unmarried men in the village.

If it wasn't for the sake of beating Ning An to death, no one would give him a long job as a slave. Wu Zijin beat Ning An to death long ago.

"Hey, hello! Look at your violent temper! What's the matter? Isn't your man going to divorce you? Accumulate some virtue before the divorce?" Aunt Chen said in a strange way.

Ning An didn't want to talk to her anymore. This kind of person, the more you tell her, the more endless she will be.

"Hey, stop! I haven't finished talking yet! Stop!" Ning Anli ignored her and left, which made Aunt Chen very angry.

It's just that this kind of person gets better and better. Just ignore it, she still can't control her broken mouth.

When Ning An thought it was nothing serious, when he didn't tell Wu Zijin, he thought it was unnecessary. Here comes the storm.

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