Chapter 28 Black Hand, Someone is behind the scenes.

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Zhaoxiao came and went suddenly like this. Ning An and Wu Zijin naturally acted as if he had never appeared before, and were still doing what they were supposed to do.

Ning An continued to do odd jobs in the medical center. And Wu Zijin went to Zuihe Building to work.

Of course, before that, he first went to Brother Ming.

There is no other reason, the main reason is that Brother Ming asked Mu Wei to bring him news.

Tell him that Zhaoxiao approached me, Brother Ming, and gave him a lot of benefits. After all, this benefit was only granted for Ning An's sake, so he came to ask Wu Zijin if he wanted to have this benefit as well.

Wu Zijin refused without hesitation.

The arrival of Zhaoxiao cannot be said to have no impact on their lives.

At least it had an impact on Wu Zijin, he gave him more fighting spirit.

He will rely on his own efforts to climb up to the high place as soon as possible and give Ning An a good life. In this way, even if Zhaoxiao finds him again in the future, Ning An is not something he can take away as he says he can.

Maybe it was because he was holding his breath, or maybe it was machismo, in short, he didn't want to accept Zhaoxiao's help and benefits.

He will support Ning An by himself.

Brother Ming didn't expect Wu Zijin to agree, he just came in advance to communicate with Wu Zijin.

He didn't want to hide it, after all, they were in a cooperative relationship now.

After solving these matters, Wu Zijin naturally went to Zuihelou. Not to mention, he ran into trouble on the first day there.

"Come on, kid. Tell me about the sauce you made earlier?" Su Song, who was waiting early in the morning, caught Wu Zijin and didn't let go.

But Su Song's apprentice stood aside and looked at him helplessly. That helpless look also signaled Wu Zijin to take care of him.

After all, Su Song is also a senior. No matter what happens, Wu Zijin has to take care of it, right?

Who knew that Su Song would never end this burden. From morning to night, he has been getting better at cooking for Wu Zijin to eat, and then asked him if he had any better suggestions for his own cooking.

To be honest, Wu Zijin's stomach was so full that he couldn't hold on.

In the end, the apprentice who was suing couldn't see it anymore, so he dragged him away by force. Only then did Wu Zijin escape a section.

It's a pity that when he went home that night, Wu Zijin watched Ning An eating the whole time. No, he was so stuffed that he felt like throwing up just looking at the meal, let alone eating it.

This worried Ning An badly. Wu Zijin also felt sorry for Ning An who was always worried about him, and finally vowed that no matter what Su Song said or how much he pestered him, he would never try it again!

Besides, the only good thing about Su Song pestering him all the time to ask him to give his opinion is that the people above this Zuihe building all acquiesced to Wu Zijin's cooking skills.

Wu Zijin was also able to cook by himself as soon as the audit was completed.

It is important to know that many chefs who have just finished the review were hired by other chefs at the beginning.

Even Su Song's closed disciple is no exception.

The main reason is that the two hands that Wu Zijin showed at the beginning were really amazing. Especially the roasted whole lamb and hand meat.

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