Chapter 25 Ning An's life experience.

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Because it was about Ning'an's safety, Wu Zijin forced himself to find time to talk to Zhaoxiao on the day of the assessment.

"You still have a heart." This is Zhao Xiao's opening sentence, and Wu Zijin's forehead twitches when he hears it.

Seriously, what's the matter with the tone of this parent's speech when inspecting his son-in-law?

"Tell me, who are you? What's your purpose?" Wu Zijin didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he said directly.

"Me?" Zhaoxiao bent her lips.

"I am Brother Zi'an's younger brother, the youngest son of the current emperor, Prince An." Zhao Xiao unhurriedly dropped a heavy bomb, which made Wu Zijin dizzy for a while.

"What did you say?" Wu Zijin's face was calm even though his heart was overwhelmed.

He didn't show timidity either, and he absolutely couldn't be cowardly at this time. In case of cowardice, maybe the daughter-in-law will not be able to keep her.

"You should have heard what I said clearly, so I don't need to repeat it again." Zhaoxiao ignored Wu Zijin's words.

"So, what do you want to do? Are you going to take Zi'an away?" Wu Zijin became a little wary.

If this person wanted to take Zi'an away, he would fight him desperately.

"Of course—no." Zhao Xiao deliberately elongated his voice, and after appreciating Wu Zijin's uneasy expression with great interest, he said the second half of the sentence.

Wu Zijin subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you know? In fact, I really want to beat you up." Zhao Xiao leaned on the railing and looked at Wu Zijin, saying with a bad expression.

"When I was very young, I thought that in the future my elder brother must find someone who loves him and loves him, but you hurt him." Even if those things happened in the past, they are unforgivable.

"I know." Wu Zijin did not refute.

Although these were all done by the former Wu Zijin, they are also true.

"But Brother Zi'an likes you so much now, I can't deal with you for the time being. But let me tell you, you must treat him well, otherwise I will never let you go." Zhao Xiao didn't say a few words, but put down A lot of harsh words.

But Wu Zijin didn't take him as a deaf ear, he believed that this person would do what he said.

After all, the fierceness in this person's eyes cannot be deceiving.

"As long as you know."

"Tell me about you, and about Zi'an." Wu Zijin would never let go of any chance to learn about Ning'an's past.

"..." Zhao Xiao thought for a while.

This person is the closest person to Brother Zi'an, and I really want to tell him some things. After all, Brother Zi'an will depend on him to take care of him in the future.

The situation in the capital is changing too fast, he can't leave for too long, so there are some things that must be made known to him.

"This was said a long time ago." Zhao Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, lost in memory.

Zhaoxiao and Ning'an are not from the same mother.

According to the ranking, Ning An is the second elder brother of the current emperor, and his mother is the old emperor's favorite concubine.

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