Chapter 27 Mo You He is Ning An, the daughter-in-law of the Wu family.

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Just as Ning An would no longer hide his physical ailments from Wu Zijin, Wu Zijin would also not hide anything from Ning An.

But it is not suitable to talk about things at the dinner table, which will affect appetite. So while Wu Zijin was staring at the joy of eating fried chicken, he didn't even care about Ning An's doting chuckle when he looked up.

While secretly thinking about how to tell Ning An about this matter.

Wu Zijin's tangled look naturally did not escape Ning An's eyes.

So he thought of a way to make his husband stop thinking about it and eat well.

So, Ning An took a chicken leg and handed it to Wu Zijin's mouth.

"Husband, ah—" You must know that this kind of embarrassing action is rare for Ning An to do once in a century.

So Wu Zijin didn't even think about it, "Aww~", he grabbed it in one bite, and then chewed...

At the end of chewing, Wu Zijin didn't know what he was thinking just now, he only knew that he was going to feed his wife.

So the two of you feed me and I feed you, from time to time gently rubbing away the food dregs from each other's mouths, smiling and thinking that each other is cute.

"Husband, I want to drink mung bean soup." Ning An couldn't help but want to drink mung bean soup after being fed by her husband.

Today I have fried chicken, which is oily and watery. Ning An couldn't help but drink mung bean soup cup after cup, after all, it relieved greasy.

"I can't drink any more, I've already drank four bowls." Wu Zijin pinched the tip of Ning An's nose, rejecting Ning An's request.

You must know that Ning An's bowl is the largest in the family, even Wu Zijin's own bowl is a bit smaller than Ning An's bowl.

Hey, being able to eat is a blessing. Wu Zijin rubbed the flesh growing on Ning An's body.

Well, although it's not as touching as it used to be, it's still not as fleshy.

Wu Zijin made up his mind, he must make Ning An chubby~

Ning An naturally didn't know what was going on in Wu Zijin's mind, his mind was full of how to get his husband to give him another bowl of mung bean soup.

"Husband~ Good husband, I'll just drink one bowl, just one bowl~" Ning An pouted slightly, grabbed Wu Zijin's sleeve and tugged lightly.

He even used it to act like a baby!

"Pfft~" I'm sorry, he actually didn't want to laugh, but he really couldn't help it. Hahahaha hiccup...

Wu Zijin laughed until he hiccupped.

It's true that other people's little brothers are always pouting their lips to show cuteness when they act like a baby, and their eyes are full of stars, making people wish they could pick them all up for him.

As a result, his brother~

Have you ever seen a tiger laugh? Is there anything scary?

His family, Ning An, acted coquettishly, with a murderous look on his face, and his eyes were full of desire to swallow life alive.

If outsiders saw this, they would think that Ning An wanted to beat Wu Zijin to death.

However, hahahaha "Daughter-in-law, why are you so cute!" Wu Zijin held Ning An's face in his hands, and kissed and kissed hard on those pale lips.

"You're still laughing!" Ning An blushed, and he glared angrily at his smiling husband.

He naturally knew that he couldn't act like a baby, and he couldn't imitate the cuteness of other brothers. But his husband is too shameless!

Humph, he's angry! It takes a bowl of mung bean soup to calm down!

"Daughter-in-law, I also want to drink a bowl of mung bean soup." Wu Zijin smiled and asked his little husband who was a little angry.

"No." Ning An refused without even thinking about it.

"Husband, you just said that you are full and can't drink any more. Besides, husband, you have already drank so much soup today, and you will be poisoned by water." If you are poisoned by water, your body will be poisoned. swollen.

As soon as Ning An involved Wu Zijin, he couldn't stop. But Wu Zijin looked at Ning An who couldn't stop talking with a smile.

"So husband is not allowed to drink any more, not even a bowl." After Ning An finished speaking, a pair of dark eyes stared at Wu Zijin closely, as if to say again, "Husband, be good and be obedient." '

Wu Zijin didn't say anything, just looked at Ning An with a smile.

Ning An paused, a blush slowly crept up to the tips of his ears.

It's over, and my husband walked in. Well, his mung bean soup...

Husband is too bad!

After finally realizing that her husband had tricked him to give up that bowl of mung bean soup, Ning An turned into a big ice cube.

Stern and sulking.

Of course, he was angry that he was caught in it so easily, why did he feel that he was getting more and more stupid?

Who knows that Ning An is such a simple and good boy, how can he get around Wu Zijin who has been making jokes with his colleagues for more than ten years?

"Okay, don't be angry. I'll make it for you tomorrow, and I'll make you a lot." Wu Zijin couldn't help pampering Ning An's temples.

"Really? Then it's settled?" Ning An burst into a smile when he heard that.

Wu Zijin smiled lightly and stroked Ning An's hair. His little husband is so easy to satisfy, he can make him laugh even if he makes something for himself, baby is not good.

However, the same is true for Ning An, the more he can't help pampering him. Those who want to pamper him unscrupulously, want to pamper him to the sky.

While tilting her head obediently to let her husband caress her hair, Ning An also thought in her heart that the current atmosphere is just right for her husband to tell what he is hiding.

"By the way, husband. What did you want to tell me earlier?" Ning An raised his eyes to look at his husband, pretending to know nothing.

What should come will always come, Wu Zijin took a deep breath. He believed in Ning An, so even if Ning An knew about his background, he would not leave him.

Wu Zijin believed so firmly.

"I had a talk with Zhaoxiao today..." Wu Zijin told him everything he had learned from Zhaoxiao.

Ning listened quietly, without showing a hint of what he already knew.

After Wu Zijin finished speaking, he looked at the silent Ning An with some worry and anxiety.

"Sasha—" The wind blew the leaves, and the yard was silent.

Neither of the two spoke, but their hearts were turbulent.

Wu Zijin's heart was full of 'what should I do? Zi'an doesn't speak or pay attention to me, he won't be angry, right? Or did he want to find Zhaoxiao? ! No, no, Zi'an won't leave me! '

But Ning An thought maliciously, 'Well, this restless look of your husband is so cute, really cute. Although I don't want my husband to worry anymore, but I can't bear to see her cute appearance, I can't help but want to tease him~'

"Husband..." After an unknown amount of time, Ning An raised his head and opened his mouth.

"Yeah." Wu Zijin subconsciously sat up straight in an instant, and sat upright, waiting for Ning An's next words.

"I'm Ning An, just a farmer in a small village, just the daughter-in-law of the Wu family." Ning An smiled heartily.

Wu Zijin felt hot in his heart.

Yes, this person is just his daughter-in-law. As for the rest, what does it matter to them?

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