Chapter 7 Entering the County Go to the county to sell side dishes.

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As the saying goes, "It's hard for a good woman to cook without rice." Wu Zijin is a famous chef who can't cook without talent.

Wu Zijin's legs can go a long way, so he naturally put the matter of making money on the agenda.

Wu Zijin lost his father since childhood, and has a sick mother. So he didn't go to school, and finally worked as a small worker with an old cook, and slowly learned the skill of cooking.

Before that, he also went to the construction site to make money as a worker, went to the countryside as a hawker, and worked as a carpenter's helper.

Over the years, Shengsheng has honed him a good way of working.

The Wu family had a dilapidated ox cart. After the old ox died, the cart was put in a corner of the courtyard and never been taken care of again.

Wu Zijin looked at the small wooden cart, thought for a while and changed it into a cart.

He wanted to go to the county to sell some cold side dishes first.

There is nothing in his house, only the fungus and mushrooms he picked from the mountains.

Originally, Ning An also grew vegetables in his own yard, but before that idiot Wu Zijin put pigs into the vegetable garden and ruined all the good vegetables.

For this reason, he also said that Ning An was not worthy of the food, and that this food might as well be given to pigs.

"Made, mentally retarded." Wu Zijin couldn't help cursing secretly.

Did God make Wu Zijin with his eyes closed? Didn't give him a pair of good eyes and let him treat Ning An as a piece of trash?

It's still like what modern netizens say, God sprinkled wisdom all over the world, but that Wu Zijin held an umbrella! Have no brains!

Wu Zijin couldn't complain about the guy with the same name as him. Forget it, he's still doing his job.

Wu Zijin is still a little raw after not tossing the carpenter's work for many years.

But fortunately, the ox cart was not big, and it took him a whole morning to finish it.

When Ning An came back at noon, Wu Zijin had already prepared the meal.

Soak the dried fungus in water, tear it into small pieces and put it in a basin.

Chop garlic, shallots and millet peppers and put them in a bowl for later use.

Boil the water, pour a pot of soaked fungus into the boiling water and cook for four to five minutes.

At this time, Wu Zijin started to adjust the cold sauce.

Vinegar, soy sauce, salt and sugar, no sesame oil for seasoning. This is Wu Zijin's greatest regret.

Rinse the cooked fungus with cold water until it cools down, this kind of fungus is more crispy to eat.

After that, Wu Zijin worriedly washed it again with the cold boiled water at home.

He was mainly afraid that Ning An would eat raw water.

In fact, ever since Wu Zijin came, he strictly forbade Ning An to drink raw water.

It's okay to drink cold water, Wu Zijin will dry enough boiled water for him every day.

Ning An's body is too weak, and he has been tortured for so many years. On the surface, the five big and three thick ones look very strong, but in fact they are full of problems.

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