Chapter 41 Steamed Buns!

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As the saying goes: Spring is sleepy and autumn is exhausted, summer is dozing.

But now his wife is going to hibernate!

Wu Zijin scratched his head, since a few days ago, his wife always dozed off. Always look like he can't wake up.

Wu Zijin feels sorry for him, don't he have some kind of problem?

This is not a little bear, nor a little frog, how can it still hibernate?

Although these days are particularly comfortable, there is no work to do, and no one bothers.

Coupled with the fact that they are so idle here and have no special entertainment, it can only be said that sleeping is the best way.

But you can't sleep like this!

In the past, Wu Zijin's cooking was almost a gust of wind in Ning'an, and he ate it up with chopsticks without stopping.

But now, look, look!

Wu Zijin patted his wife with a broken heart, "Bao'er, open your eyes, the food is almost in your nose."

"Hmm..." Ning An opened his eyes in pain.

I'm so sleepy, I really want to sleep...

"Hey, I'll go!" Wu Zijin quickly caught Ning An who had suddenly fallen asleep.

Did you faint from sleepiness? ! right? Absolutely!

Wu Zijin carried the man back to the house, lit a charcoal fire for Ning An, and warmed up the house.

It has been snowing heavily for the past few days and the roads have been blocked. Dr. Lin from the village went to the county to look for Dr. Mu a while ago, but he hasn't come back yet.

Wu Zijin touched his daughter-in-law's cheek worriedly.

I didn't see Ning An having a headache or fever, and he ate as usual, and there was no discomfort on his body.

However, it's not a problem to sleep extravagantly all the time.

Wu Zijin looked at the sky outside. It's cloudy again, and I'm afraid it will snow again.

It looks like the car won't be able to go. Really, Wu Zijin thought that when the weather cleared up and the sun was not cold, he would take Ning An to the county.

If Ning An fell asleep on the way, he could still carry him on his back. If there is sunshine on a sunny day, if Ning An wears more clothes, he won't be too cold.

"Husband..." Ning An, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly babbled.

Wu Zijin was startled, and quickly looked over with a baby.

Red cheeks, slightly raised lips. It looks like smiling in a dream, what kind of dream is this?

"You annoying little guy, sleep well, my husband, I'm having a hard time~" Wu Zijin couldn't help but lowered his head and bit Ning An's nose.

"Hmm..." Ning An snorted uncomfortably in his sleep.

I hate it, he was joking with her husband. Who, come to disturb him at this time, why is it so annoying?

Ning An, who was in a sleepy sleep, couldn't tell whether he was in a dream or not, and just kept acting coquettish and complaining.

However, he was still asleep after all, and he didn't show much.

Wu Zijin sighed, his wife didn't eat much of the meal.

This can't work, there must be something else for him.

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