Chapter 5 Rumors

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This day was simply Ning An's nightmare.

Wu Zijin's preaching soon made him drowsy, but Wu Zijin would always wake him up just before he fell asleep.

After repeating this several times, Ning An finally collapsed.

"Oh, I was wrong, I shouldn't have kept it from you! If someone bullies me in the future, I will definitely tell you!" Ning An's eyes were red, and there was a cry in his voice.

"Husband, please forgive me. I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep!" Ning An almost cried out from the collapse.

In the past, when he fell asleep while listening to the lecture, Wu Zijin would never wake him up again and forced him to listen.

Who knows what happened this time? He was wrong, can we not punish him? Ning An was wronged, very wronged.

"It's good to know that you're wrong, it's up to you next time." Wu Zijin hugged Ning An, and gently patted Ning An's back.

It quickly calmed Ning An's emotions and made him fall into a deep sleep.

Wu Zijin also felt sorry for Ning An, but he couldn't do without punishment. Today he was scolded and ridiculed but he was not told.

Then if he was beaten tomorrow, wouldn't he tell him?

Wu Zijin didn't allow Ning An to be bullied where he couldn't see it, and even swallowed his anger.

So he wanted Ning An to remember this deeply, and he didn't dare to hide the fact that he was bullied outside, so he had to give him a severe punishment.

But even if he fights, he is reluctant to fight. Scolding, but also reluctant to scold. That's the only way to think of such a loss.

This trick was learned from his drunken Xue Zhen.

As soon as Xue Zhen was drunk, he caught him and gave him a lecture. He was so sleepy that he fell asleep, and Xue Zhen woke him up to continue talking.

The feeling of being so sleepy that you want to pass out, but being forced to wake up and unable to sleep is so fucking. Because of this, Wu Zijin did not hurt Xue Zhen.

Wu Zijin rubbed Ning An's thin back and sighed deeply.

This time his little husband has a long memory.

Wu Zijin treated Ning An very well these days when he came here. No one beat or scolded, and Ning An's energy improved.

Although she is still pitifully thin, her face is still sallow, and the skin on her body is also rough. But everything will be fine.

Wu Zijin held Ning An's hand, and kissed the thick cocoon tenderly.

Brothers from other people's families are treated like flowers and carefully raised.

The treasure of their family is the grass on the side of the road, broken by the wind and dust.

Every dime Ning An earned, every copper coin, was given to Wu Zijin to gamble, and they were careful to support their family.

He was also reluctant to buy some delicious food, and he was also reluctant to use a little hand cream and balm.

Wu Zijin held him in his arms, and rubbed away his frowning brows when he fell asleep.

Not long after he shared the bed with Ning An, he discovered that Ning An would have nightmares at night.

Every time Ning An yelled, "Don' hurts, I will make money...don't fight..."

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