Chapter 33 His husband, Neri, is actually a little boy.

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Ning An was called to fight that day, and instead of a gang fight, he turned into a unilateral beating of the five strong men on the opposite side!

Ning An was drinking medicine in the yard at first, but a stone tied with cloth was suddenly thrown in front of him.

As soon as Ning An looked up, he saw a bearded man lying on the wall of his house looking at him provocatively.

"Hey, ugly, come out! Grandpa needs you for something!" The man's face was wretched, and the words he said were not very nice.

Ning An calmly took out a pair of iron gloves that his husband gave him from the blacksmith a few days ago.

Saying that gloves don't fit well, this thing has blunt spikes at each knuckle.

The thorns are thick enough not to puncture blood. But being yelled at must be painful.

And his husband thoughtfully asked the blacksmith to put a layer of soft leather inside the gloves.

Such a reverse force will not hurt Ning An, let alone cause him too much pain.

Of course, the premise of pain is that Ning An hit someone hard enough to break that person's bones. For example, large bones such as arm bones and leg bones.

Ning An is not a quick-tempered person, but he likes to settle things all at once.

So he made an appointment with those five men by Jun Lake.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The bone breaking sound of "click" accompanied by the man's scream sounded in the deserted corner of Junhu Lake.

Those guys regretted it a bit, they shouldn't have thought about doing it in a place where no one was around.

dying! If anyone could, they could shout for help! Let someone rescue them!

Even, they are willing to send them to the government!

"Don't come here, don't...don't kill me!" The bearded man who had provoked Ning An before hugged his limp and broken arm, and backed away in fear.

This person is a ghost, a monster! He is no ordinary dude at all!

That damned woman lied to them!

The bearded man gritted his teeth angrily. If he could go back alive, he would definitely not let that damned woman go!

"I know who sent you here." It wasn't long before Ning An came to this county, and the only person who didn't deal with him was Liu Xiu'er?

"I don't like people playing tricks behind their backs, do you understand?" Ning An sat down on a rock and looked coldly at the miserable people lying sideways on the ground.

"Understood! We will not let that woman go, please spare our lives!" The leading man was sweating profusely.

His cold sweat was entirely due to the pain in his arm, and the fact that Ning An's power was too overwhelming.

"Get out." Ning An said two words lightly, indicating that they can get out.

"Thank you, thank you...thank you." Several men ran away scrambling.

In a good mood, Ning An patted the dirt on his body, hummed a little tune and walked back.

That's great, this is the end of the matter. Ah, finally don't bother.

Ning An walked leisurely back here, while those men in a panic over there were planning how to deal with that dead woman Liu Xiu'er.

"Didn't that dead woman say that this guy is a jerk? How the hell is he a jerk? Damn it, he's tougher than that mace!" The leading man held his arms and grinned, and couldn't help scolding.

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