Chapter 21: The Wild Pigeon

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The next day, when Wu Zijin went to Zuihelou for assessment, Mu Wei didn't come again.

Presumably it was Brother Ming who held him back, otherwise Wu Zijin was really afraid that Mu Wei would follow him and ask him to teach him how to cook.

The progress of the second day was no different from that of the first day. Wu Zijin felt that he should focus on tomorrow's roast whole lamb.

But Wu Zijin thought that since the ketchup came out, he would eat a hot pot when he went back tonight.

The hot pot and tomato pot happened to call Ming Geer and Mu Wei together.

If possible, this hot pot base can also be made in batches for takeaway.

"Zian, the medical center is closed today and doesn't accept patients, you can go out and look around." The old servant of the medical center came over to Ning An and said to Ning An when he was arranging herbs.

"Well, I see. Thank you, Uncle Wang, for letting me know." Ning An's hands kept moving, and he finished tidying up just by the last bit. Wait for him to clean up before he goes out to have a look.

"It's okay." The old servant waved his hand. He liked this child very much. He was capable, able to endure hardships, and had a good temper.

"By the way, this is your salary. Doctor Mu asked me to give it to you." The old servant handed over thirty Wen to Ning An.

Dr. Mu also thought that Ning An had just arrived in the county, and he probably didn't have much money on him, plus Dr. Lin's instructions, so he paid him his wages in advance.

Furthermore, Shang Ning'an's hands and feet are nimble, and this job is especially on Dr. Hemu's mind. In this way, Dr. Mu also wanted Ning An to spend more time with him, after all, the old servant was too old to do some tasks.

"Thank you." Ning An also knew what Dr. Mu was thinking, so he took it without hesitation.

Originally, he didn't have the idea of using his own salary to pay for the medicine, and he didn't need to think about it to know that the medicine was much more than his own salary.

Ning An didn't want to take advantage of others, and he wasn't that cheeky either.

Furthermore, if Doctor Mu cured him, what would it matter if he stayed here for a while longer?

Moreover, his husband couldn't find a suitable place to accommodate the two of them in this county for a while, so staying here saved a lot of trouble.

But to be honest, after Ning An came here, except for the time his husband took him out, he really didn't go out to visit this county by himself.

When he was young, his parents didn't bring him here. In the early years, his family's situation was not good and he didn't have time to come. Furthermore, Wu Zijin at that time refused to let him come, saying that he was afraid that he would run away with the wild man shamelessly.

But now it's different.

Ning An counted the fun and beautiful things on the street, thinking about what to buy for his husband.

"Oops! You don't have eyes! You hit me!" Suddenly, a sharp scolding sound from the front interrupted Ning An's thoughts.

Ning An frowned displeased.

He managed to come up with an idea, where did the wild pheasant come from, and he forgot about it as soon as it crowed.

"Shameless Sao Hoof, do you really think you can curry favor with the young master with this vicious face? Bah! Go dreaming!" Ning An looked forward, and a brother wearing heavy makeup and wearing gold and silver was looking at him. Pointing at a beautiful brother and insulting.

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