Chapter 16 The assessment of Zuihe Building has arrived.

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"Ning An, how are you doing here?" Doctor Lin, who appeared behind Ning An at some unknown time, startled Ning An like a ghost.

"Cough, it's good." Ning An rubbed his hands uncontrollably. God knows, he almost put the dustpan in his hand on Dr. Lin's face just now.

"Ning'an, Doctor Mu has a lot of research on cold air entering the body, why don't you consider treating him?" Doctor Lin began to introduce the topic.

"Phew, it's just the cold air entering the body? It's good to be less exposed to cold in the future. How can there be any need for medical treatment?" And it's expensive.

This second half of the sentence was what Ning An wanted to say.

"Bullshit!" Dr. Lin exploded when he heard it.

"What do you mean it's not a big deal? Not to mention how many years the cold air enters your body, even your offspring will be greatly affected in the future." Doctor Lin said angrily.

"You may not even be able to conceive an heir. Do you want Wu Zijin to die? Or do you want him to marry some concubines to carry on the family line?" Dr. Lin said this in a blunt manner.

Ning An, if you don't force him, he won't take his body seriously.

In other words, he only cared about Wu Zijin, but not himself.

God knows Wu Zijin would rather Ning An care about him than himself.

Ning An turned pale all of a sudden, he really didn't expect it to be so serious.

Although Dr. Lin said before that the cold air entering his body was not good for his health, he never said that it would affect his heirs?

This was indeed what Dr. Lin had been hiding from him before. After all, Wu Zijin didn't treat Ning An well at that time, and Ning An was miserable enough to face Wu Zijin like that every day.

If he told Ning An again that he might be sterile for the rest of his life, wouldn't Ning An collapse?

Ning An knew that he was ugly and not as good-looking as other brothers, so he envied other brothers.

I want to get what those brothers have, cherish their husbands and lovely children.

If Dr. Lin told Ning An at that time, not only did he not have a husband who loved him, but he also lost the right to be a mother and father. It's strange that Ning An is not crazy.

"I didn't tell you about such a big matter because I thought you were in a difficult situation." Dr. Lin coughed dryly.

"Now that Wu Zijin has also changed, if you can't do it, go discuss it with him. See what he says."

"No! You can't tell your husband!" Ning An retorted subconsciously.

"Tsk! Tell you that you don't want to be treated, and you still want to hide such a big thing from your husband?" Dr. Lin really wanted to knock Ning An's head open to see if Ning An's head was full of pulp. paste?

"No, I will tell my husband, but not now." Ning An bit her lip.

He really didn't want her husband to worry, but this matter was not small, and her husband had done so much to make him care about his body, he couldn't live up to his husband's painstaking efforts.

But recently, his husband is busy passing the examination of Zuihelou, only for these few days, he must not be disturbed.

Ning An told Dr. Lin about this, and Dr. Lin lamented that Wu Zijin's painstaking efforts were not in vain.

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