Chapter 47 The end of the main text

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People say that time is the most unreasonable thing. When you are still holding your child's hand and teaching him to walk, time has quietly pushed him to learn to let go of your hand and go forward by himself.

"Husband, where is Qingyue?" Qingyue started making trouble with Wu Zijin early in the morning, asking him to take him to find Beibei.

"Don't mention it, that little bastard ran to other people's martial arts gym and didn't come out without saying anything." Wu Zijin helped his forehead.

"Martial arts?" Ning An put the fruit on the table.

He turned around and put his hand on his husband's, stroked his knuckles and said, "Didn't he still study medicine a few days ago?"

If you want to talk about studying medicine, it's because of Beibei.

Beibei is not in good health until now, and he has to stay at home when other children can go out to play.

Qingyue didn't understand why Beibei didn't play with them before, and he didn't know what the disease was.

Until last winter, he played in the snow so much that he got wet all over. Although Ning An changed his clothes and drank ginger soup as soon as he came back, he still caught a cold.

A little cold, don't need to make a fuss. You can get better without taking medicine.

But Qingyue remembered.

"Father, is Brother Bei Bei also feeling this bad?" Qing Yue asked Ning An with a runny nose.

"Does he want to drink something terrible like ginger soup?"

"Well, Brother Beibei will feel worse than you when he is sick, and the medicine he takes is worse than the ginger soup you drink." Ning An patted his silly son's head.

"Ah?" Qing Yue was speechless.

No one thought it was just this little cold, but Qingyue made up his mind to study medicine.

"I must cure Beibei brother." Tong Yan said without fear, but no one took it to heart.

It's just very gratifying, even Mu Wei finds this little devil pleasing to the eye.

But one little one secretly remembered this sentence.

I dug a hole in my heart, buried it, and watered it, just waiting for it to germinate and become a tree for shade. For him to hide a heart underneath.

"Who knows." Wu Zijin sighed.

This little devil never gave him peace of mind for a single day.

Complaining like this, Wu Zijin's smile spread.

"Then Qingyue won't be left in the martial arts hall by you, right?" Ning An knew Wu Zijin's temperament well.

"Stay there." Wu Zijin grabbed Ning An and made him sit on his lap.

"If he really made up his mind and is not afraid of suffering, I will let him go. If he just said that he is not afraid of suffering, I will not let him go."

After all, he is very talented in medical skills, and he is serious about studying.

Wu Zijin didn't want his son to focus on two things.

"Ask him when you have time, why do you want to learn martial arts again?" Wu Zijin hugged his wife and said with closed eyes.

"Probably because of Beibei." Ning An guessed.

Qingyue is really kind to Beibei, and he just looks for him.

Qingyue is very active, but she can stay in the room for Beibei for a whole day.

"That kid Beibei is really nice." Wu Zijin said with a smile.

"I have to say, Brother Ming and the others raised that child very well."

I don't know if it's because the two cubs recognize each other or what. All in all thinking of each other.

Qingyue went to study medicine for Beibei, but Beibei studied business for Qingyue.

"Four Seasons Ping An" entered the capital, and their wine became an imperial merchant. And Mu Wei's family business, which will have two children to take care of it in the future.

Qingyue hated these things, so Beibei carried them without hesitation.

They all asked Beibei, and said that if he didn't like it, they could let Qingyue learn it.

"No, I'm not in good health, so I happen to be studying at home. Qingyue doesn't like these things, uncle, so don't make things difficult for him."

Beibei is only eight years old, but he is much more mature than Qingyue.

"Looks like this, our plan to go out and play in mountains and rivers can be advanced." Wu Zijin rubbed his chin and smiled wretchedly.

I was finally able to leave everything behind and go out for a walk.

"So early? Qingyue is only nine years old." Ning An was worried about his son.

"Well, let's go for a few months in the past few years, and then when Qingyue is fifteenth, we will go out completely, go to the north and south, and see the mountains."

Ning An was still a little hesitant, Wu Zijin saw this and said: "There is Mu Wei and the others here, there is no problem. And Beibei is a powerful character, no one can hurt Qingyue with him."

"Well... that's fine." Ning An was indeed very moved.

Over the years, my husband has been developing the restaurant business just to give Beibei a good bride price. Let his son, that elm lump, not lose face when he gets married.

They don't really spend much time together.

After all, Ning An is a brother, he wants his husband to be with him all the time.

So, Kiyoshi... sorry.

Parents still didn't resist your father's temptation.

So much so that for many years to come, Qingyue would comment on his father in this way.

"Fox! Old fox! An old fox who cheats his son and daughter-in-law!"


However, a certain brother who was successfully persuaded was leaning safely in his husband's arms, looking at the green willows and embankments by the roadside, watching the grass grow and the warblers flying, and watching the red clouds spread over the sky.

Look back at your own dependence.

There was a happy smile on the handsome face, like a red tent warming the candle, when the gongs and drums were beating that night, when the red sedan chair entered the door.

That smile wiped away the bitterness of the first half of life, and told the sweetness of the second half of life.

"Husband, never leave the white head." Ning An held Wu Zijin's hand, not knowing how to express his affection.

"Well, I will never leave." The rough guy has spent most of his life, and it is rare for him to have a taste for literature and art at this moment.

Not delicate and not pretentious, two words, will be for life.

The warbler sings in the distance and the willows are green, and the warm spring breeze makes people slightly drunk.

However, he also feels in a daze that there is tenderness everywhere in this world...

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