16. Rescuing a Damsel in Distress

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She went downstairs to his room. He just got out from shower and the manly scent from his bath was comforting. She strode to him and lifted the tablet in front of him.

"I got an emergency."

"What emergency?"

"It will takes 26 hours." She scroll the tablet like she already predicted his question. He frowns. "Don't f*ck Chloe and lock your door." He gapes on the last sentence. He scoff and scoop her chin.

"I'll only f*ck you, okay? What emergency it is?"

"I have to make a certain company bankrupt." He laugh and she grin at him. He shook his head taking it as a joke again and she left.

He then stopped once she left. It wasn't a joke at all. He can feel it. Though she's good at expressing her face like a real actress —it was one of the things that he has to know what she is really up to.

He ate dinner with Kim and Taehyung while Jungkook is probably sulking because of girlfriend problem. He thought, how could he got a girlfriend when he rarely go out? But he's probably going out and have dating sites. Whatever it is—these triplets are weird.

"Where's Rose?" Seojin asked.

"She got a gang meeting." He and Taehyung said at the same time and they look at each other.

"Oh." Seojin didn't take it serious. Because every time Rose is absent, they will said that she's probably in gang meeting or assassinating playboys which sounds like a real joke.

Instead of going to his room, he went to the patio where Taehyung is doing complicated database on his computer while drinking his wine. He sat down in front of Taehyung and sipped on his brandy.

"So, is she really in a gang meeting?" Jimin asked and take a sip on his wine. Sunghoon laugh.

"You take it seriously?"

"Of course not." Jimin smile a little. "But I wanted to know what the three of you are up to."

"You got a very good observational skills, CEO Park." Taehyung closes his laptop and face him. "He check the CCTV of the house where Jungkook install around secretly and there wasn't anyone eavesdropping but Jungkook who install bugs around.

"If she's going to make a certain company bankrupt, is it possible?"

"Mmm." He only nods. "My sister is vicious on making a certain company bankrupt. More vicious than I am."

"So why isn't she holding the company?"

"It is my responsibility and she have her own hobbies that I have to spoil her to."

Jimin nodded understanding her finally. But he knew that something was off so he didn't asked further. He will just have to investigate on his own or just wait for her to tell him her secrets.

"We got a clan conference in three days." Jimin said. "It will be in the Old Mansion in London."

"Noted." Taehyung type on his phone. "And the engagement party will be held on the next day, the same venue?"

"Yes. That's what I plan for. But anyway, she doesn't have any objections on my preparations. Do you have any objection?"

"I'll just go with the flow." Taehyung was showing his easy-going attitude. But he was very optimistic always got a plan. He's calculative as well and that's why he's rising the company on the top.

Jimin try to call her and just he remember that she doesn't speak. Still he couldn't contact her. He also texted her that he's off to bed but he got no response.

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