77. Meant to be together

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It's the final hearing in court. Janine have her lawyer to defend her. She was sure that she wouldn't be lucky this time because of what happened in the prison. If she could say the person behind it they will lighten her sentence but she never knew there was a thick folder with a list of all her crimes.

But Rose wants to play more so maybe it's just a light sentence. Soon, the judge came and they all rise. The hearing started and Janine's lawyer present her as not guilty.

Then on the other side, Rose's rank 3 lawyer stood and present their witnesses. One drug addict—the one who was driving the truck and the other was the helper. The helper narrated all the details of what happened which made Janine frown and shout at him. Her lawyer tried everything for her to calm down.

"If you keep throwing tantrums like that—there's no way we can win this." Her lawyer mutter to her.

Rose on the other side, had her arms crossed and smirks enjoying the show. Janine, darling. There's no way you could win over me. you might have fooled my father back then—not me. I am an Kim and Hyein is my middle name. We, Hyein's never lose. She said to herself and just wished that she could say it directly to Janine.

As Jungkook stepped in to tell his tale about her step-mother. From the start until now. And that he heard her and her daughter planning how to drug his sister Sabrina and even, their lawyer provided evidence. There were few more recordings that could link her to the crimes commited. But it was lighter than she instigated to dispatch Rose.

After some moments, the judge decides that She would be jailed for 5 years. Just five years but it was enough for Rose to know that the man behind her, Francisco, would start his attack. He is now probably searching for the person behind all of these or searching for her if they have any connections to EPUA.

Jungkook and Rose are quite satisfied. The most embarrassed and ashamed person would be their father. But at this moment, their father didn't stick up for his woman. She had thought, that if their father knows what happened to their mother, he would go crazy and might killed himself.

"I'll check out the office today." Jungkook said.

Rose nodded. The building her husband gave to her was now growing step by step. Jungkook's office would move there since he's the CEO and founder of the known website that everyone are using. Her building was now corporate. She wants to grow it by her own without her husband's help or her brother. Soon, she will add the Elite Club to the building and her husband would be surprised about it since he has been trying to reach the owner.

But just before she stepped out from her car, she felt the eyes looking at her. So she turn to the Ford Ranger on the corner, tilton her head and analyzing the person inside, though the windshields were tinted. She stares at it for long and takes note of the plate number.

She gets into her Audi and drove it directly to her husband's office. Her arrival shook the employees and they greeted her with smiles. But after they turn back, they will surely start gossiping about her. She care less about those employees. the most important thing to her was her subjects not her husband's employees.

His assistant greeted and escorted her to his office.

"Mr. Park is currently in a meeting. Would you like some tea and Bavarians? Mr. Park is always prepared for your arrival." The assistant said to her with a cheerful smile. She smile a little and nodded.

After she sat down on the couch, she couldn't help but smile at the affection her husband is giving her though he was away from her. She sigh happily and flip through the pages of the magazine that is about business.

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