58. Elite Red Room as a Bulle

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Taehyung's launching to the Elite Red Room in the Seoul become viral in now's business. The Elite Bar Corporation was known as strict bar that banned drugs and illegal transactions inside. Taehyung was also laughing as he celebrate it with his wife on his arms. He was on the Presidential Suit of the Elite Red Room Club naked and was just done from love making with his wife.

"Congrats, but is it really okay that I am here?" She asked as she eat her nachos.

"Yes, of course. I don't want to leave you in the house alone." She snuggle on him and wipe off her fingers.

"I'll be back to work tomorrow." She said lazy. "I feel lazy."

"You don't have to work." She pouted at him. "Baby. I can always give you work. Only when I am home." She laugh on what he said and he put away the food and the wine as he move between her legs. "My baby, when you get pregnant, I suggest that you resign."

"Taehyung." She weans. She doesn't want to resign and wait for him on the house every day. She could take care of him and at the same time, be pregnant and then work. "I don't know what to do without work."

"I know what you can do. Go shopping, do whatnot in the house, oh, we should pick our new house by the way." She crease her brows a little.

"But we have a house..."

"I don't want to raise my kids in a condo. I want them where they can run around." She smile on what he said.

"Really? Then, let's pick a house with a big yard." She agreed.

He enter her, making her moan loudly. She wrapped her arms around him automatically. Receiving the pleasurable pain that he's giving until it turns into a pure sensuality and she gave the same the same passion.

Their nigh was full of passionate celebration and both of them had wake up late. She crammed on giving him enough attention. His clothes, his coffee and his documents.

"Baby, I am fine. You dress up now so I could drop you to your office."

"But don't you have appointments?"

"Nothing is more important than my wife." He kisses her lips.

She immediately pick something to wear and they left the condo. She put cream and lipstick on the car while he was driving. He keep glancing at her direction. She's blooming. But it isn't the time yet to know if she was pregnant. He feel so excited just thinking about it.

"Tonight, let's see our house. If you don't like it, I could find another." He intertwine his fingers with her. She smile beautifully and admire the ring on his finger that holds the steering wheel.

"My home is you so anything are perfect for me, as long as you are the head of our house."

"I like it." He smile and kisses her hand."

He open the car door for her, in front of the building and kisses her lips.

"You have to eat your breakfast." She told him.

"You have to eat your breakfast as well."

"I have to wake up early so I can make our breakfast and see you eat." He smiled and lovingly touch her face.

"You don't have to."

"I am your wife. I am responsible." Her words always makes his heart go crazy. She always drive him crazy.

"Okay, go now. I love you." She tiptoe and kiss his lips as a response.

He watch her enter the office and he was relieved. Then he went to his office and with a beautiful mood, he manage the work. Everyone aren't scared of him anymore. But the scarier was his sister so they are fully relieved that she's in Singapore though she rarely visit the company.

He texted her that he's going to pick her up at six-thirty in the evening. He finish few of his work and got out at exactly six-five and because of the traffic, it took him twenty five minutes until he reach the office. But when he got there, he called her immediately but she's not answering so maybe she's still inside. He open the message and the last text was her reply about him picking her up.

He keep calling her until he couldn't reach her. There's a sudden panic in his heart and he as the security guard about her. He even called Secretary Jing to give him permission to review the CCTV. She got out from the office at six fifteen and waited outside.

She then walk over to the café and after she had bought her drink, a black car stopped in front of her and then she disappear. His heart is pounding and his fist clenches.

"Sir, I'll call the city to run a full CCTV review and track the car." Secretary Jing said. He nodded. He was calm yet he look so dangerous.

He pull out his phone and alert the agents. He wanted to smack himself. If he didn't forget about giving her a body guard this wouldn't happen. EPUA was in red alert since it was their boss's wife. The second boss.

Jungkook flew immediately from Japan to thailand and he access all of the CCTV around the area and outside the area until they found a lead. How dare they kidnapped Kim Taehhyung's wife? Instead of Taehyung going home to their condo, he went to the mansion and Seojin questioned him about his mood.

"What happened?" Seojin asked like a real father would.

"Jennie got kidnapped." He said. The hearing on the court hasn't started yet regarding to Jungkook's case but now, to divert the happenings, they kidnapped his most precious treasure.

"What?" Seojin was too surprise. He felt a little panic since he saw the ring on his son's ring. He didn't question it. "Uhm, how can I help?"

"Nothing." He wanted to know if Janine was behind this.

He went directly to Jungkook's room where he's hacking few systems and locating her. He try to review recordings in the house and found nothing from Janine's plan. But she was outside and talking to someone but their bug couldn't access and there are background noises. Jungkook try to remove the background noises but there's nothing he could do about it.

Taehyung was sleepless and let his father take over the company temporarily. He was still on his clothes from that day the last time he saw her. He haven't shave and everyone are sleepless until the find where they took her.

"We will raid this location in an instant." Brandy announced. He appointed him as the captain on the mission to find his wife.

"What does this syndicate do?"

"They, took girls and women, they sell their eggs."

Taehyung's hand crumple in a hard fist. Selling their eggs? Just last time they had a checkup regarding that and his wife is healthy and have a healthy eggs and they could make a lot of babies. Now, she will get hurt because of it. He don't want to delay anymore.

"Do it. Make sure that they haven't laid a hand on my wife and if they did. Immediately give them an eye to an eye."

"Sir, yes, sir!"

Lisa arrived and suddenly Taehyung got his high hopes. Lisa salute on him and he nodded.

"I know where they are."

Taehyung suddenly show his vulnerability. Jungkook was on the side doing his job on tracing and he stopped just when Lisa said it.

"Please save her, you are my only hope." He begged. She put her fist on her chest as a promise before their mission.

She turn around in military style and left.

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