147. I love you

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Rose was also watching the live footage while lying on her bed naked with her husband massaging her back. She moan and mutter to him to keep going. She was getting sleepy but she open her eyes to read the conversation. But she can't read Francisco's lips since his back was facing the camera and he's sitting sideway.

Jimin start massaging her calves and the back of her thighs. She turn off the tablet and call Veronica. Veronica answer quickly.

"That man that he's talking to, who is he?" She open the tablet again. Jimin was just a massager and he didn't want to interfere with his wife's work.

"I haven't met him yet." Veronica said. Jimin move closer to her and peek on the tablet.

"That's Ethan Lee. One of my directors in Canada. Who was he talking to?"


"Tsk. Jay was there right?"


"It's enough to warn him." Jimin's voice becomes dangerous.

"Honey you sound so dangerous. I love that."

Veronica on the other line have to roll her eyes and wanted to hang up.

"Now, my hubby, don't be too aggressive at the moment. We need him." Then she remember that she's still on the phone yet she's flirting with her husband. "Okay, Veronica. Just act like you always do, flirt with Jay and whatever." She hang up and kisses her husband. "You are not done yet hubby."

"Shall we moved on to your front?" He caress her flawless skin.

"Why are we flirting by the way?" She suddenly asked. "I have a work to do."

"Work? Am I not your work?" He grin at her. Soon, they were making love.

Rose put her robe on and sat on the sofa as she call Jisoo on the other line.

"How's Lisa?"

"I am now examining her urine and blood. There's 10 percent that it's from our laboratory. This can be cure. I only need time and the right ingredients."

"Good. And Irene?"

"Her chance of earning back is hearing is 75%."

"Let's do everything to give them back their normal life."

"Rose, eros has to stop... this business of them is getting more and more dangerous. Soon, they aren't just implicating us—but innocent people."

"I got it." She hang up and thought deep. She wonder how Francisco grows his empire so fast? Connection was one of them. Eros was one of them. She destroyed few of his resources and she took his mistress away. She shook her head. There is something else.

Now that the laboratory have exploded and few of their evidences have been buried, he might be in a big loss. But there's more... he has other resources. How is she going to find out? A place where no one would notice and a place where no one would dare to go?

Jimin was watching his wife solving few riddles on her head. She look adorable and mighty for him. He need to at least help his wife to search for something. When he was about to suggest it, he snapped his fingers and took her phone.

"I can help you with the riddles." He said. After she texted something, she look up at him.

"I have to find all of Francisco's resources and destroy them one by one."

"Besides of Switzerland, I heard that he's the secret boss of one of the biggest gang in China."

"Then, I'll let Vernon handle that." She said and swipe her thumb on her phone.

"Who's Vernon?" He somehow heard the name before.

"One of my friend in Beijing. He's known as the youngest President of Hansol Corporation." She said. "Honey, I have resources as well."

"Then why don't you want to use my resources?" He now feels jealous that she has to run to Vernon for help." Rose blink and didn't consider her husband's resources. "It's okay that you don't need me." He said and left the room.

Rose's heart ache and she runs after him.

"Hey! Hubby, don't be silly!" She calls out and he just walk downstairs. "Come on! I need you."

"You only need me in bed." he said aloud and wanted to tease her more.

"Well of course I need you in bed and in my life. Okay! How about this? Help me find his other resources?" She catch up and block his way with pouts. He was serious and quiet and seemed to be angry but then he patted her head.

"Do I have to sulk before you ask me that?" He pull out his phone and call his secretary. Soon Oliver answered it. "Call my PIs and tell them that they have a mission. To find Francisco's resources. All of them."

Rose's eyes become fierce. Even though she looks devious and a psychopath, he was still into her.

"I want it ASAP."

"Yes sir."

Rose smirk and scoop her husband's face.

"You are a bad boy." She tip toe and kisses his lips.

"Bad boy is for bad girl." He smirk back and he kiss her lips back. "You don't have to worry too much. I'll help you destroy him."

Rose felt like she was the luckiest woman in the world. She has a man who's willing to help her and cover up all her evil doings. It's rare for a man to do that. Besides, he was willing to give her the best than anyone. Even though it wasn't his revenge... he would always be there to watch her back.

"Tell me how you want to destroy him." He said in a low voice. Her eyes soften and she wrapped her arms around his neck and tiptoe to reach him.

"I want him to feel useless. I want him to be in pain more than what I feel. More than what my mother had felt from his torture and Janine's. I want him to wish for himself to die than feeling all of those physical and mental pain that I am giving him. I want him to feel what Veronica and Lisa feel when he killed their mothers in front of them."

"Then, he has to pay, a thousand folds for his sins. We aren't a God or a Saint... I won't be merciful with him. What he did to you back then—the pain and the trauma he gave will be paid by him." His voice was dangerous than a tsunami coming.

Jimin wrapped his arms around her and kiss her top head. He is willing to lose everything for this woman. He is willing to give up everything. But his woman needs power and resources so he won't stop growing and becoming invincible for his wife.

"I love you, Jimin." She mutter.

Jimin's heart soften and suddenly all of the pain that he felt on seeing her hurting washes away.

"I love you more, Rose."...

happy new year everyone ,☺

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