145. Visiting Alanis

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Rose sat down on the sofa after she put down a gift for Alanis. Alanis look at it and then laughed. He was a handsome English man but too shame that Rose wasn't fond of English men. Alanis took the box and opens it. It's a clock. An antique clock. He crease his brow but it was the first gift that he ever received from her.

"So, what's up with your visit today, Mrs. Park?"

"Tell me people who want Lisa's head." She finally speak and Alanis was surprised. He didn't speak and just stare straight at her. Rose was mad now. She's so angry that she had to speak up.

"Well, you can speak."

"Of course I can. I am just so lazy to write up things. Now, my voice could only hold few conversation so you better speak up, Alanis. Give me names." She said it in her very powerful tune.

Well, first is Francisco—but he never recognize her full face. He just want to know the dancer that danced in his underground club. He was certain that it was an undercover police. Then there's your ex-agent Eros… Eros pulled out immediately, that was few days ago. He said that he's satisfied with the outcome."

Rose gripped on the arm of the sofa as she listened.

"So what's with this cheap antique clock?" He asked. She didn't speak and General speak for her.

"That one was your great grandfather's. It cost 1 million euros. It was antique but the two gems from 12 and six was his possession."

Shame, grandpa has long been rotting in ground. But thank you dear for your gift. I am sure that my father would love this."

She wave off her hand saying that it was nothing.

"It's good hearing your voice."

"Let me know if there are others who wants her head." She mutter and stood.

"That's it?" Alanis asked. "That's it for chit-chat?"

She only glance at him and then she left with her people. Alanis was happy that she finally speaks to him. Not only a word or a phrase but it was a good conversation. He was in the moon. Her voice was soothing. Her voice was powerful. Her voice was angelic. It could be any of it—according to her tune. But shame—he was sure that Jimin was one hell of a lucky man who could always hear her voice. He stood and peep out of the window and she's talking on the phone and it seems like she's talking to Jimin—baby talking her husband.

Huh," He exhales. "What a beautiful day, is it?" He asked his right hand that serves as his butler, assistant and personal body guard. The big man cleared his throat.

"It is, Sir."



Rose hopped in the car and they drove away. She told her husband that she's coming home in two hours. She have settled things here in London and she will settle Lisa's hide out. She might need Jimin then.

There might be someone spying on her in EPUA. She has to be discreet and she could only trust her husband. For Lisa and Irene's safety. She will make few of their contract void. She had imprisoned them for long. Except that they are still an agent in EPUA. They could always go back until they are ready.

After hours of travelling back from Europe to Korea, the first thing she saw when her private plane landed was her husband waiting for her with a car. The ambiance and the cozy wind of the korea made her realised that she was indeed back in the country. It felt like ages for her. Jimin spread his arms for her and she run into them.

"My dear wife, you are finally back." He kiss her top head. He push her a little just to see her face. "Oh," She lose weight a little. "No. Why did you lose weight?" There is a slight dark circle under her eyes. He kisses her lips. "Let's go. You need a proper doting."

She indeed need that. Soon they were inside the car, she remain in his arms and he keep kissing her face. They both know how it is hard for them to be away from each other. Jimin keep brushing her hair until she fall asleep since it's a heavy traffic. This woman don't know how to take care of herself when she's worrying about others. It just make his heart ache.

Soon, they arrive at his house—the one he purchased and use for friend gathering since her villa was suppose to be their secret house. He carried her to their bedroom, and remove her shoes and her uncomfortable clothes. He changed her into a nightie so she could sleep comfortable.

He waited for her to wake up, and he call someone to prepare everything when she woke up. That's how much he pampered his wife. After two hours of sleep, she finally call his name and reach her hand to his. He holds it and move to the bed.

"I feel angry and—depress at the same time." She mutter.

"Why?" He reach the glass of water and she sat up and drank it slowly.

"li—Lisa can't see anymore. Kim can't hear anymore."

What?" Jimin was shocked. "Who's Kim?"

"Irene." She said. "I need your help."

"Anything, my love." He caress her hair. He always want to hear those words from her. 'I need your help'. So he would feel that he was the King of her Queen. She look hopeless for a moment and then she smile when she understand that she could trust him.

"I trust you because you are my husband."

"And I will am such a lucky man. I will never break your trust, my Queen." She hold his hand tighter and kisses it. "Tell me what really happen."

She told him everything. From the mission and who Eros was. He was all ears on her and whoever this Eros is, he has to find him and probably take him to his wife so she could see how she tortures him. His wife was so damn worried that she lose weight and become stressful after irene and lisa got into it. The bastard even injected something to lisa. He will not forgive him for what he did.

After worrying for days that something bad might happen to his wife, now it was unforgivable. That man caused it and he will make sure that he won't walk anymore.

"This man was obsessed with lisa." She told. "Back then, I saw him stealing photos of lisa and even peeping in the shower… That's why I have to hide lisa. If Eros know that Lisa and Jungkook are together, he will surely target jungkook that's why lisa don't want jungkook to know about this. And because of the contract that they sign they can't get married until it is void."

"But you can cancel it right?"

"Now that she can't see? It was canceled. Irene's contract as well."

"So you want them to get married?" jimin was quizzical.

"Of course not. Jungkook loves losa. Besides, irene is their big sister . She is in love with someone else."

"That's you." He pointed out. She frown and smack him.

"You are not listening."

I am listening. I know irene was in love with you back then."

"That was just a crush. Nothing else. Besides, I know that he is in love with someone else." She tug his shirt. "Why are you wearing so much clothes?" She ask with creased brows.

"Baby, you have to at least eat first before we go through a hard work out." He said seductively. She click her tongue. He patted her head. "I miss you so much." He mutter.

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