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*Anson's POV*

Piper and I were finishing up our hair and make-up, already dressed, but my hair, curling it, takes forever.

"Pipe, what am I supposed to do about Garret?" I shook my head and twirled my curling iron.

"Honey, Garret is going to stick around." She nodded.

"OK, dad's wont let us see each other, Dyson is shoved up my ass whenever he is around, and Garret, he's used to someone who-"

"No." She shook her head. "You are not having sex with Garret just to keep him interested in you. That is not how you keep a guy and if it is, then he is not the guy for you."

"OK, so, you can have sex, but I can't." I gave her a look.

"I never said that. I said you're not having sex with him for the wrong reason. I was ready when I had sex Anson, feelings were reciprocated, I wasn't trying to keep Gavin. You can not have sex to keep a guy!"

"Who said I'm not ready!" I shook my head.

She just looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

"Oh what do you know." I rolled my eyes.

"I know how shitty I felt when I had sex with the wrong person for the first time." She nodded. "I like Garret and all, but I don't necessarily like him for you."

"Why the hell does no one like Garret!" I shook my head.

"Honey, he's sweet to you, and pleasant to your parents, but he's a dick to literally everyone else." She shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "Are you ready?" I crossed my arms.

She sighed. "Are you going to be pissy with me all night."

"Are you going to ask the one who's dicking you down to drive so we can drink?" I smiled.

"He already said he would." She smiled.

I wrapped my arms around her. "I know you're not trying to piss me off. You just tell me that because you care."

"Exactly boo." She squeezed.

Her and I walked down to the kitchen to see Dyson sitting there with my mom and dad.

"Oh, so I have to cover my butt cheeks, but he can go with his shirt unbuttoned?" I crossed my arms.

"What dude do you know that wears a shirt to the beach." Dyson rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." I shook my head. "Go get your boyfriend so we can leave."

"Oh, you're not going." My mom shook her head.

"You said just last week that I could." I whined.

"I did something for you, and got your dad to agree to let you talk to Garret today, so if you wanna go, you're going to do something for me." She nodded.

"Fine, what?" I shook my head.

"You are going to get outside and talk to Parker." She crossed her arms.

"No, I am not."

"Yes, you are Anson. I am not going to sit here all year and hear your snide ass remarks like I do every summer. You are going to get your ass outside, talk this out, yell, scream, whatever you have to do to fix it, or you're staying home, do I make myself clear young lady!" She yelled.

"Shit." I jumped. "Fine." I shook my head.

I walked out to the back deck, to see Parker just sitting on the deck couch, dressed the same way as Dyson, but more toned than he was last summer.


*Parker's POV*

I have no clue why Sherry is making me wait outside for everyone, but she called me Parker Gage, so I'm just gonna sit my ass outside.

I think I was out there for maybe 15 minutes until surprisingly Anson walked out, looking flawless.

"Whoah." I raised my eyebrows. "You, look great Ani." I nodded.

She pursed her lips and looked down. "Thank you." She nodded. "You too."

"It's just Khaki's and a button up." I shrugged.

"At least you had the decency to button yours a little bit." She shook her head.

"Well, you're talking to me." I pursed my lips.

"Well, I have to. Mom said I had to come out here and talk to you, or I couldn't go." She nodded.

I let out a small laugh. "Wow, she is on a roll today." I nodded.

"It's not funny Parker." She shook her head.

I shook my head. "Please just talk to me."

"I really don't have anything to say." She rolled her eyes.

"Anson, you have shut me out for 4 years, and I have no clue what I did! You have something to say." I nodded. "What the fuck did I do!"

"You really don't get it, do you." She shook her head.

"No, Ani, I don't get it, we were literally fine up until the day I left, I called you every day, I texted you every day, and I didn't get shit, so no, I don't!" I shook my head.

"What did you say to me 3 days before you told me you were moving!" She crossed her arms.

I thought for a minute, and then I felt my face change. "Shit." I threw my head back. "I told you I liked you."

"Yeah." She nodded. "You did."

"Is that really why you've been the biggest bitch for the past 4 years, I had a crush on you when I was 13?" I shook my head.

"No, that is least of the problem." She shook her head.

"Then Jesus, tell me!" I stood up.

"How long were we friends before you moved!" She yelled.

"Since you were fucking born." I nodded.

"Then why the hell was I the last person you told you were leaving!" She pointed at her self. "And on top of that, you told me literally the day before you left!"

"Because I didn't want to leave Ani! Contrary to what you believe, I didn't chose to go, mom and dad decided it would be better for me to go with my mom! I wanted to stay here! I was hoping they would change their mind last minute! So I didn't want to tell you, I didn't even tell Dyson! He was there when my parents told me! Why couldn't you just talk to me about this instead of shutting me out for the past 4 fucking years!" I yelled.

"You didn't even fucking say goodbye to me Parker!" She screamed. "That's what hurt the most!"

My entire face sunk. I closed my eyes and sighed. "Anson." I shook my head.

She shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair. "12 years." She nodded and threw her hands down. "12 years, of living across the road from each other, years of riding together, crushing on you, being just as close as you and Dyson are and you didn't even say good bye. Was I that unimportant to you that you couldn't even say goodbye." She pursed her lips.

"No." I shook my head. "That is not even close."

"Then why!" She yelled.

I took a deep breath. "There are three things I hate most in this world." I nodded. "Soccer players." I held one finger up..

She rolled her eyes.

"The word cunt." I held up another.

"Parker." She shook her head.

"And seeing you and Piper cry." I nodded. "I couldn't look you in the face, tell you goodbye, and then leave you for 9 months." I shook my head. "When I came over for Kendra's funeral, I stood there, for 3 hours, and watched you and Piper cry, and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. But I did that for you and Pipe. But the thought of me being the reason you cry, and then have to leave you, that the most painful thing I could've imagined. I never want to be the reason either of you cry. So I couldn't say goodbye. And I am so sorry that hurt you so much, that you would shut me out. But if you would've told me, I would've told you why." I pursed my lips. "But you haven't given me the time of day, since I left. And it has been killing me. You have never been unimportant to me Anson. Other than my parents, you and Dyson are the two most important people in my life. I never meant to make you feel like you weren't." I shook my head. "I never want to hear you say that you're unimportant to me again. But, crush and all the bullshit aside. I miss you." I nodded. "I miss my best friend. I miss midnight rides. And telling you to do cool shit on the trampoline. I miss watching you on the beam and out riding every dude who says they can beat you. I miss my Ani." I shrugged.

She pursed her lips, nodded, sniffled, and wiped her face. "Are you ready to go?"

I sighed. "Anson."

"It's gonna take me more than a day, alright?" She shook her head.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."

She just turned around and walked in to the house. I followed.

"I'll be in the jeep." She shook her head and walked out the front door.

"Anson!" Piper yelled and ran out after her.

"Well?" Dyson stood up.

"She was the last person I told, literally the day before I left. I didn't even say goodbye." I shook my head. "And she was so hurt, that she felt like she wasn't important to me."

"Really?" Hal gave me a look.

"Well honey, they were friends for 12 years, I would be pretty pissed off too." Sherry shrugged.

"But she did say it was going to take her more than a day, so, it's a start." I nodded.

"Atta boy." Hal pointed at me. "She will come around, OK?"

I nodded.

"Does he know he's staying here tonight?" Dyson looked at his parents.

"Oh, yes, you're staying here tonight baby." Sherry nodded.

"I am." I shook my head.

"Yes, your dad has a date, and he asked if you could stay over here." Hal nodded.

"Are you telling me my dad is bringing his date home, and I can't be over there because he's gonna be getting down." I gave him a look. "Isn't her name Margot?"

"Yes, her name is Margot." Dyson laughed. "And she's very nice. And if he doesn't get down, I'd gladly-"

"Dyson Axel Cross!" Sherry yelled.

"At least he's not doing it in the back of a trailer." I shrugged.

"Get out of my house." Hal nodded.

Dyson and I went out to his jeep, and Piper was in the front seat. Which means, I'm in the back with Anson.

"Did I tell you how good you look yet?" Dyson looked over at Piper.

"You haven't, so it's about time." She smiled.

"Can you two just do me a favor and not drink to much?" He looked at Anson in the rear view.

"No." She shook her head.

"Well Dys, you have me to help." I nodded.

"Oh that's right, you don't drink." Piper looked at me.

"Never have." I shrugged.

"Good for you." Anson shook her head.

"Give it a rest Ans." Dyson looked at her.

"Oh suck my ass Dyson." She rolled her eyes.

"Nah." He shook his head.

"And I am also going to say this right now, if you don't stay out of Anson's ass tonight, you will not be grabbing mine anymore." Piper crossed her arms and looked at Dyson.

He pursed his lips and nodded. He looked at Anson in the rear view mirror. "You lucky I like that ass."

"Oh I love you." She leaned forward and kissed Pipers cheek.

"Oh, I know." She smiled.

"Dys, you just got threatened with an ass." I laughed

"Well, look at it!" He shrugged.

"OO, no. Uh, Imma leave that to you." I nodded. "I'm sure it's great Pipe."

"It is." Anson nodded.

We finally pulled up to the beach, got out, and walked over to the bonfire.

"I will get you two drinks, do not get your own, do not let anyone get them for you." Dyson pointed at the girls and walked away.

"OK, lets go find your boy." Piper threw her arm around Anson. "And you shall walk with us do Dys doesn't have a heart attack Mr. Martin." She attempted to throw her arm around me.

"He does realize you two are grown right?" I moved to the middle and threw my arms over both of them.

"At least someone does." Anson shook her head.

"Why do you smell like a coconut?" Piper looked up at me.

"Because I shower Pipe. Coconut oil gives volume too." I shrugged.

We walked around for a few minutes, and we finally found Garret with Craig and Griffin.

Griffin noticed us walking over, patted Garrets chest, and pointed at us.

Garret came walking over to us.

"Hi Piper." He kissed her cheek.

"Garret." She let out a small smile.

"Hello Beautiful." He kissed Anson's cheek.

"Hi." She smiled.

"Parker." He rolled his eyes.

"You wanna keep them in your head don't roll them again." I shook my head.

Anson swatted my chest.

"Uhm, can I talk to you for just a minute." He looked down at her.

"Yeah." She nodded.

He looked at me. "Alone."

"Can't leave, you'd rather deal with me than Dyson." I crossed my arms.

"Whatever." He shook his head and grabbed her hand. "Look, I was wondering if maybe I could do my own thing? Have fun, see where the night takes us?" He nodded.

I gave Piper a look and just raised my eyebrows. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Your own thing?" Anson crossed her arms.

"I like you Ans, but, our dad's wont let us see each other, so I was just thinking I could explore a bit tonight." He shrugged.

She pursed her lips and nodded. "Sure. Go have fun." She gave him the smallest fake smile I have ever seen.

"You're amazing Baby Cross." He kissed her cheek and ran back over to Craig and Griffin and automatically threw his arm around another girl.

"Aren't you two-"

She cut me off. "I guess not." She shook her head and started walking away.

"Anson, where are you going?" Piper yelled.

"To the water line, just need a minute." She yelled back.

"What the fuck was that?" I looked at Piper.

"For a beach party, these were impossible to find." Dyson yelled walking over to us. He handed Piper a beer bottle. "Where's she going?"

"She needs a minute." I nodded.

"For what?" He gave us a look.

Piper pointed over at Garret.

"I really have the sudden urge to wing his shit." I shook my head.

"Piece of shit." He shook his head and started walking over toward Anson.

"Now answer my question." I looked down at Piper again.

"Walk back to the jeep with me." She nodded. She wrapped her arm around my back and I threw mine around her shoulders.

We got over to the jeep, and she pulled herself up to sit on the bars since Dyson had his doors and roof off. I climbed up with her.

"That was the reason I don't like Garret. They've been talking since the beginning of the summer, but even before they got caught in the back of the Thomas trailer, he still wanted to do their own thing at every party. He says he likes her, but hes always treating her like a piece of ass even though he's not getting any." She shook her head.

"Anson Cross, he wants to do his own thing, instead of being the boyfriend of Anson Cross." I nodded.

"Welcome to the Anson who doesn't realize her worth because she's blinded by a 4 pack of abs and a nice smile." She shrugged. "An no matter what I say about it, she just gets defensive."

"Yeah, kind of wanna rock him." I nodded.

"I just don't want her to fall in to a Dyson and I type of thing." She shook her head.

"Yeah, I've talked to Dyson about that, but what about you?" I looked over at her. "What's going on with the Dyson and Craig thing?"

She sighed. "Well, it started off just, a little bit of fun, and then the more it happened, I got invested, and I realized Dyson doesn't want anything more. So, I ended up hanging out with Craig. And he's sweet, he's funny, hot, he cares, not scared to be seen with me in public. He's everything a girl needs." She shook her head. "But, he's not Dyson."

"Is that really what you think?" I gave her a look. "That Dys is scared to be seen in public with you?"

"We've been doing this for 4 months, and he's never asked me on a date."

I nodded. "I can help you with that."

"Can you also help me be on Hymen patrol tonight?" She scrunched her face. "Because she thinks that having sex with Garret will keep him around."

"I will 100% do that." I smiled.

*Anson's POV*

I walked over to the water line and just sat down to watch the waves, shortly followed by someone sitting down next to me.

"Don't ask." I held my hand up.

"I'm not going to." Dyson shook his head. "I already know. But, you look like you could use this right about now." He handed me a beer bottle.

I sighed and took it. "Why am I not enough for him." I shook my head.

"OK, first of all, don't ever say that shit again." He shook his head. "And second, this is why I don't like him."

"You never liked him." I rolled my eyes.

"You're right." He nodded. "But it's not because you two are doing whatever the hell it is. I don't like him because he's a piece of shit. Ans, I'm fine with you dating, but I'm not with you dating him. At first I was letting it go because I could see how happy you are, but lately, every time we're at a party, he does this, and it's making you miserable."

"I'm not miserable." I shook my head.

"Anson, you're sitting in the sand watching the waves when there is a party going on right behind us, and Anson Cross loves a party. I know what I say to you doesn't matter, but I don't want you dating Garret, because he does make you question your worth and you deserve more than a guy whose gonna treat you like a little bit of fun. Shit, I would rather you date Parker, and he's my best friend and a whore. But at least I know he'd treat you right. Ans, any guy around here would be lucky to have a chance with you, and he's taking advantage of it. You're my baby sister, and I know you hate how involved I am in your love life, but I do it, because I don't want someone taking advantage of the kind hearted person that you are. If he doesn't see you, and how lucky he is, then he's not the guy for you." He threw his arm over me.

"I am not as special as you make me out to be Dyson." I looked over at him. "I'm just girl."

"Now you know that's not true." He shook his head. "Ans, you are the definition of special. You, are a sassy, out spoken, kind heart, southern belle. You can rock a leotard, rip in nothing but shorts and a t-shirt with some riding boots, and you can look like this." He motioned up and down my body. "You are a girl, but you are so much more than that. You're of the guys while looking like a dime. You can ride a bike better than most dudes. Throw a series of tumbles, and fly around uneven bars like it a natural thing. It's not. You're talented, and fun. Shit, what other girl do you know, besides Piper, that can do a beer bong in a sundress like it's no big deal. Or bait her own hook, or start a fire, or even shoot a gun accurately and not kill her shoulder. You can throw a punch better than I can, and honestly, you can probably out lift me too. Anson you can take care of yourself. You don't need me to do that for you, but the minute I step in and do it, is when you stop looking in the mirror and not seeing what I do. I'm your big brother, that's my job. And I'm never going to stop doing it."

I sighed. "I do do that stuff, don't I." I pursed my lips.

He nodded. "Better than anyone I know."

I nodded. "I deserve better."

"You do, and if has a problem with that, I've got your back, always." He gave me a small smile and held his fist out. "

I let out a small smile. "And forever." I bumped his fist.

"I want to rock him in his mouth." Dyson pursed his lips.

"No." I shook my head. "Promise me you wont."

He sighed. "Fine."

"Thank you."

"I love you Baby Cross." He nodded.

"I love you too Big Cross." I nodded. "You wanna go hang out with your girl?"

He sighed. "I don't know if she's mine or Craig's tonight."

"I can tell you who's she wants to be." I pursed my lips. "Dyson, Piper likes you. She's just spending time with Craig because she thinks you don't want more and that you don't want to be seen in public with her."

"She's Piper, who would not want to be seen with her." He shook his head.

"The guy whose dicking her down for 4 months and has yet to ask her on a date." I shrugged.

"She's your best friend Ans." He pursed his lips.

"I know." I nodded. "Which is why I know you're going to be the first person to do anything for her, and the last to hurt her. Dyson, if you like Piper, go for it. Is it gonna be awkward at first, hell yeah, but it was when you guys started doing what your are doing, and I got over it. I couldn't care less what you guys do, as long as you're both happy."

He let out the biggest smile, and wrapped both of his arms around me. "And you're 100% OK with this?"

"Absolutely." I smiled.

We both stood up and started walking back to the party. But as soon as we turned around we saw Piper and Parker talking to Craig.

"You've gotta handle that first." I scrunched my face.

"And watch me handle it." He nodded, grabbed my hand that didn't have a bottle in it, and dragged me over to them.

"You good?" Parker pursed his lips.

I nodded.

"I'm sorry about him Anson. We've tried telling him that he's an idiot." Craig nodded.

"Can I help you by the way Craig." Dyson crossed his arms.

"No?" He gave him a look. "Just talking to Piper, brought her another drink." He nodded.

Dyson grabbed the beer bottle from Piper and handed it back to Craig. "I will bring her her drinks." He nodded.

"Is there a problem?" Craig raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, there is." Dyson nodded and put his arm around Piper. "You see her?" He pointed at her.

"Obviously." Craig nodded.

"Yeah, well she, is seeing me. We, are going on dates, I am her guy, her only guy, and she is my girl. Only mine. Piper Halloway is my girl. She is boo'd up. I am him, he is me, boo'd right the hell up, OK?" Dyson grabbed her hand and held it up. "Mine."

Piper was just looking up at her hand with the widest eyes and the biggest smile.

Parker just smirked and looked at me.

I shrugged.

"Uhm, Piper, can I talk to you?" Craig gave her a look.

Dyson took a deep breath, rolled his eyes, grabbed Piper by both sides of her face and just kissed her. Then he looked back at Craig. "Mine."

Piper looked at Craig. "I'm sorry." She shook her head.

He pursed his lips and nodded. "It's OK." He gave her a small smile. "As long as your happy Piper." He shrugged and walked away.

I let out a small laugh. "OK, so, you handled that." I nodded.

He looked down at Piper. "What?"

"You kissed me in public." She pursed her lips.

"What did you not get it either." He shook his head.

"Nope." She held her hands up. "I got it. My guy, your girl, your him, he's you, boo'd up. Yours." She nodded.

"Thank you!" He nodded. "Now next Saturday you and I are going out, in public Piper Nicole, on a date. Is that alright with you." He pointed at me.

"Yup." I nodded.

"OK." She smiled.

Parker looked at her and smiled. "Told you." He shrugged. "And I didn't even have to help."

*Parker's POV*

A few hours had gone by since the whole 'She's mine' speech, and the girls, well, the were drunk. Anson more than Piper, for obvious reasons.

I was sitting on the tailgate of Dyson's jeep just watching Piper and Anson dance around this fire.

Then out of no where, Piper ran right in to Dyson's arms, and Anson, came running over to the jeep.

She tried, she really tried to get up on to the tailgate, but with how lifted it is, she just couldn't with the state that she's in. So I hopped off, lifted her up, and jumped back up with her.

"You alright?" I looked over at her.

"I'm a bitch." She nodded.

I choked back a laugh. "You wouldn't be Anson if you weren't." I shook my head.

She sighed. "You didn't say goodbye." She shook her head.

"I know." I nodded. "And I'm sorry."

"You get that it's going to take me a while to get over it, right?" She looked over at me.

"I do. But that's OK." I shrugged. "You're still my best friend, you always have been. Just, take your time."

She leaned over and laid her head on my shoulder. "I missed you Parker."

"And I missed you Ani." I put my arm around her. "Nothing's changed for me. But I get why it hurt you."

"Just, promise me you'll never leave again without saying goodbye, and you'll tell me way before." She nodded.

"I can promise you that." I looked over and kissed the top of your head. "And I can't get what you said earlier out of my head. You are important to me Anson, OK?"

She nodded. "I know."

"Awe look at you two." Piper walked over with Dyson's arm wrapped around her shoulder. "Getting along and shit."

"Anson!" We heard someone yell.

"Can you help me down." She looked over at me.

i jumped down and lifted her down.

"What the hell are you doing?" Garret shook his head as he walked over to us.

"Talking." She pursed her lips.

"While cuddled up with another dude right in front of me." He nodded.

Dyson let out a small laugh. "OK, walk away." He nodded.

"Excuse me?" Garret looked at him.

"You asked her to do your own thing tonight, she said yes, and she's doing hers. Walk away." Dyson let go of Piper and moved her to the side.

"And who the fuck is going to make me." Garret stepped in front of him.

"Alright." I stepped in between them.

"Dyson you promised." Anson looked up at him.

Dyson took a deep breath. "Walk away." He nodded.

"Me asking to do my own thing tonight, doesn't mean you sit here and be a hoe bag with your brothers best friend Anson." He looked down at her.

The minute I heard the word hoe bag, I felt my chest get tight. And that's when I moved Anson over to Dyson. "Say it again." I nodded.

"That doesn't give her the right to be a ho-"

And before he could even finish his sentence, I cocked back and hit him as hard as I possibly could.

"Parker!" Anson yelled.

I just stood over him and bent down. "I'm not him, I didn't promise her shit!" I yelled.

"Alright." Dyson wrapped his arms in mine behind my back. "Come on, walk it off." He pulled me away.

I shook him off and just walked over to the water to sit down.

All I know, is that I'm about to have a hard time riding tomorrow, because I really can't feel my hand now. The only thing I can feel, is my middle finger that I can't bend or straighten right now, and it hurts like a bitch.

A few minutes later, I saw out of the corner of my eye a bunch of sunflowers sit down next to me.

"Let me see it." Anson held her hand out.

I sighed and gave her my hand.

She felt my thumb, my pointer, but the minute she lightly touched my middle finger, I flinched and screamed "Fuck!"

"I don't know, how you managed to dislocate your finger with a punch, but, big push." She nodded.

I took a deep breath, and she pushed my finger back in to place.

I swear to god I almost threw up. She picked up the bag of ice she brought and just held it on my hand.

"I'm sorry." I shook my head. "I know you don't like fighting, but I heard the words hoe-bag and I, couldn't. And with the way he treated you earlier I already wanted to wing his shit."

"Thank you, for having my back." She looked down.

I sighed. "I know the body and the smile have a lot to do with it, but why the fuck have you been putting up with him" I looked at her.

"He's the first guy who has been interested in me and has actually done something about it." She shrugged.

I gave her a look. "No, he's not."

"And didn't leave a few days later." She looked down again.

"And we're back to it." I shook my head. "It's been four years Anson, how long are you going to make me pay for it."

"I'm not trying to." She shook her head. "I've just been so hurt since then that I haven't talked to you, because I know you're leaving again."

"I'm not leaving this time, and I promised that if I did, I'd say goodbye this time. But damn it Anson, I never meant to hurt you, and I had to tell you before I left and lost all the courage I had to. I'm sorry!"

"I know! OK?" She threw her hands in the air. "And I'm sorry I shut you out. But I didn't know what to feel or think about you. I'm trying. OK? I would love to go back to being the way we were but it is going to take some time."

"I know that, alright. But if you're going to continue seeing him, I'm not gonna be around." I shook my head.

"Oh no, I think it's safe to say we're done." She nodded. "He came at Dyson, he mouthed off to you, and apparently, I'm pretty special and deserve more."

"Oh trust me, I know you are." I nodded. "Just as long as you know, I have your back."

She sighed. "I really am sorry." She looked over at me. "I meant when I said I was a bitch. You had no choice in leaving, but I wish you would've said goodbye."

I threw my arm over her shoulder and just pulled her in to me. "I forgave you the minute I gave you a reason to be pissed. You're still my Ani."

"You know you're still the only person I let call me that?" She pursed her lips.

"Well, I'd hope so." I nodded. "Tell you what, since Dys and Piper are going on a date next Saturday, why don't you and I do something, just us."

"Are you asking me on a date?" She gave me a look.

"Not a date, just, us getting to know each other again. Not the people we were 4 years ago." I shrugged.

She took a deep breath. "OK." She nodded.

"Alright." I gave her a small smile.

But, at this point, the party was over for the 4 of us. We helped the girls up in to the jeep, and we headed back to the Cross house, since my dad is getting down tonight.

The girls went to bed because Pipe's grandma was picking her up early to go shopping for school. Dyson was sprawled across his bed and I was sprawled down his couch.

"I don't think I have ever seen you hit someone." He looked over at me.

"Because I've never been mad enough too. You're the hot head, remember?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Is the crush still there?" He pursed his lips.

I took a deep breath. "Lets just say for now, Ani and I are rekindling a friendship. I will let you know."

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