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*Anson's POV*

I swear, as soon as I saw the trailer, my heart jumped out of my body. Not because of me, I could care less. I however, was nervous about my dad.

As soon as they all got out of the trucks, my dad ran over to Pete, and Garret came walking over to the bleachers.

"Shit." I shook my head.

"Guy who didn't deserve you?" Cash gave me a look.

I nodded.

"Anson." Garret looked up at us.

"Garret." I pursed my lips.

"Who the hell is this?" He crossed his arms.

"Cash, this is Garret Thomas, Garret, Cash Miketish, potential new rider for MCCB. Having a trial run day." I nodded.

He pursed his lips and nodded. "And your both shirtless because?"

"Because we can be." Cash nodded. "You can ask me yourself. It's 100 degrees out here."

Garret rolled his eyes. "Can we talk about last night?"

"No." I scrunched my face and shook my head.

"Come on baby Cross. I didn't mean it." He shook his head.

"You calling me a hoe-bag is the least of our problems Garret. You asked me to do your own thing, like you have for months, I said OK. I have a conversation with Parker when you spent the night draped over at least 6 different girls and you yell that I'm being a hoe-bag in front of a beach full of people, you came at my brother, mouthed off to Parker, and have treated me like a piece of ass this entire time when you haven't gotten any. You and I, whatever the hell we were since we clearly weren't together, are done. You don't deserve another minute of my time dude. Nothing to talk about, end of conversation. Go ride." I nodded.

"Ans just talk to me." He sighed.

"Garret!" Pete yelled walking over to us.

He grabbed him by the back of the shirt, pulled him away from the bleachers, and pushed him toward the shop. "Get your ass in that shop, get your gear on, you're here to ride, not harass Anson."

"Dad." He shook his head.

"Boy go!" He yelled.

Garret took a deep breath and started walking over to the shop.

Pete shook his head and looked at me. "I am sorry, about my dumb ass of a child who clearly could not see the good woman in front of him."

"It's alright Pete." I nodded. "Pete, this is Cash Miketish, he's probably going to be racing for MCCB. Cash, this is Pete Thomas owner of Thomas Racing."

Cash jumped down off the top of the bleachers. He held his arms up to help me down. He grabbed my by my waist and effortlessly lifted me down.

He held his hand out. "Nice to meet you Mr. Thomas."

"You too kid. I've heard a lot about you from Dan and Hal. Looking forward to seeing you ride." Pete smiled and shook his hand. "MCCB is a great brand, they don't take just anyone."

"I'm just happy to be in a stable place to actually be able to race for a team and not individually. Anson's a great rider, happy to be racing with her." He nodded.

"She absolutely is." Pete nodded. "Incredible mechanic too. Can't wait to see the plans for Lucy's bike." He threw his arm over me.

"I've got big plans for such a little bike." I nodded.

"That's what I like to hear honey." He pulled away and pointed at me. "And if he doesn't leave you alone, you rock his shit, alright?"

"You've got it Pete." I laughed.

"And you." He pointed at Cash. "I can't wait to see what you can do out there." He patted his arm. "I need to go meet your dad though. Anson, you get out there and show my 250's to stop underestimating you or they're going to get creamed at tall point."

"You already know I will." I nodded.

"Atta girl." Pete nodded and started walking toward the shop.

"Him I like." Cash pointed at Pete.

"He's a good guy. One of the very few coaches around here who doesn't underestimate me." I nodded. "His 450 riders, they know how I ride, but his 250's, Dalton and Harvey, they don't think very much of a girl racing."

"Well, lets get out there and show them what you're made of." He wrapped his arm over my shoulder and we started walking back to th shop.

Cash, definitely a good guy. Very hot, even with helmet hair. Humble. Respectful. Funny. Definitely not shy. And honestly, everything I'm looking for in a guy. But I also know another guy who is exactly the same way. But you bet your ass I'm gonna be getting to know Cash.

*Parker's POV*

Unfortunately the dad's made Dyson and I wear headphones out, and they told us to get up on the mound when team Thomas showed up.

We rode up the mound, turned our bikes off, took off our helmets and took our headphones out.

"So, what are we thinking about Cash?" Dyson looked over at me.

"Thinking he an Anson are awful close right now." I nodded and pointed to them walking over to the shop with his arm over her shoulder.

"Thought you said you guys were just re-kindling a friendship." He gave me a look.

"We are, but come on, she just met him." I shook my head.

"Parker Martin, are you jealous?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I don't get jealous. Protective, I do get that." I nodded.

"OK, so we keep an eye on him." Dyson nodded. "But, I meant for MCCB."

"Well, it's not a secret that he's a good rider. Dad and Hal wouldn't have even looked at him if he wasn't." I shook my head.

"He seems like a nice dude. Humble. 3 little sisters will help him deal with moody Anson." He shrugged.

"Plus he seems cool to kick it with, and doesn't seem like he'll back down from a challenge." I nodded.

"Dude, he's you with brown hair." He gave me a look.

"You and I are exactly the same." I shook my head.

"Oh no. I back down. When it comes to Anson and Piper, I'm backing right the hell down." He nodded.

"I think, we should hear what our captain has to say." I nodded.

"Especially since she's the one he's racing with."

The Thomas Racers and the dads made their way out on to the track. Thomas racers stayed on the lower mound.

"You guys really showed up." Dyson nodded.

"Why wouldn't we." Garret shook his head.

"Oh I don't know. I recall the words hoe-bag coming out of your mouth last night." I shrugged. "How's your face feel bitch?" I smirked.

"Keep running your mouth and you can find out." He nodded.

"I wanna see that." I nodded and got off my bike.

"Knock it off. Both of you." My dad pointed at both of us. "I do not care what happened last night but it stays off this god damn track, that is how people get hurt. Pete handled him." He pointed at Garret. "And Anson said what she needed to say. That is the end of this situation. Garret, leave it at that, and leave Anson alone. Parker, keep your mouth shut. Or I am going to be the next one to handle both of you. Do I make I make myself clear."

"Yes sir." I nodded.

"Yes Mr. Martin." Garret nodded.

"Thomas racers stay below the mound." Pete pointed at Garret. "Get off your bike."

Garret took a deep breath, got off, and walked over to Pete. "These are my oldest friends, they do not have to let us use this track while ours is under maintenance. You show, and their riders some respect."

"Dad he-"

"I don't care." He shook his head. "From what I heard you deserved it. I did not raise you that way. So you can either show them some respect, or you can go home and you wont race at tall point. You pull your head out of your ass and do it quickly, or you wont be racing at all. Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir." Garret nodded.

"Piece of shit." Dyson shook his head.

"Dyson!" Hal yelled.

"Sorry." Dyson scrunched his ace.

My dad shook his head and looked at Kevin. "I'm sorry."

"Oh no, don't be." Kevin shook his head. "Cash would've hit him too."

"Well, he'll fit in good." Dyson looked at me.

"Like him already." I nodded.

Anson and Cash came riding down and took their helmets off.

"Pretty sure this is the quietest I've seen any of you." Anson shook her head.

"Well, they just got their assholes ripped apart, so." Griffin let out a small laugh.

Anson let out a small laugh. "Alright, last time I'm saying it. I'm fine. I couldn't care less as long as my dad doesn't kick him off a bike. Parker keep your hands to yourself, Garret, you can just leave me alone." She nodded.

"I can do that." I nodded.

Hal looked at Garret. "Problem with you?" He crossed his arms.

Garrets eyes got wide. "No sir."

"Smart kid." Hal nodded.

"Thomas Riders. This is Cash Miketish. He's here for a trial run day to see if he will be racing for MCCB. Everything I said about respecting their riders, applies to him as well, are we clear?" Pete looked at all of them.

"Yes sir." They all nodded.

"Anson, I want you up on the mound for a bit." Hal nodded.

"For what?" She shook her head.

"We want to see how Cash holds his own with Harvey and Dalton in case there's a weekend you cant race." Dad nodded. "Now would be a good time for you three to talk." He pointed up at Dyson and I.

"Now, are these the two who don't thing very much of girls racing?" Cash looked at me.

Anson nodded.

He just looked at Kevin.

"Don't do it Cash." Kevin shook his head.

Cash rolled his eyes and sighed.

Craig and Griffin laughed.

"Living in Helen you'll learn really fast that Anson doesn't care what people say or think about her." Craig nodded.

"He's just a dumb ass who took her for granted." Griffin pointed at Garret.

He looked at both of them. "Best friends." Garret nodded.

"Dude, we told you you were stupid. She's Anson Cross." Craig shook his head.

"Look at her. And honestly, you're probably lucky she's not the one who hit you." Griffin shrugged.

Dyson and I looked at Anson.

"He's not wrong." I shrugged.

"Alright, Anson, up." Dad pointed up to Dyson and I.

She slowly rode her bike up the mound, set her helmet on the ground and turned her bike off.

Cash lined up with Harvey and Dalton.

Dad dropped the gate and they took off.

"So what're we thinking?" Anson looked at us.

"About the rider, or the kid." I shrugged.

"Both." She nodded.

"Obviously he's good. They wouldn't even be considering it if he wasn't." Dyson nodded.

"He does good with the step up and down, and he's flying with the multi-jumps." I nodded.

"He needs a little work around the tighter corners and the rollers." She nodded. "But other than that, I think he's great. What about the kid?"

"Well, he's respectful, down to earth, seems pretty cool." I shrugged.

"Plus, he can handle you, has no problem being ranked under you. He's actually willing to work with you." Dyson shrugged.

"And he's really humble. He can ride a 450 but admits he's no where ready to race one, which means he knows his limits and what he's capable of." Anson nodded. "What're we thinking for the team.

"I think he'd fit in really well. I think he'd be good for us." I nodded.

"Am I allowed to have an opinion?" Dyson scrunched his face.

"Wouldn't be asking if you weren't." Anson gave him a look.

"I think you should get out there the next time around and see how you two ride as a team. Because he's right, you guys do have to be willing to work together if this is going to work out. We wanna see how he rides with you." Dyson nodded.

"Yeah, I second that." I nodded. "Probably better to do that before any type of decision is made. See if you actually like racing with him since you're the 250 rider."

"I can do that." She nodded. "I'm going to take the tight corners wide to try to push him in a little to get him around quicker."

"That's what we mean, you're willing to do that to help him, we just want to see if he's as willing as he says he is to help you too." Dyson shrugged.

The three dads and Kevin came walking up on the mound. "Any progress?" My dad looked at us.

"A lot actually. But we did make a decision." I nodded.

"Lets hear it." Hal crossed his arms.

"We want them to do a one more lap, but with Anson out there this time. That way we can see how they ride together, see if they do good as a team before we make any final say." Dyson nodded.

"You willing to do that?" Dad gave her a look.

She nodded. "I'm gonna see if I can take the tights wide to see if I can push him in to help him take them faster. If it works I'm gonna stay on the outside and have him take the inside."

"That's what we like to hear baby. That's why you're captain." Hal pointed at her. "Is it alright with you if they do this?" He looked at Kevin.

"Oh absolutely." Kevin nodded. "Cash cant take tights very well so thank you for doing that."

"She cant hit jumps as fast as he can so we'll see what he can do to help her with that." Dad nodded.

The three of them pulled back in and took their helmets off.

"Good round boys." Pete nodded. "You three are going to do one more lap around but Anson is going to join you, alright?"

The three of them nodded and put their helmets on as Anson rode down and got in line with them.

Dad dropped the gate again, and they took off.

Anson did what she said was going to do and take the tight wide, and he actually did get around it the fastest out of the 4.

They were almost the full way around the track and Dyson and I were just waiting to see a little bit of help from him.

Then we noticed him fall back behind Anson and keep up with Harvey and Dalton at the turn before the quad. They came up on it, he sped up just ahead of them, and out of no where, dropped a gear and cut across in front of them to slow them down a little bit, which made Anson the first one to clear the jumps, followed by Dalton, then Cash, then Harvey. Exactly how they pulled in to the gate.

Dyson and I just smiled at each other.

"You two get what you needed?" Dad smiled.

We both nodded.

They all took their helmets off, and Anson just looked up at us. "All in favor?" She yelled.

"Aye." Dyson raised his hand.

"Aye." I raised mine.

"Captain?" Hal asked.

She smiled and nodded. "Aye." She raised her hand.

"Really?" Cash smiled.

Dyson and I nodded. "You just took a 3rd place spot to make sure she had enough time to clear that quad." Dyson smiled.

"And she took the outside of the tights to push you in to get you around faster." I smiled.

"And that right there Thomas Racers, is the definition of teamwork!" Pete yelled.

"Why don't you two get down there and run 450?" Hal nodded. "We're gonna take him up to pick a model."

"Pete you got them?" My dad gave him a look.

Pete nodded. "Congratulations kid." He patted Cash's back.

"Thank you." Cash nodded.

Dad, Hal and Kevin walked down the mound as we rode down.

"You coming baby?" Hal asked.

"Uh, yeah." She nodded. "My brakes are being touchy."

Dyson and I rode up on either side of Cash and Anson.

"Welcome to MCCB racing." I nodded.

"Happy to have you." Dyson smiled. "Good ride captain." He pointed at Anson.

She smiled. "Smoke em."

They did their little hand shake, and Cash and Anson peeled up to the shop followed by the dads.

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