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*Parker's POV*

I didn't run away.

I told my dad like, 3 days prior that I wanted to go to Arizona for the weekend.

The thing is thought, I know everyone is going to think I came here to see Holly.

But I didn't.

I actually didn't even tell her I was coming.

I did however call her older brother and his fiancé.

I'm staying with them for the weekend, and I wanted to surprise Holly.

Which is why I am currently walking through the air port seeing Blane waiting for me.

Seeing him was like a weight was taken off my shoulders.

Ever since I moved here and met Holly, Blane has been like my older brother.

When I was uncomfortable talking to my dad and Paul, Blane was always my go to.

He gave me a small smile and waved me in to him. "Come here kid." He held his arms out.

I sighed, walked over, dropped my bag, and just hugged him.

"Now I mean this, in the nicest way. But you look like shit Parker."

"Yeah, I feel like it." I nodded and pulled away.

He took a deep breath and shook his head. "Why didn't you tell me all of this was happening? I literally watched you cry every year when you came back from summer because this girl wouldn't talk to you."

I ran my hands through my hair and shook my head. "I didn't even tell Holly about the past few weeks. I just, I barely talked to my dad and Dyson about it. The only person I went in to full detail with was my mom."

"So, you're trying to get us both shot?" He crossed his arms.

I sighed. "Yeah, sorry." I scrunched my face.

"Come on, we got to go get Megan, and then we're picking Holly up from her game."

"So she's going to beat my ass in a gym."

"Eh, she's been happier lately. Her and Kylie are finally done fucking around and she blocked her." He nodded, threw his arm over my shoulder, and grabbed my bag.

I though Megan was going to smack me out of the back seat when she got in the car for not telling her I was coming.

We made it just in time to see the last 5 minutes of Holly's basketball game.

And the minute she made her way out of the locker room, there I was to meet her.

"16 points. You're better than that."

Her head popped up, she smiled, and took off in a full sprint. "What're you doing here!" She screamed as she jumped and wrapped her arms around me.

"I uh. I needed my best friend and her brother." I squeezed.

She pulled back with a smile, that instantly faded. "Why do you look like shit?"

I sighed. "Because I am shit." I nodded. "Brother and Megan are waiting in the car. Figured we'd head back to their place and I can't vent to all 3 of you."

"Parker what did you do?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Pushed the destruct button on 3 people's lives."

She groaned. "Oh god." She jumped down and pulled me out of the school.

Now let me tell you what, once we picked up food and got back to Megan and Blanes, I managed to procrastinate for 3 hours until-

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