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*Anson's POV*

I woke up bright and early the next morning for school. Believe it or not, I actually really like school.

I got up, took out the braids I put in the night before, and let the beach waves that followed flop down my back.

I actually did-did my make-up, and I think I spent 45 minutes just trying to pick out an outfit, and I decided on a lace up backless striped romper, which was gray and white, and my white and gray converse. Biggest reason for the romper? I don't have to wear a bra, perks of smallish boobs.

I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs, my mom and Dyson were in the kitchen.

"Could you maybe put actual clothes on Ans?" Dyson shook his head.

"Can you maybe suck my-"

"Anson!" My mom yelled. "Stop saying that!"

"Tell him to stop trying to tell me what to do then." I nodded.

"Maybe if you dressed like a human and not a stripper." He shrugged.

"You realize that this romper is actually Piper's, right?" I raised my eyebrows.

He pursed his lips and nodded. "Never mind."

"Exactly." I smiled.

"Please, do not forget to be at the gym after school." My mom pointed at Dyson. "Dad and Dan will be there to help, plus team Thomas so please keep your hands to yourselves. And you and Piper, are in shorts and sports since they will be there." My mom pointed at me.

"But, we have Cash to help now, does team Thomas have to be there." I shook my head.

"Again, too much equipment to get moved for 5 guys, it's not for you, it's to help me so mind your P's and Q's please. Your new pre-work out is in your locker." She nodded.

"Fine. I'm going to get Piper." I rolled my eyes, walked out to my truck and left.

Piper and I went and grabbed coffee before school.

Pulled in to the parking lot, and jumped out of my truck.

"So, tell me about Cash again?" She reached up and grabbed her bag.

"Tall, blonde, built like a damn mac truck, very nice, very funny, and 100% out of my league." I nodded and grabbed my bag.

"Why do you say that about everyone." She shook her head. "You only have a league if you give yourself one. So stop giving yourself one and go for it. Flirt, make-out, fall in love, and be happy bitch." She smiled and slammed the door shut.

"I don't want to flirt and make out, or fall in love. Do I want a boyfriend, yes. Should I have one by now, probably. But am I about to fight for a guy again, hell to the nah." I rolled my eyes as we started walking to the front doors.

"Babe, Garret is a fuck boy. He's Parker times 40. But the difference is that Garret leads girls on, Parker, he's out front and honest about what he's doing." She shrugged. "He didn't deserve a minute of your time and I'll be damned if you let what happened with him stop you from being happy with someone whose good for you."

"What is with you, my mom, and dad lately. Jesus."

And out of no where, a beautiful Corvette came roaring in to the parking lot.

"OK, so either a new kid, or Bishop Cracken got a new car, because that is not something people around here can afford." Piper nodded.

Then, Cash and Kinsley got out of it.

"Holy hot." She got wide eyed.

"New kid." I nodded. "That, is Cash and his sister Kinsley."

"Hi Anson." Kinsley walked up to us as Cash was digging through his car.

"Hi Kinsley. This is Piper. Pipe this is Kinsley Miketish." I nodded.

"Oh baby you're beautiful." Piper smiled. "Hi."

"Hi." Kinsley smiled. "Uhm, any clue where to find the front office." She pursed her lips.

"Right through the front doors, turn left, big glass door." Piper nodded.

"Thank you." Kinsley smiled and walked up the front stairs to the school.

"So, is this what they meant by looking like a dime." Cash walked over and smiled.

"Ha, no." I shook my head. "This is just school. And good morning to you too."

"Good morning Belle. And, I don't know, you're looking pretty dimey. I'm assuming this is Peach?"

"Yes." I nodded. "Cash, this is Piper Halloway. Pipe, this is Cash Miketish, new MCCB racer."

"Hi Piper." Cash smiled. "Believe it or not, in one day, I have heard a lot about you, Dyson is lucky." He nodded.

"Hi Cash." Piper smiled. "Uh, Peach?"

"Dyson and Parker explained the difference between a Georgia Peach and a Southern Belle." I shook my head.

"Oh yeah, I'm definitely the Peach, she's the Belle." Piper nodded.

"Told you." Dyson and Parker walked over to us. "Cash." Dyson dapped him up.

"Cash." Parker nodded.

"Boys, did I meet you in the right place?"

"You did." Dyson nodded. "We'll meet here after school to for you to follow us to the gym."

"Excellent." Cash nodded.

"And good morning gorgeous." Dyson kissed Pipers cheek. "OK, school started, what are you?"

She sighed and smiled. "Seeing you, I'm boo'd up. You're him, he's you, boo'd right the hell up, yours." She nodded.

"And you are?" He looked at me.

"Free to do as I please." I nodded.

"I was looking for staying the hell away from Garret Thomas." Dyson nodded.

"That to." I shook my head.

"Atta girl Ani." Parker threw his arm over me. "Come Cash, we will show you around."

We all walked in, Cash stopped at the office to get his schedule, we showed him to his locker and on the way showed him his first 3 periods, Piper had to run to her locker before meeting me at mine, and Parker walked with Dyson and I to ours since, having the last name Cross, they were right next to each other.

"Anson." Garret walked up to us.

"What." I rolled my eyes.

"Can I talk to you please." He pursed his lips.

"No." Both Dyson and Parker shook their heads.

"Shut up." Garret nodded.

"You can talk, doesn't mean it's going to change anything Garret." I shook my head.

"Can we maybe talk alone?" He gave me a look.

"You should be more worried about me, not them. I promise you that." I nodded.

He sighed. "Ans, I'm really sorry about the beach party Saturday night. I didn't mean to make you upset. Just, I didn't know you were that in to me to be so upset." He shook his head.

"So somehow, you didn't quite get it every time I asked you what we were over the summer, and me smiling like an idiot every time you said I was your girl. But then proving it to me at every party that I was in fact not your girl. And now you didn't know I was that in to you?" I shook my head.

"Anson you are my girl. I just didn't know you wanted something serious."

"OK, so,let me ask you a question. Did I once, do my own thing every time you asked to do yours. Or did I watch you hit on and drape yourself over multiple girls at every party we were at at the same time." I nodded.

"Come on Anson." He shook his head.

"Do I really look like a girl who is not serious about everything she does or sets her mind to?" I gave him a look. "I'm a hard core gymnast, have been doing it for 12 years. I race bikes with a bunch of dudes, I've been riding for 10 years. When I want something, I go for it, and I went for you. I was serious, you weren't and I don't deserve someone whose not going to be serious about me. And you weren't. So no Garret, I'm not your girl and you've done a really good job of showing me that I'm not and never was. So, from now on, we're riders on bothering teams, we're class mates, but, we're not each others, and we're not friends. Save your breath, and lets not hear your sob story about how much you like me and how much you care, because you don't. You can sleep with girl after girl, after girl, but the fact of the matter is, to them, your just a fuck. And with me, I actually cared." I shrugged. "You lose."

"Please, just let me make it up to you." He nodded.

"Dude, she just made it pretty clear that's not happening." Parker nodded.

"You can walk away now before you get thrown." Dyson nodded.

"And whose going to throw me exactly." Garret nodded. "I've got maybe 20 lbs and 3-4 in on both of you. Throwing a punch isn't throwing a person."

"You may have that much on them, but you don't on me." Cash walked over and stepped between Garret and I. Completely blocking Dyson and Parker in the process. "Now me, I can throw you. I promise you that. You say everything you needed to?" Cash looked down at me.

I nodded.

"Then walked away before you get tossed like a rag doll across this hall." Cash nodded.

Garrets jaw clenched, but, he did in fact walk away.

"I knew we liked you." Parker nodded.

"Hey, you are the only friends I have, and if that's how guys around here act, you're going to be the only." Cash shook his head. "You good?" He looked down at me.

I nodded. "Thank you."

"Any time." He shrugged. "But I promise if that kid even thinks of stepping to me I'm wrecking him."

"Deal." I laughed.

"And you." Dyson wrapped his arms around me. "I am damn proud of all that." He nodded.

"Me too." Parker smiled.

"Am I proud of her too." Cash looked at both of them.

They nodded.

"I'm proud of you too Belle." He smiled.

We all walked Cash to his first class. Parker and Dyson walked me to my first class, and surprisingly, the first day of school flew by.

Which means, Piper and I are now heading to the gym for training, and I have a feeling about who is going to be there, because we have a competition in a month.

*Parker's POV*

I really cant believe Team Thomas actually showed up to help us move equipment in the gym. Dyson, Cash and I all pulled in, and they were already waiting outside.

"Whatever we have going on right now, does not go inside of my mothers gym." Dyson looked at Garret. "This is not the place, Piper and Anson need to focus, and if you start a problem here, you deal with my mom." He nodded.

"Have a little more respect for your parents." Garret scrunched his face.

"You mean, like sneaking around behind my dad back? That's respect." Dyson rolled his eyes and walked in to the gym.

"Why do I feel like this is going to end bad?" Cash looked at me.

"Because Dyson and Garret just flat out don't like each other." Griffin walked up and in with us. "We didn't actually meet yesterday, I'm Griffin."

"Cash." He nodded.

"Harvey and Dalton, probably won't talk to you, because well, they're dicks. But, Craig and I."

"We just want to say welcome to Helen." Craig ran up to us. "Craig."

"Craig and Griffin are honestly the only two on team Thomas who are good guys." I nodded.

"You're just saying that because we've been friends since we were 8 Parker." Craig laughed.

"And if Garret says anything to you, don't take it personally." Griffin shook his head. "He thinks your after Anson and he's still in denial."

"Boys." Sherry walked up to us. "The girls will be here soon, Garret, I have full permission to whoop your ass, and don't think I wont."

"Yes Ma'am." He pursed his lips.

"Oh no." Dyson shook his head.

"Marcus, Chris!" She yelled.

Two larger guys, who looked very familiar came walking over.

"This is Marcus and Chris, they've been at my gym since the were in middle school, they go to Truett, and they're my trainers for Anson and Piper, please, stay out of their way, move equipment when they're not using it, and please, do not walk in front of the girls because they will not stop, they will run you over." She nodded and walked back in to her office.

"Wait a minute, you two do gymnastics?" Harvey gave them a look.

They both nodded. "We do."

Team Thomas all choked back a laugh.

Chris pursed his lips. "Gonna guess you guys play football?"

"We do." Garret crossed his arms.

"So, you guys spend your time being thrown around and hit by other dudes, meanwhile, we spend all of our time with girls. Who exactly should be laughing at who here." Marcus smirked.

"So uh, who is with Piper exactly?" Dyson pursed his lips.

"I am Dys." Chris nodded.

"She's seeing someone now, so please-"

"Dyson, I'm 19, she is 16. Not in to younger girls, even if its consensual age. Alright?" Chris laughed.

"See, I told you." Anson yelled as she and Piper walked in.

"Oh you love us Anson, you know it." Marcus smiled and hugged her.

"Hi." Piper walked in and kissed Dyson's cheek.

"Hi." He smiled.

"Girls, shorts and sports please!" Sherry yelled out in to the gym.

"And we need to go mix our work out." Piper nodded and they both pulled their pre-workout out of their bags.

"Oh no." Chris shook his head. "We are not pulling pussy shit today. Throw it back." He nodded.

"So we're having heart attacks." Anson nodded.

"And you, are going to get worked, guess who your with today." Marcus laughed. "Bottles of water are over on bench."

The four of them all walked over, and they all took a scoop of pre-work out, threw it in their mouths, chugged a bottle of water, and walked back in to their locker rooms.

"Did they just face pre-workout?" Cash looked at Dyson.

"They need it." He nodded. "You guys think we as riders train hard, or that football players have it rough. That is nothing to these girls. And there's a reason mom brought Marcus and Chris in here. There's a competition in a month, and they're the only ones who actually get Anson and Piper to well, floor it."

"So that's why Anson rides the way she does. She's jacked." Griffin nodded.

"Both Anson and Piper can probably out lift me." Dyson shrugged.

"Uh, how heavy is all of this?" Dalton looked at him.

"Heavy." He scrunched his face. "Start with beams first because they run, stretch and then do those. Move before they use."

"Why do I get the sense you do this a lot." Cash shook his head.

"Because I do. Just y'all got roped in to it instead of my dad and Dan." He shrugged.

We all walked over to the first beam just as they came walking out of the locker rooms.

Marcus went and plugged his phone in, lined up with the girls and Chris at the line.

"Suicides." Chris nodded as Marcus pushed the button on the remote. Astronaut in the Ocean came blaring over the speakers in the gym.

As soon as the beat dropped, they all started running.

And I swear, they did about 4 rounds of suicides while we moved this beam.

"Stretches ladies, come on." Marcus yelled.

"Piper, arms first." Chris pointed in front of him.

"Ans, legs and back." Marcus pointed in front of him.

Chris yanked Pipers arms all the way behind her back.

Anson laid down, lifted one of her legs straight up, Marcus laid on top of her and pushed her leg down so her foot was up by her shoulder.

"Uh." I pursed my lips.

"I don't want to talk about it. Level 8 gymnast, potential Olympian." Dyson shook his head.

"Well, home girl, flexible." Craig nodded.

"I regret laughing." Harvey nodded.

She did the other leg. Rolled to her stomach on her knees, pressed her chest against the floor, and Marcus got behind her and pushed on her middle back.

"Oh dude you are so stupid." Griffin looked at Garret.

Garret glared at him. "Shut up." He nodded.

"Look at the arch." Dalton nodded.

"OK, my little sister." Dyson shook his head.

They finished stretching, did beam while we moved floor mats, and moved to floor when we decided to sit and take a small break.

"Finally Piper, that is how you stick a landing!" Chris yelled and clapped.

"Alright, Ans, you're up, point those toes, pinch that penny babe!" Marcus clapped and nodded.

"They yell a lot." Cash nodded.

"They respond better to it. It pushes them, and when Piper and Anson are pushed, they push back." Dyson nodded.

"I don't remember all of this happening." I shook my head.

"Because it's been 4 years since you have been in the gym with them, they've gained 3 levels." Dyson nodded.

"So all that stuff she did on the trampoline, she can do that on the floor?" Griffin asked.

"She can. When she's actually focusing."

"Anson, you know how to land a full!" Marcus yelled.

"You try to throw that series and land it perfectly Marcus!" Anson yelled back.

Marcus nodded and walked to the end of the mat. And he did in fact throw a round off, back hand spring, back tuck, round off, in to a full, and landed it perfectly. "You were saying!" He shook his head. "Where is your confidence at Anson. I mentored you, and I did not teach you to throw half ass moves! You know you can do this! You have done this, so you get up to that mat, have a little bit of faith, and you floor it! Now point your toes, and you stick the damn landing like I know you can!" He pointed to the beginning of the mat.

"Come on Ans. Throw it." Dyson clapped.

She looked over at him and smiled.

"Now breathe Anson." Marcus nodded. "Center your body. Clear your mind, and fly."

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and took another deep breath.

"And floor it, I'm right beside you." Marcus rubbed her shoulders and moved to the side of the mat.

And she floored it. With Marcus running down the mat right beside her.

"There it is Ans! That is how you stick it girl!" He yelled and clapped.

"That is fucking insane." I shook my head.

"How do they even do this?" Craig shook his head.

"I told you, you think riding and football is bad. It's nothing to these girls. They train twice as hard 5 days a week in a gym, and 7 all together. Gymnastics is the most competitive sport there is. I'm twice as big as both of them, and them doing all this, is the only reason I know to back down from them both." Dyson nodded.

We went back to moving stuff around as they switched from vault to uneven.

*Anson's POV*

Practice was finally over, and me, I'm completely worn out, so worn out to the point where Dyson could see it, and he offered to take Piper home, even though I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind it.

But, when I walked out to my truck, you'll never guess who was waiting for me.

I sighed, rolled my eyes, and walked over to my truck. "Garret, I'm tired." I shook my head.

"Anson just please listen to me. I figured since Dyson and Parker have left, that I can actually say what I have to say. Please." He looked down.

"Didn't you say it this morning?" I scrunched my face.

"Not alone." He shook his head.

"And I don't want to be alone." I shook my head. "I've heard what you had to say Garret, spent the past 3 months of my life believing it, and it wasn't true." I rolled my eyes, opened my door, and started jumping up in to my truck.

"Anson." He grabbed my arm, and basically pulled me out of my truck.

"Garret, let go of my arm, now." I nodded.

"Not until you talk to me Anson, I said I was sorry." He shook his head.

And, he wouldn't let go, so I did what I was taught to do. I cocked back and hit him so hard, to the point where he was slightly knocked off his feet.

"You will never touch me again." I pointed at him.

"OK Anson." Marcus came running over and stood in front of me. He turned around. "You go, or I'm gonna be the next one to hit you, and don't think I won't." He shook his head.

Garret took a deep breath, but he did walk away.

"What happened?" Marcus turned around and looked at me. "Who even is that."

"That is Garret, and he pretty much just yanked me out of my truck." I shook my head. "I told him to let go."

"Wait a minute, that Thomas kid you've been seeing all summer?"

I nodded.

"That doesn't look like seeing him Anson." He shook his head.

"Because we're not. He keeps asking to do his own thing, and I was talking to Parker Saturday, and he called me a hoe-bag in front of the whole beach."

"Parker called you a hoe-bag." HE gave me a look.

"No, Garret called me a hoe-bag, and Parker punched him in the face." I nodded.

"What is wrong with these high school kids." He shook his head.

"They're in high school." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you wouldn't have this problem, if you'd just let me take you on a date." Marcus shrugged.

"And how do you think my dad would feel about that?" I nodded.

"Your dad loves me first of all, and he was perfectly fine with it when I asked him last year you know." He nodded.

"Marcus, I am in high school." I shook my head.

"Yes, but you also don't act like it, and you are Anson Cross." He shrugged. "Come on Anson, go out with me this weekend."

"I can't this weekend, I have plans with Parker Saturday."

"Oh, so you and Parker are-"

"No." I cut him off. "You know how it's been the past 4 years, we finally talked, and we're just rekindling a friendship."

"OK, so, next weekend." He shrugged.

"Tall-point is next weekend. You will also be there to watch Joey race, Marcus."

"You are the most impossible girl to ask out Anson." He laughed.

"Why don't you let me talk to my dad, and then we'll see." I laughed and shook my head.

"Well, progress. Wasn't a no." He smiled. "You have my number."

"I will see you tomorrow Marcus, OK." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

He helped me back up in to my truck. "Just think about it Anson, OK?" He closed my door.

"I will think about it." I nodded.

"Thank you." He smiled.

I pulled out and drove home with one thought. Why would Marcus Sullivan want to take me out.

I got home to see my parents in the kitchen.

"Where's Dyson?" I shook my head.

"Not home yet. You're later than I am?" My mom gave me a look.

"Yeah, lets not." I pursed my lips and looked at my dad. "You told Marcus that he could take me out last year?"

He nodded. "We both did. Marcus is a good kid. Why?"

"Because he just asked me on a date, and apparently you told him he could." I raised my eyebrows.

"So when is the date?" My mom smiled.

"There isn't one yet." I shook my head. "Plans with Parker Saturday, Tall-point next weekend. And Marcus, 3 years older and way to good to be true."

"Now damn it, stop saying that, and stop settling for kids like Garret Thomas." My mom shook her head.

And then my dad lifted my arm by my hand. "What is that?" He raised his eyebrows.

I pursed my lips. "You really think you need to know."

"Yes." He nodded.

"Garret pulled me out of my truck, wouldn't let go, and this time, I hit him. Then Marcus ran over, which explains this conversation."

"You put all your weight behind it?" He crossed his arms.

I nodded.

He pursed his lips and nodded. "Alright then. His dads going to find out though."

"Fine." I shrugged. "I am going to shower and go to bed before Dyson gets home and asks the same thing."

"Good idea." They both nodded.

I went up, showered, and just sat in bed for a while going over everything that needs done this week. Like gym schedule, maintenance on mine and Parker's too, and me being a good sister I also do Dyson's, designing Lucy's bike, ordering parts for that, plus, riding schedule. At some point I heard Dyson pull in, and the next thing I know, there's a knock on my window.

I looked over at my clock and it was a quarter past midnight, now, who would be knocking on my window.

And then there was another knock. I walked over, and saw Parker sitting on the roof outside my room.

I opened my window. "Your roof get boring so you decided to use mine?" I gave him a look.

"I saw your light on." He shrugged.

"Because I'm busy Parker. What do you want?" I shook my head.

"Well, I want you to let me in because 1, it's a bit nippy out, and 2 what could you be doing at midnight on a Monday."

I sighed and stepped to the side. "Just, be quiet, alright?"

He climbed lightly through my window and sat down on my bed with me. "What is all this?" He shook his head.

"Everything I have to do."

"This month?" He gave me a look.

"This week." I nodded.

"Are you serious?" He picked up my planner. "Why are you doing all this?"

"To keep my mind from racing." I shrugged.

"Why is your mind racing?" He shook his head.

"Because I have anxiety and I don't want to be put on medication so I have to keep myself occupied."

"When did that happen?"

"When I wrecked my bike 2 years ago and had to keep myself busy to stay off a bike and out of the gym until my pelvis healed." I shook my head.

"Wait, what?" He raised his eyebrows.

I nodded. "I fractured my pelvis and couldn't do anything for 12 weeks Parker."

"I never knew that." HE shook his head.

"You never asked."

"Because you weren't talking to me."

"Well, this was fun, goodnight Parker." I rolled my eyes.

"Anson stop." He sighed. "How about after try-outs Friday I help you with this one." He pointed at our bike maintenance. "And you can tell me what else I missed."

"Fine Parker." I nodded.

And then he scrunched his face. "What is this?" He lifted my arm.

"I fell out of my truck."

"Oh, so trucks have fingers now." He nodded.

"Then how about don't worry about it. I handled it, Marcus intervened. No big deal."

"Yeah, Marcus, looked pretty comfortable while you were stretching."

"Why were you watching." I gave him a look.

"I wasn't." He shook his head. "I was just-"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Park." I shook my head.

"Well, I just wanted to come make sure you're OK." He nodded.

"I'm OK. I've been OK, I'll continue to be OK. I just stay up late." I shrugged.

"Yeah, because all of that is OK Ani." He let out a small laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Well, you live across the road and your boyfriend lives here, so." I pursed my lips.

"True." He nodded and walked over to my window. "And uh, I recommend closing your curtains, or you know, putting on pants."

"Yes Parker, because you've never seen a girl in their underwear, right?" I rolled my eyes.

"They normally don't have any on." He shrugged.

"Get out." I pointed out my window.

"Goodnight." He smiled and climbed out. He closed my window.

I waited for him to get back over to his house and up the side to his roof, and I turned my light off.

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