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*Cash's POV*

This entire day so far has been ass backward.

We were up at the ass crack of dawn to drive the 5 hours to the race spot.

Our practice time was at 1:30.

But the part that's ass backward, is that Dyson, Anson, and I practiced with Team Thomas.

Being the only 2 teams from Helen, Garrett and Anson did the interviews together.

Surprisingly, when someone mentioned Anson and Garrett's relationship, Garrett put them in their place.

But when they mentioned Anson and my relationship, she happy explained that we've been together for a few months and that we have a great relationship, but our racing relationship is even better.

Which, she's not wrong, both statements are true.

They got in to a long conversation about where Parker is, and why Dalton got kicked off of team Thomas.

Then Dyson, Piper, Anson and I all went and got dinner with our dads, and met at the hotel for Hal to get us checked in and our room keys.

They walked us up to the floor, and Hal handed Dyson a key.

Then he took a deep breath.

"Dad." Dyson groaned.

"What?" He sighed.

"She's a big girl. They've already spent the night together. I am right next door. Give him the key."

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Dyson, but, he did in fact hand me a key.

"Uh." I pursed my lips.

"Really?" Anson let out a small smile.

Hal took a deep breath. "I trust you, to make the right decision for you." He nodded. "Good night, I love you all. We will be down at camp. Behave."

"You did good buddy." My dad pat his back.

"Ha ha ha, Kinsley's next." Hal nodded and started walking down the hall.

"Jesus fucking fix it." My dad groaned and followed him.

Anson looked at Dyson. "How in the-"

"If I have to get over it, so does he." Dyson nodded.

"Awe." She pouted and went you hug him. "You are the best big-"

"Do not touch me." He shook his head. "I don't know where those hands have been."

"They have not been anywhere." I sighed. "Why do I feel like he's testing me?"

"I promise you, no test. You two inside, I get to be big brother for a minute." He plucked the card from my hand and handed it to Anson and handed his to Piper.

"Oh dear god." She rolled her eyes and walked in to our room.

He just looked down at Piper.

"What, I'm nosy and I wanna hear the threat." She smiled.

"No threats." He shook his head. "Piper go start the shower, please." He rolled his eyes.

"You're no fun." She stomped and opened the door.

"I will give you fun in a few minutes, alright?" He shook his head and she slammed the door.

"Why do I feel like this is about to be a terrible conversation." I shook my head.

"No, everything is fine. Already know what's about to happen, just, please don't let me hear it."

"Huh." I raised my eyebrows.

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