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*Anson's POV*

We rode back up to the shop, and parked our bikes.

"Thank you." Cash looked at me.

"For what? You did that, not me." I shook my head.

"But I know you had a lot of say in that. Racing on a team is something I've wanted for a really long time." He nodded.

"You earned it kid." My dad came walking in to the shop with Dan and Kevin.

"Welcome to MCCB racing." Dan smiled.

"Thank you dad." Cash looked at Kevin. "For calling them when you saw their ad." He smiled.

"Make it worth it." Kevin smiled.

"Oh he will." I nodded. "I'll make sure of that. But first things first. Picking a model." I smiled.

"Do the honors Captain." My dad smiled.

I hopped off my bike and walked over to the door of the bike room. "Come on." I waved him over.

He gave me a look, but followed.

"Take your pick." I pushed the doors open.

"Holy shit." He shook his head.

"Heaven right?" I smiled.

He nodded.

Dad and Dan walked in and pulled 4 different customs out.

"These are the 4 I decided would best suit you." Kevin nodded. "Rest is up to you." He smiled.

"Wait, I really get to chose my own?" He looked at Dad and Dan.

"You do. You give us a color, we do a custom design for you, put on your brand sticker, and whatever number you choose." My dad nodded.

"How do I chose my own number?" He gave them a look.

"Could be any number, or you can join the MCCB tradition. Anson's is 511, Dyson's is 723 and Parker's is 814. Its the day they joined the team." Dan nodded.

Cash nodded. "827." He smiled.

"Alright." Dad smiled.

"Color?" Dan crossed his arms.

"Dad?" He looked at Kevin.

"Go with yellow." Kevin nodded.

"And now build." I nodded.

He took a deep breath. "Any of them?"

"Any." Dan smiled.

"And what is going on in here?" My mom came walking in.

"Well Mom, our new team rider, is picking out a bike." I smiled.

"Baby, this is Cash and Kevin Miketish. Cash, Kevin, this is my wife Sherry." My dad nodded. "Cash here, is going to be racing 250 with Anson."

"You three actually agree'd on something?" My mom smiled.

I nodded.

"Well, it's nice to meet the two of you." My mom walked over and hugged Cash. "Welcome to the MCCB Family."

"Thank you." Cash smiled. "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Cross."

"Sherry baby. Are these the bikes your choosing from?" She gave him a look.

He nodded.

"Is he the racer you went to see that takes jumps like they're nothing?" She looked at Dad and Dan.

They both nodded.

"Go with the 250 Wing build honey." She nodded. "You look to be about 6'2, bikes a little bigger, firmer seat, high enough for your legs, and light enough to take jumps better."

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