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*Cash's POV*

Now that we're back from the lake house, we're back on the grind and down at the track practicing for the race next weekend.

Next weekend, we go out of state with Thomas racing. Tennessee to be exact.

It's in Nashville, so it's just over 4 hours away.

I've never been to Tennessee, which is strange for me, because I've lived just about everywhere. But I'm super excited to see Nashville. Especially with Anson.

All of the families are going this time. Marot is coming. Mom, Kin, Pais, and Quinn are coming, and Miss Sherry is coming. Piper will also be coming, but her grandmother won't be.

And we're leaving early Friday morning and skipping school, so it's like a small little MCCB family vacation.

That's exactly what all of us need. Time as a family and team.

What I'm concerned about though, is Garrett.

At her birthday, Garrett made it very clear that he still has full intentions of trying to get her back.

I mean, after this weekend it doesn't seem likely. But I still can't get it out of my head.

'Don't count me out just yet Miketish.'

Bitch, I'm going to count you out because that's my fucking girlfriend.

"What's on your mind man?" Dyson looked over at me.

We're up on the mound because Anson and Parker are doing their run.


He nodded.


He raised his eyebrows. "You just had sex with my sister, and you're thinking about her ex?"

"Did you hear him, you know the night of her birthday party?"

He sighed. "Cash, when it comes to Garrett and Anson, you have nothing to worry about on Anson's side. She's over him, they're acquaintances. They're civil because of brothering teams. Garrett, he's going to try, but it's never going to happen." He shook his head.

"You going to call me insecure if I ask you something?" I pursed my lips.

"Probably but give it a go." He let out a small laugh.

"Do you think I need to be worried about Parker?" I scrunched my face.

He pursed his lips and nodded. "With that, do you want the truth?"

I nodded.

"I do. To an extent." He shrugged. "Parker and Anson, they have this like, weird connection. You've seen it."

"Unfortunately." I sighed.

"Do I think you need to be worried on Anson's part, a little bit. Do I think you need to worry on Parker's part? Yeah, I do." He nodded. "I love Parker, he's my absolute best friend, he has been since we were born. And even though it's weird, a part of me had always been rooting for Parker and Anson. But then you came into the picture, and I see how happy you make her. All I want, is for Anson to be happy. And both Duke and I agree that if it comes down to it, Parker is going to end up going back to Phoenix because we both think that she'd chose you. Anson loves Parker, Parker is what she knows. But with you, she like, actually loves you, and you're new to her, you're exciting to her, while making her so comfortable. I do think he'll back off a bit, but if I know him, it's going to come to a point where he's going to start trying again."

"So pretty much, I need to worry about them, and not her?"

"Oh yeah. Anson, she's the most loyal girl around. I mean, look at how Garrett treated her, and she still stuck around. Put it this way. She would not have done what she did with you this weekend if she wasn't all about you."

I sighed and nodded. "True."

"My advice if you're feeling really insecure, keep doing the things that got her in the first place. Take her on the cute dates, tell her how you feel, so on so forth." He shrugged.

"Do you think that your parents would let me take her out while we're in Nashville?"

"I mean, I don't see why not. Not like anything is going to happen with her with your big ass right beside her."

"Is that a fat joke." I crossed my arms.

"No bitch, it's a 'you look like you bench press mac trucks' joke. You took it easy on Parker yesterday, and you still whooped his ass." He nodded.

"Yeah, touché." I nodded.

"I've got to ask though." He sighed. "You two were safe, all times, right?"

"Yeah, Dys we were. I'm not going to put her in a situation that could potentially hurt her." I shook my head. "And in case you don't realize this, getting pregnant and having a baby at 18, not really on my to do list."

"Good." He nodded. "But with that being said, and me being her brother, I want you to know I mean this with the utmost respect."

"Oh boy." I sighed.

"I don't care how big you are." He shook his head. "1, if you do anything to hurt my sister in any way, shape, or form, I will beat the shit out of you and not think twice. 2, if you get my sister pregnant, before she goes to the Olympics, I will break both of your legs, so you can no longer be in the military. And 3, don't ever try to come between her and I, because not only will you lose her, but you'll also lose your life." He nodded.

I pursed my lips and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds pretty fair."

"It's more than fair. Garrett and her weren't even together, he fucked around, and he found out just how hard Parker can punch. Parker laid him smooth the fuck out. And I punch a whole lot harder than him. And with playing football and being in a gymnastics gym my whole life, I know how to dislocate joints and relocate them. I have no problem doing it over and over again."

"You seem like the kind of guy who would kill me, then resuscitate me just to kill me again." I nodded.

"Because I am. But you don't need to worry about it. Because you're not going to fuck over my little sister, the most important girl in my life, the girl I would take a bullet for or gladly take a life sentence for, right?"

"Right." I cleared my throat.

"Good man." He smiled.

And then Anson and Parker came riding up on to the mound.

"Why do you look like you're going to throw up?" Parker took his helmet off.

I shook my head. "I'm good."

"Liar." Anson crossed her arms. 

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