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Izzy had been there for the past week, but for Earth it had been almost a month. A month, of not being with her family, her hero, her baby. She missed them and wondered how they were handling it all.

Honestly, being in the body of a man, was not the weirdest thing to experience. She had been spending every moment possible, learning magic and trying to figure out how to undo the spell, and get her body back, she wanted to go home. Slamming the book shut she growled out in irritation, causing one of the scribes nearby to run away.

'I'm not Loki!..'.. She slammed her hands on the table... 'I'm getting really sick of this shit..'

'I understand your frustration my dear, and they know you are not Loki, but that you wield hid magic, which mixed with emotions can be unpredictable..'... Frigga comes out of the stacks, holding some books... 'We may have some luck..'

'Frigga, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm about three months pregnant now, and I'm missing out. What if we never find a way?..'...Izzy dropped her head into her hands.

'My dear, I know my son, and he would have ensured there was a way for you to switch back, all we need is to find the spell..'.. Frigga sighed, placing the books on the table, sitting opposite.

'This is so fucked up..'.. Izzy reached for a book and pulled it closer... 'Of all the shit I've been through, this is by far the most painful. I want to go home, be me again..'

'I know dear, and you will as soon as we find the spell. Heimdall is keeping watch for us..'.. Frigga reached across, taking a hand in hers. It was strange to see Loki, but know that a completely different person inhabited his body.

'Ok, so let's think about this like Loki..'.. Izzy sat back... 'You wed us..'.. Rolled her eyes... 'An unconscious woman to Loki. He's Johtunn, a frost giant, but the ritual you did was asgardian? I mean, he didn't kiss me or anything, did he?..'

'No he did not. Loki made his feelings very clear about the ritual, he did not want to do it any more that you..'.. Frigga tells her.

'I don't know whether to be insulted or impressed..'.. Izzy snorted... 'So, if he did the spell, while you did the ritual, we switched at some point, clearly, cause I don't remember anything other than waking up in his room..'

'Hm..'.. Frigga was lost in thought, and Izzy got up, pacing about.

'Question..'.. She turned back to Frigga... 'When we switch back, we'll still be married?..'

'Yes. Your marriage is binding, here and across the nine realms..'... Frigga links her fingers atop of the book in front of her.

'That's just great. Shit like this, is illegal on earth you know..'.. Izzy paced again... 'Stark is going to be so pissed about this. So, this makes me a frosty wife, right? If we're 'bound' as you say, am I a frost giant too?..'

'No my child..'.. Frigga stands, coming around and taking Izzys hands, well, Lokis hands... 'You are acclimated to his Johtunn form, and you share his lifespan. Unless you, and forgive me for saying this, unless you consumate, that is all it will be..'

Izzy snorted in response and retched... 'Nope, not a chance..'

'If you should..'.. Frigga took her arm and turned her back to face... 'Then you share his seidr, and his Johtunn abilities..'

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