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Izzy felt herself waking up, and she peered at the light around her. She was still in the lab, the lights low and she could hear her hero and Bruce talking quietly on the other side of the lab. She shuffled, feeling the wires tug on her and she sighed... 'Morning, I think. Friday, what time is it?..'... She pushed the blanket off her.

'It is 6.43am Mrs Stark..'..

'Ok..'.. Both men came each side of her and she smiled at Tony... 'Any chance we can get these off me for a minute? Mini is pressing against my bladder and I really need to go. Feels like I've drunk gallons of water or something..'.. She winced from the stabbing pain in her bladder.

'Yeah, sure. You ok?..'.. He asked as the two began to unhook her.

'Yeah, I feel wide awake and raring to go..'.. Once they were off, Tony took her hands, helping her to sit up and she shuffled off the bed, rushing as fast as she could from the lab... 'Give me a minute then we'll go over the data..'... She called to them.

'You believe her, that she doesn't remember?..'.. Bruce asked him as he wound the wires together.

'Yeah, I do. Iz wouldn't be this focused if she remembered..'.. Tony ran a hand through his hair.

'Our data suggests otherwise..'.. Bruce said, not looking at him.

'No, it showed she was-..'

'I was what?..'.. She walked back in, rubbing her stomach, looking between them as she sat at Tonys desk... 'One of you tell me..'

Tony sighed, turning to her... 'Iz, aside from your cerebellum, your brain was lit up like Vegas. Friday, show her..'

A holo display of her brain was projected into the middle of the lab, and Izzy could see her neurons working overtime... 'Tha-thats..'.. She frowned, getting up and walking through it as she looked around... 'Its as if I'm awake, not dreaming..'

'You didn't move, or speak at all, but I even tried to wake you up at one point, you were unresponsive. Whatever it was, you were in a really deep sleep..'.. Tony walked to the edge of the holo, and pointed to one part... 'Here, at 11.26pm watch..'.. It flicked through and them slowed enough that she saw it... 'Your emotions were heightened. We checked with your heart rate and and monitored you REM, whatever it was, it caused your neurotransmitters in the brain, to light up..'

She looked around, reading her map... 'Iz..'.. Bruce cleared his throat... 'You were experiencing lust. Lust stems predominantly from the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that also controls such basic desires as hunger and thirst. The hypothalamus is closely tied to the autonomic nervous system that controls our heart rate and how fast we breathe. Your brain was releasing certain hormones such as dopamine and oxytocin and norepinephrine, and your heart rate was high..'

'So, I was having a realistic sex dream? Huh..'.. She turned to face Tony, smirking at him... 'Well, you're being a real gentleman, but I guess I just can't get enough of you..'.. She walked over to him, linking her arms around his neck.

'You're dreaming about me?..'.. Tony asked her, and she felt his mood shift.

'I may not remember what I'm dreaming about hero, but apparently I'm having really good dreams, and I can't imagine it being anyone else but you..'.. She pulled back, watching him... 'Whats going on? Cause you're hiding something from me..'.. She looked back at Bruce, seeing him shifty... 'Someone start talking, or I'll have Friday fill me in..'

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