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Izzy opened her eyes, stretching out a little, feeling a breeze brush her skin. Frowning to herself, she turned her head side to side, and sat up, seeing that she was back in Asgard... 'What the hell?..'.. She muttered, pulling the blankets from her and swinging her legs off the bed, standing up, and that's when she noticed what she was wearing, but also she had no bump. Running her hands over her stomach, she tried not to panic.

'Why did you call me here?..'.. Her head whipped around, seeing Loki standing at the balcony, the night sky lit up with thousands of stars, as he turned to her.

'You!..'... She seethed, ready to go at him, and kill him... 'What is this?! What have you done?!..'

'I have done nothing darling, it is you who have brought us here..'.. He said walking closer... 'I was quite content in my cell, resting when you brought me here..'

Izzy was so confused, but her anger was still rising to the surface... 'I didn't do anything! I-I was home..'.. She let out a shaky breath... 'I was home, and with hero..'

'You still are..'.. He said, heading to one of the tables in his room, and she noticed it held drinks and food. Loki sat himself down, pouring a glass and picked up a piece of fruit... 'This is your dream. I am amused to see we are back here, I would have thought you would be dreaming of Stark not me..'

'I'm not dreaming of you. Whatever this is..'.. She waved a hand around the room... 'This is your doing..'

'I am in the cell, locked away and unable to use magic. You..'.. He gestured to her with his goblet... 'Are doing this. Perhaps take a moment, and sit, eat..'.. He shoved the other chair with his foot.

'If this is a dream, then I want to wake up..'.. She folded her arms, and noticed his eyes track down. Glancing at herself, she huffed, snatching a blanket from the bed, and covering herself. The emerald green silk nightwear she was wearing, hardly covered her on its own... 'God, you're disgusting..'

'You say that yet you are dreaming of my room, and me..'.. He smirked at her... 'Come now wife..'.. She sneered at his words... 'Sit, eat. We can discuss in detail of this dream..'

'I hate you..'.. She didn't move from where she stood, but slipped one hand out of the blanket wrapped around her and started slapping her cheek... 'Wake up!..'

'Enough..'.. She paused, her hand poised ready to do it again, but she couldn't make herself slap her cheek again... 'I said sit..'.. Her body moved, walking over to him and he stood, pulling the chair out for her as she sat down... 'That is better..'

'Stop controlling me..'.. She scowled at him as he sat back down next to her, and poured her a drink... 'And I'm pregnant, I'm not drink that. Could be poison..'

Loki chuckled, amused again at her, such a complex woman... 'It is just grape juice, and I would never poison you darling..'.. He set it down in front of her... 'You took so long to return home..'.. He sat back, watching her... 'Have you told Stark why?..'

'I was working with your mother and the scribes to find a way to undo what you did..'.. She huffed, wrapping the blanket tighter around her.

'I can tell when you lie..'.. He picked up his drink... 'You were enjoying yourself here..'

Izzy said nothing, just sat there, staring down at the empty plate in front of her. She wasn't enjoying herself in Asgard, no she was trying to find a way home.

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