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Izzy tapped her foot, glaring across to the woman, her arms folded in a bid not to reach out and strangle her. She hadn't meant to falter when fighting against Nat, but in doing so, her darker side took over, and she couldn't get back control. But seeing the look on Friggas face, as if pleading, pissed Izzy off all the more. Evil Izzy as aptly named, had gone to sleep, and now here she was, back in the damn dreamworld, but this time, she wasn't with Loki, she was with Frigga.

'Please..'.. Frigga pleaded again, wringing her hands.

'No. I don't give a fuck what happens, not my world, not my problem. To find out what you've done to me, to my child, my hero, my fucking family..'.. Her voice getting a little loud... 'Hell no. You could have just come to me, at any time in my life, or since the New York battle and ask for my help, which I would have gladly given, but to do this, twist everything, to try and trap me, you have no idea, what you have unleashed. You think I'm bad?..'.. Izzy scoffed a laugh... 'Shadow? No, we're fucking angels, compared to the evil bitch. See, I'm the one with emotions, and Shadow is the one created from both of us, but without either one in control, we can't stop whatever it is she's going to do, so that's on you..'

'Isabel, I am sorry, for my part in it all, but Odin will come for you. He-..'.. Frigga sighs, grasping her forearm, something Izzy noted. She strode over, taking hold of Friggas arm and shoving her sleeve up before she had a chance to protest.

'You're going to tell me everything, and if you so much as lie, withhold anything, I will burn Asgard to ashes, do you understand me?..'.. Izzy let her go, and gestured to the table, in the room. Both women move to sit down, and she listens to every single thing Frigga tells her, creating a plan.


Loki opened his eyes and turned his head, shaking it slightly... 'No, I was not there again..'.. He pushed himself to sit up, running a hand over his face.

'Here..'.. He glanced to his right, seeing Wanda there with a cup of tea for him.

'Thank you..'.. He took it, shifting so his legs were off the side of the bed, in the med bay. After their second meeting late last night, he came in here, hoping that they would meet again in the dream world, and that he could talk to Isabel, but it was futile, he dreamt of something else entirely, not that he would mention.

'So, clearly the purpose of it was fulfilled. No offence, still can't believe she's gone from wanting to skin you alive to falling in love with you..'.. Bucky said, as he leaned against the bed opposite.

'We all feel that sentiment Sergeant..'.. Loki raised his cup in a toast to him, before taking a sip... 'I do not know what else to suggest, to get her to take back control, but I do believe Natasha was right, Frigga must be stopping her from doing so..'

'So, what do we do?..'.. Wanda asked, looking around those who were present. They were all thankful that Caleb was allowed to go, and Tony had taken him back to their room.

'I can try to speak with this other one, Alpha, whatever her name is..'.. Loki sighed.

'I'm not so sure it should be you..'.. Nat says... 'She was raised in Hydra, trained and was being prepared to take over. I don't think its you she's going to listen to..'

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