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'Right now, I don't care about the damn mission, I'm not leaving here until I know they'll both be alright!..'..

Bucky sighed, trying to get Steve to see some sense, but his husband, he was still getting used to that, was adamant he wasn't leaving the compound. They had to be on the jet in the next 20 minutes, Sam and Wanda were ready to go, as was he, but Steve wasn't budging. They could try to do this without him, but he wasn't all too sure if they could. He didn't want to leave either, hell none of them did, but Izzy wasn't going anywhere right now.

His eyes strayed to Izzy, seeing her still out on the bed, and had been for the last six hours... 'I get it pal, I do. You know I do, but this mission can't wait. Izzy is safe, she's ok and clearly not going anywhere..'.. He gestured to her.

'What if something happens? I don't want to leave her..'.. Steve was panicking and Bucky completely understood the feeling, he loved Izzy too.

'The sooner we do this, the better. She's on bed rest for the week, you heard Bruce and Helen. Besides, she sleeps hard anyway, so we'll probably be back before she wakes up..'.. Bucky put a hand to Steve's shoulder... 'But we need your head in the mission. Can you do that? To focus on the mission so we can get it done and come home?..'

'Steve..'.. Nat touched his arm... 'I'll be right here with the others, I'll take shifts with Tony to watch over her. I'll even update you through Friday with everything, every test, and when she wakes up..'

Bucky was thankful Nat said 'when' and not 'if'... Come on, we need to go, this mission can't wait..'

Steve sighed... 'Fine, I want to know everything. And when she wakes up, let her know I'll be back as soon as I can..'

'You know she's going to be pissed that you're worrying, right?..'.. Pietro said, sitting in the chair next to Lokis bed, peeking out from behind the curtain at them... 'Better run now, before she finds out you're pulling out of the mission..'

'You know, sometimes you should filter those thoughts. Your blunt honesty is going to get you into trouble..'.. Bucky rolled his head to Pietro, then turned back to Steve... 'We really have to go..'

'Yeah, I know..'.. Steve went to Izzys side, kissing her forehead... 'You'll be ok Iz..'.. He gave them all a nod, and headed out with Bucky.

'Serious question..'.. Nat frowned at Pietro as he popped his head back behind the curtain... 'When she pops out the kid, are you going to do the same? Kinda thinking about how this works. Or will it feel like somethings trying to push it's way out of your penis?..'

Nat looked around to Tony and Bruce, seeing the same stunned expressions on their faces, hearing Pietros questions. She put a fist to her mouth, but couldn't stop the sniggers from escaping. It was as though the other two were waiting to hear the answers.

'Perhaps we can find a horse to shove up your genitals, let them rest there for a while and then yank them out with burning rope..'... Loki snarked back, and Nat was starting to lose it.

'No need to be so graphic, I was only asking..'.. Pietro sounded a little confused... 'Can guys have babies on your world?..'

'Someone muzzle him for fuck sake..'.. Tony shook his head as he muttered, sharing a look with Bruce. If Izzys pain wasn't going to torture Loki, he was sure Pietros weird ass questions would.

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