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Wanda took a deep breath, blowing it out through her pursed lips as she looked up at the building. Even from standing on the sidewalk, she could feel the magic rippling across her skin... 'You don't think well be killed for this, do you?..'.. She leaned to her left, to Thor, not taking her eyes off the building.

'No harm will come to you, you have my word..'.. He says, looking around... 'Shall we go?..'

Wanda pulled her shoulders back and walked up the steps with him. They had gotten a message from Izzy, that her and Thor were to come to this address and ask for help, to explain what has happened. Nat communicated back on behalf of Tony, who did not want to be anywhere near a half naked Loki. Wanda had to admit, the guy was definitely a god, with a body like his. Both her and Nat had agreed, Loki was hot. She went to knock on the doors, but they opened slowly. Glancing to Thor, he stepped in first, and she followed, looking around the large entrance hall. She squealed when the doors slammed behind them, grabbing onto Thors arm as she did... 'This is creepy..'

'I know why you are here..'.. Both spun, and see someone walking down the grand staircase. Wandas gaze roamed over them, and she noted it was a bald woman, tall and an air about her that was imposing... 'I had warned her..'.. The woman stopped in front of them with a small smile, her hands clasped behind her back... 'Follow me..'.. She turned to her left, and headed to a set of doors.

'Um, sorry. Hi. I'm Wanda and hes-..'..

'Thor Odinson, yes. I am quite aware as to who you both are..'.. Wanda watched as the woman waved her hand, a set of doors opening and she saw it was another large room, filled with rows and rows of books, odd furniture dotted around... 'Please, sit..'.. Wanda blinked, seeing they were now in front of a fire place, three comfy looking chairs around a table that held a tray of a teapot and cups.

Glancing to Thor again, Wanda cautiously sat down... 'Um, our friend Izzy. She said for us to come here, and you could help..'

'This is not something I can help with, but I can tell you what you need to know..'.. The woman poured three cups of tea, handing one to Wanda and Thor before sitting down with them.

'What can you tell us?..'.. Thor asked, watching the woman.

'When your friend, Miss Matthews came to me, I warned her that erasing who she is from this world, would have consequences. She wanted to do the spell, as a way of protecting Mr Stark. I told her that doing so did protect him from Hydra, just as she wanted, but there are always other dangers..'.. The woman sipped her tea... 'The dream spell that has been placed on her, I cannot undo..'

'Is there anyway to remove it, or wake her up?..'.. Wanda asked, placing her cup back on the table.

'Only the one who cast it, can undo the spell, or..'.. The woman sighed, lowering her cup... 'The purpose of the spell is fulfilled. I am sorry, that is not news you wish to hear, but it is the only way your friend will awaken..'.. The woman looked to Thor... 'She returns to your world, for your mother to remove the spell, or-..'

'Izzy won't do that to Tony. She wouldn't cheat..'.. Wanda cut the woman off... 'She'll find another way..'

'Then she remains asleep, and soon your brother..'.. The woman looked back to Thor... 'Will be trapped too. It would seem your father is becoming impatient in waiting. He can and will take them both back to your world, where he can erase their memories, bend them to his will. Time is running out, and I am sorry, but those are the choices that have been dealt..'

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