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'I do not care as to what he says, he cannot force either one of us to do such a thing! It is not happening..'..

Nat watched Loki bang his cup down hard enough the the handle broke. She had to admit, she felt for the guy, having been through what he had, and she had even apologised to him, for judging so harshly. He was adamant nothing would happened between him and Izzy, but Nat started to wonder if it was for a different reason... 'Why?..'

'Why what Natasha?..'.. Loki sighed, picking up the pieces and dropping then into the cup.

'Why won't you sleep with her? I mean, if its the best shot of getting her to wake-..'

'Can you guarantee that she will? Can you promise that in doing so it will not break her heart?..'.. He looked at her... 'She loves him with every fibre of her being, making her do this, and that is what it will be, her being forced to do something she does not want to do, because it is as you put it, her best shot..'.. He gestured to her... 'But will she actually wake up? Perhaps that is the key to Odins plan. We do not know the repercussions, except for the fact she will be heart broken, and she will hate herself for breaking her vows to him. But for him to say that she will do this because she loves him, that is a manipulation of her love for him..'

'My brother is right. It is not fair to put this on them, we have to find another way..'... Thor said, watching how weary his brother was... 'You need to rest..'

'And I will do so, when we have something else to offer Isabel other than her husband wanting her to sleep with me, just for her to wake up. I may not know what we are doing in these dreams, but I have a feeling she will be angry, and as I will be the only other one there with her, I am sure I will bear her wrath at this ridiculous suggestion..'... Loki sighed.

'Again, he's got a point..'.. Clint raised his hand, pointing at Loki, then rested his chin on his hand, as he sat at the end of the couch... 'Shame the battle shit happened, you seem very reasonable. Could've done with that the last few years..'

'I appreciate the sentiment..'.. Loki gave a small nod. Barton hand him had spoken, and Barton told him he didn't hold a grudge anymore, now he knew the truth, which Loki was grateful for.

'You have to sleep soon, she's probably wondering where you are..'.. Wanda, sitting next to Loki placed a hand on his arm... 'And a worried Izzy, isn't ideal..'

'She's right. Izzy might be panicking right now, and she's alone. Go get some sleep. We have a way to communicate with you, so if we find anything, we'll let you know..'.. Nat tells him and Loki was too tired to argue.

'Very well. I will go to the medical bay, just in case..'.. Loki stood, but felt himself sway slightly from the tired fog.

'I will go with you brother..'.. Loki felt a hand on his arm, pulling him away... 'You have not told any of them, have you?..'.. Thor asked after they left the room, keeping his voice low.

'It is not a topic for discussion Thor, nor is it their business to know. Being a Johtunn mate is different than the sexual encounters I have already experienced, I had not claimed anyone at the time..'... Loki yawned, his hand covering his mouth... 'That is why I will not let it happen..'

The two reach med bay, and Thor guides Loki to the bed, and steps back as his brother starts to undo his shirt, before laying down... 'I will take first watch, get some rest brother, we will be here if you need us..'

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