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Izzy was thankful to be back in her body, back to herself, though she had missed a lot, at least she had her memories still. Tucked into Tonys side, she drew circles on his thigh, while listening to the others talk about the mission they did. She could see some were a little hesitant but that was to be expected, for them it had been months since she was herself. Her thoughts drifted off to that last week, between her resucing her hero, to getting hurt, finding out she was pregnant, married then almost dying.

'Izzy, breathe..'.. She had no idea as to what just happened, but her thoughts had spiralled, her vision darkening around the edges, her ears ringing... 'Come on, breathe for me..'.. Tonys muffled voice was right next to her, and feeling a hand rub her back, she guessed it was him... 'Focus on me, breathe sweetheart, I got you..'

She sucked in a deep breath, and let it out, repeating the process until she saw her vision clear. Every one of them were close, but not too close, watching her... 'I'm ok, sorry..'.. She waved her hand, sitting back, as Tony moved in front of her, concern etched in his face... 'I-..'

'Spiralled. I guessed that's what happened..'.. Tony took her hands... 'What were you thinking about?..'

'Everything. Since the battle, the scepter and walls coming down. Just everything overwhelmed me. It's been one fight after another, and that last week, you getting kidnapped, all that followed..'.. Izzy blew out a breath... 'Its overwhelming. I don't think I'll ever catch a break, to just process it all, but I guess I'm worried about what could happen next..'

'We're all here with you Iz..'.. Steve stepped forward, crouching next to Tony... 'Whatever is on your mind, or anything you're worried about, talk to us. You don't have to carry it all alone, we're family. You don't have to do anything, but relax now, you're safe..'

'You're kidding, right?..'.. She gave him a skeptical look... 'The world may not remember I'm Shadow, or I was Hydras pet project, but they're very aware now, that I'm Pheonix, on this team, your daughter and his wife..'.. She gestured to Tony... 'And that I'm pregnant. I am not, nor will I ever be safe dad. I don't have the extremis or the serum to help me protect myself and mini, nor can I really fight in this condition..'.. She rubbed her stomach... 'What about when you're all out on missions, and I'm here? We can't guarantee we're safe dad..'

Tony dropped back on his knees, she was right... 'Then I'll retire..'

'The fuck you will..'.. She scowled at him... 'This world needs you, all of you. We'll recreate the iron legion to protect the compound, me and mini, but no way am I letting you, any of you, stay back to babysit me me..'

'Damn I've missed you..'.. Nat chuckled, sitting back on one of the other couches.

'Missed you all too. I'm grounded, I know and believe me, I'm more than fine with that..'.. She sighed... 'We have your work for the legion, and it'll be a good little project for me to do around here..'

'Fine..'.. Tony relented... 'If you want to leave the compound at any time-..'

'We'll go together, a few of us, just to be sure..'.. She leaned forward, giving him a quick kiss... 'Now, I really need time to decompress after everything, so..'.. Izzy pushed herself to stand, looking around at them as Tony came to her side... 'Me and hero are going to have the rest of tonight, and all of tomorrow together. I know you've all missed me, but right now, I just need him..'.. She wrapped her arm around Tonys back, and he kissed the side of her head.

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