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Izzy rolled her shoulders, trying to get rid of the ache. Between the stiffness in her bones and the braxtons, she wasn't in the best mood. When she still had the serum, she barely felt pain, but right now it felt as though she had been run over by a bus. She was now 35 weeks pregnant, and trying to finish her wrapping. Christmas day was in a week, and she wasn't in the mood for it.

Her hero had finally apologised, but there was still tension between them, even though she sat him down and explained everything, how she was feeling and her worries, but there still seemed to be a lack of trust from him. Izzy knew their relationship had shifted, but she wasn't going to give up, maybe once Caleb was born, then they could go back to how they used to be.

'How do you wrap so perfectly?..'.. Izzy smiled as Nat came in her little sanctuary room, they had done for her.

She shuffled to sit better on the floor, leaning back against the couch and blew out a breath as she finished another one... 'I'm fussy. If its not perfect, I'll start over. How was training?..'.. Her eyes roamed over Nat as she sat on the floor, wearing her gym clothes.

'Boring without you. Another few months and you'll be back training with us. Honestly, the guys are getting so predictable..'.. Nat laid down on the floor, shifting onto her back... 'How you feeling?..'

'Uncomfortable. I miss the serum, I don't think I'd feel anything really if I still had it..'.. Izzy rubbed her stomach... 'My back hurts so much and I feel Caleb is constantly pressing against my bladder. Getting up and down is a struggle..'.. She chuckled and winced at another ripple of pain rolled over her.

Nat frowned and sat up, watching her... 'How long have you had those pains?..'

'Since yesterday, it's just getting stronger is all. It's just braxtons..'.. Izzy sighed and shuffled to lean on the couch to get up. Nat shot to her feet, holding her hands out to help her up.

'Iz, you sure you're ok?..'.. Nat could see the discomfort in Izzys face.

'I'm fine. I'm just going to head back to my room, have a warm bath that will help and then get some sleep..'.. She looked over the gifts she had wrapped... 'I haven't finished, the rest are in the unit over there..'.. She nodded to the end, by the door... 'I'll finish them tomorrow..'

Nat linked Izzys arm through hers, and walked her out of the room... 'I'll take you back, just in case..'

'Nat, its too early, got another month to go..'.. Izzy rubbed a hand down the side of her bump where the aches were.

'Babies come when they want to. Friday, let Tony know, and to have medical set up..'.. Nat called out.

'I will let him know agent Romanoff..'..

'Nat, really. Look, I just need a bath and bed, I'm tired..'.. Izzy stifled a yawn, as they passed through the main room, and to the hall leading to their rooms... 'I swear I feel I could sleep for days..'.. Izzy wouldn't say it out loud, but just thinking about going to sleep, made her really happy and she didn't know why. Not to mention she felt sad waking up, even if she was well rested. She had a feeling it was to do with her dreams, and she really wanted to know what they were about.

'Hopefully not days, cause you sleep hard, not even a bomb going off could wake you..'... Nat said.

'Guess it's just part of the pregnancy..'.. Izzy shrugged, brushing it off.

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