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'Put me down!..'..

Loki chuckled and held her legs tighter as she wriggled on his shoulder. The sun was coming up and it was time to return, but his wife was not in agreement. They had spent their time in the dreamworld, at the river, at the edge of the city. She was adamant she would stay, but he knew it would raise suspicions with her friends if she did not wake. Though she had been stubborn, he hand managed to get the upper hand on her, binding her wrists behind her back, as he carried her through the palace.

'I fucking hate you!..'..

He smirked at the venom in her voice... 'And so you should darling..'.. She was only in undergarments, but there was no one else here. Having her practically naked, hands bound, and soaking wet from the swim, was not helping the situation at all, but the sooner he got her back to his chambers, and to the real world, the better... 'I am beginning to think you wish to stay here with me..'

'Fuck you! I'd rather be alone, anywhere else but here or with you!..'..

'You say such sweet declarations of affection wife..'.. He laughed at her practically trying to bite him on the back. She couldn't get her hands free, and he had her legs held tight... 'If you wish to mark me darling, I have one place you can put that mouth to use..'

'Ugh, you're disgusting. Seriously, harassment isn't flirting..'..

Loki opened the door to his room and headed straight for the bed, tossing her onto it, that she yelped. Stood at the side of the bed, he was laughing, seeing the contempt burning in her eyes as she glared at him. She went to kick out, but he grabbed her legs and flipped her over... 'Now now, I am merely removing the belt. Unless you wish to keep it on..'.. He kneeled over her, and took it off, but quickly got off the bed, as she turned, ready to swing for him.

'Drop dead, seriously, just dive off the balcony or the end of the bifrost..'.. She gestured to the balcony and beyond.

'But my darling love..'.. He ducked to the side as she threw a pillow... 'Doing such a thing would end your life . I am sure you wish to return to your hero and child..'.. Feinging innocence, he moved to his desk.

'I told you to stop calling me that!..'.. He glanced over, keeping himself angled that she couldn't see... 'Why go back anyway? They'll just keep lying to me, playing games, be conniving. As for Stark, I'm nothing more than a walking talking incubator. He's making it clear how he feels..'.. She sighed, dropping to lay back on the bed.

Loki was quick with his task, folding up the parchment and slipping it into hand, and keeping a tight fist... 'That, I do not believe. You are angry, and rightfully so, but you forget who you are darling..'.. He walked to the end of the bed, leaning against the post... 'You are not just Isabel, you are so much more. You can make them talk, to quake in their boots. You have let yourself become domesticated, changing who you are to better suit being his wife..'.. Loki chuckled... 'Where is the woman, who could make even I tremble in fear, at the mere thought of your name?..'

Izzy propped herself up on her elbows, frowning at him in thought. She hated to admit when he was right, but this was another point on his scoreboard... 'What? You expect me to hurt them or?..'

'No darling..'.. He perched on the edge of the bed, leaning back against the post... 'You never needed to cause harm, your words, actions and expressions covey your threats all too well. Even back during the battle, and I threatened you while I was in that glass cage, you showed no flicker of emotions, no matter what I said..'

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