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For the next three days, Izzy barely spoke to any of them, aside from her dad and pops when she needed something, neither one pushing her to talk. She had taken to staying in a spare room, down the hall from Tony, too defeated to even want to share the same bed as him. He still hadn't apologised, instead he was trying to coax her into seeing things from his point of view. She knew they were all worried about her, withdrawing into herself and in the back of her mind, she was scared that she would slip back into Shadow.

'Iz? I brought you some lunch..'.. She turned her head, seeing Nat there, with Pepper, Maria and Wanda out in the hall... 'Was wondering if you wanted some company..'

'That depends, you going to tell me what you're all keeping from me? And why you never came to me? You all say you trust me Romanoff, but if that were true, you would've come to me with your concerns, instead of that asshole..'... She pointed to the floor... 'Not to mention, you let him out and near me..'.. She shuddered, pulling a face... 'You let him touch me..'

'I'm sorry..'.. Nat sighed, moving to place the tray on the desk, and glancing to the others by the door.

'You all let him get into your heads, it's ridiculous! I mean, look at this outcome..'.. She gestured around the room... 'I feel isolated and alone, cause none of you trust me. Hero doesn't even touch me anymore, and don't even get me started on you..'.. Izzy scoffed.

'I really am sorry..'.. Nat felt the hurt, and hated that she was being referred to as Romanoff again.

'Hes the god of mischief, lies and tricks. How do you know that this isn't something he's planned?..'.. Izzy looked out the window, she couldn't look at any of them without feeling heartache... 'How quickly he changed to play nice, and he managed to trick you into letting him out, to gain your trust..'

'You were hurting Iz-..'

'Of course I was. But instead of taking me to med like dad suggested, you let that piece of shit touch me..'.. Izzy hissed, whipping around to Nat... 'Why didn't you come to me with your concerns? Why is it, I had to find out through watching the surveillance, that you were pretending to be me, to play him at his own game? And why..'... Izzy pushed to stand, her fist clenched over her stomach, glaring at the woman... 'Did you twist what I said?..'

'What?..'.. Nat was confused, standing up and backing away. That look in Izzys eyes, that wasn't her, it was as though she was teetering on the edge of Shadow.

'You said he forced me. I told you, all of you more than once, he wanted me willing. You accused him, of assault!..'.. Izzy looked as though she was ready to pounce... 'You twisted my words! So either you think he forced me, or you think I wanted to. Considering the lack of trust, its the latter..'... Nat kept backing up, until she was just outside the door, the other three women still silent, watching the exchange... 'Tell you what, how about you let witch stick..'.. Her eyes flicked to Wanda for the briefest moment... 'Look inside his head? Then you'll get your fucking answers!..'.. The door slammed in their faces, and Nat sucked in a shaky breath.

Feeling a hand on her arm, she saw Maria nod her head to the hall, and guided Nat down there, the other two following behind. Not one of them said anything, as Maria stopped at Nats bedroom, and opened the door, guiding them in and closing it... 'I don't know what that was, but that wasn't Iz..'.. Maria blew out a breath, turning to the other three.

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