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Thor was angry at his father, after his mother had told him, of what Odin wanted to do with the mortal, he wanted to return and tell his friends, but Heimdall had strict orders to not let him leave. He knew of one passage way, but it did not lead back to Midgard, if only Loki had told him of the others, then maybe he could leave.

He paced about in the room, waiting for the warriors and Lady Sif to join him. He had been here only a few hours, but a few days had already passed back in Midgard. The longer he was here, well...

'I am sorry my son..'.. He looked up, stopping his pace as his mother stepped further into the room towards him, her worry and sadness evident in her face.

'You should have told me when I brought her here. You should have let us find another cure..'.. He shook his head. He loved his mother, but he was extremely disappointed in her for keeping this from him and Loki.

'I could not..'.. She took a step towards him, but he backed up, and she sighed... 'To go against Odin, it is not a wise course of action. I already did so, when I let you leave with her. I cannot again..'

'They do not know..'.. Thor looked out towards the bifrost in the distance... 'Mother please..'.. He turned back to her... 'Help me to leave, I need to tell them..'

I am sorry Thor..'.. He saw that she meant it, and he hated his father all the more.

'Can I send a message to them? I will not push to leave, if I can-..'..

'No. Your father has forbidden it. You may travel the realms, but not Midgard..'.. She clasped her hands in front of her, watching him.

Thor started pacing again, ignoring her. He needed to find a way out of this realm and back to his friends. He had to tell them, had to tell Stark. As soon as the warriors and Sif arrived, the better. They would help him find a way.


Izzy rolled her shoulders and then stood up from the desk, her back aching from sitting so long in her lab. She rubbed the back of her neck, rolling it to work out the stiffness, what she wouldn't give for a massage right now... 'Friday, how are we looking with the new simulations?..'

The AI brought up the simulations on the holo, into the middle of the lab for her to see, and she sighed disappointedly, that it had failed, again.

'Simulation 26 failed, I'm sorry Mrs Stark. From the readings I have, your Circadian rhythms, are abnormal, which is affecting the thalamus. In doing so, your ability to remember your dreams are affected..'..

'And what's causing the abnormality?..'.. Izzy dropped her head, hearing the door to her lab open.

'Yet to be determined Mrs Stark, but it we have exhausted all possibilities. You are completely healthy..'..

'Everything ok?..'.. Izzy looked over to Bruce, who was a little wary and concerned.

'I've been running simulations on my sleep patterns since I came back, hoping to figure out what it is I'm dreaming of. But the simulations fail each time..'.. Izzy gestured to the readings on the holo, and he walked over, swiping through them... 'Friday has run through every test possible, while also tracking me sleeping. She said that my Circadian rhythms are abnormal, and it's affecting the thalamus. There no reason as to why or what is causing the abnormalities, but it would explain why I sleep so well, but don't remember my dreams..'

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