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Tony skidded into the holding area, the others right behind him. His heart was racing as he ran down here, after Friday notified them all, that Izzy or whoever it was, were currently in distress. The surveillance had popped up, and they all watched, seeing her on her knees, clutching her head, screaming 'no'. He hadn't waited around but bolted from med bay, and straight down to her. He cautiously took a few steps forward, hearing her muttering but couldn't make out what she was saying... 'Iz?..'

'I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster. No, no..'.. She was terrified, that was clear in her quiet voice.

Tony moved closer, and crouched down a few feet from the glass, his eyes trailing around the cell she was in, trying to find something, anything... 'Friday, what's wrong with her?..'

'Mrs Stark jolted awake, and began to talk out loud, as if to others. There was a slight tone and infliction of her voice, like she was speaking as if she were three different people. Boss, from what I have monitored, I believe she was speaking with her other selves. I would advise hearing what was said, away from Mrs Stark as to not distress her further..'..

Tony turned his head to Steve and Bucky... 'Go to my lab, watch what happened, and then come back, now..'.. Both men glanced to Izzy and then ran back out of the room. Tony turned back to Izzy, unsure of who was in control right now... 'Iz? Sweetheart, can you hear me?..'.. He needed her to look at him.

'I'm not a monster..'.. She was whimpering, her head still down, hands clutching her head as she rocked slightly on her knees.

'Friday, open the door..'.. Tony whipped around, as Loki gave the order walking forward.

'You can't go in there..'.. Tony pushed to his feet to stop Loki, but the god just grabbed him by the shoulder and shoved him in the cell, stepping in right behind him.

'Close it..'.. Loki ordered, letting Tony go... 'She wants you, and needs me. They are separate things entirely, and right now, we have to help her..'.. Loki moved past him and went to Izzys other side, kneeling next to her... 'Get over here Stark..'

Tony had no idea, but crouched down at her side, glancing to Loki with a confused look, not sure as to what to do.

'Take her hand, hold on to her, talk to her. She's lost in her head, help to guide her back..'.. Loki tells him, as he takes hold of her left hand, gently pulling it from her head... 'Darling, we are here. Your hero and your villain..'

Tony snorted at Lokis words, which earned him a cutting glare.

'We are here. Feel us, hear us...'.. Loki gave him a nod, as if to speak.

'Iz? Sweetheart, I'm here..'.. Tony sighed... 'We are here. Were right here, and we need you to come back to us. Please Iz? Please come home. Caleb needs his mother..'.. Her body still shook, but it seemed her breathing was beginning to even out and she wasn't muttering anymore.

'Isabel, your family is here with you..'.. Loki stroked his thumb across her hand, while his other brushed her hair back from her face, tilting her head to look at him, but her eyes were out of focus, lost to whatever darkness was in her mind... 'Now now wife, you would not want me to order you to entertain me, now would you?..'.. Loki smirked, knowing he had to push her. Hearing a scoff, he flicked his gaze back to Stark, and gave him a look to hush, then put his attention back to Isabel... 'Come now pet, if you are done with your so called hero, then perhaps I should take you to my bed so you would never leave..'

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