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Loki stood out on the balcony, resting back against the stone rail, goblet in hand as he watched her silently. Her reaction was as he imagined, and though this was his chambers, he did not care about the destruction she was making. She needed an outlet for her anger, and rightly so, he was not going to stop her, but he would take her to other rooms if needed, to destroy them too. He sipped his drink, smirking slight as he did. See this fire, this rage in her, was immensely attractive, and he would like nothing more than to cool her anger, but he had made a promise. He really wished he would remember this when he was awake, this was something he would fantasise about, often.

Hearing the string of profanities, the sheer strength of her, when she flipped the bed and the couch, destroying everything in sight, being out on the balcony was meant as a means to stay out if her way, and for the breeze to cool his burning desire, though it seemed to burn stronger.

When silence fell, his eyes searched her out in the demolished room, and she walked out, breathing heavily. He held the goblet out to her, and she took it, drinking the remainder... 'I know better than to ask if you are alright..'

'We need to find a way to get out of here. If I'm stuck, you might be too..'.. She took a deep breath, resting her arms on the balcony rail, looking out to the grounds... 'We'll try the bifrost first, then the cavern Thor told you about. If neither work, we'll go back to searching the libraries, but we still need to communicate with the others..'

'Yes, I was thinking of that while you were busy redecorating..'.. He gestured to his room and noted the smile on her lips. He turned to face out with her, setting the goblet on the rail to the side of him... 'I am not too sure if it will work, but perhaps using me to send the messages..'

'What do you mean?..'.. She turned her head to him.

'Write your message on me. Perhaps it will appear for them to see, it is an idea and not sure if it will work..'... He waved his hand... 'If they reply, then we know it works..'

'You want me to doodle on you?..'.. She chuckled... 'You're already a work of art, you don't need me marking you..'

Lokis thoughts drifted off at her words, just thinking of another scenario of her marking him... 'W-well, we will uh..'.. He cleared his throat... 'The bifrost and cavern first. Shall we go?..'.. He stood straight, holding his hand out for her and she took it. The two walk back into the room, and around the mess to the door. Loki let out a breath of relief when she opened it, and they left to leave the palace.

'I'm sorry this is happening to you..'.. She said, leaning her head against his arm as they walked... 'I know what it's like to be manipulated, controlled. You never deserved any of this..'

'Neither did you, but at least I got to have you as a friend out of it..'... He smiled.

'Why didn't you tell me it was that prophecy in the book you tossed out the window?..'.. She asked, as they headed further down the hall.

'I did not want you to know, to have anything that would sway you. He is your husband, first and foremost, I do not want to come between you. That and I was afraid..'.. He admitted... 'That what this is..'.. He gave her hand a squeeze... 'Is not real..'

'Ok..'.. Izzy pulled him to a stop... 'I love him, yes, I'm in love with him, he's my home, my safe space. We're married and have a child together, we've had our ups and downs, and I want to be with him..'.. She watched him drop his gaze with a nod, and she titled his face back up... 'But I believe this is real. I don't understand it and probably never will. I want him, but I need you. I can't explain it, you..'.. She sighed trying to think of the words... 'I need you, like I need to breathe. You're the understanding, the acceptance that I've desperately needed. You see who I really am, everything I've done and you don't judge me for it, you're not afraid of me..'

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