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Thor knocked the guard down, and rush to assist Fandral, who was fighting against another two guards. With the help of his friends, they had found a passage from Asgard to Midgard, and they were trying to get there. It was to the east, near the edge of the realm, in a cavern. He couldn't see the others, and he knew they would be punished for this, but he had to get to Earth, had to tell the team.

'Thor, you must go!..'.. Fandral shouted to him... 'Go!..'

Thor hesitated, but nodded to his friend... 'I will return as soon as I can..'.. He spun Mjolnir, and took off, heading to the location, flying over the battle that was taking place. He could see Hogan and Volstagg fighting together against more guards but he couldn't stop, he had to get put of Asgard.

Knowing what he did now, the truth of it all, a very small part of him understood why Frigga and Odin had done this, but it wasn't the right way. They could have just told the truth, and ask for help, rather than trying to force Loki and Izzy together. He knew her well, and had she been asked for her assistance instead, she would've come. But hearing that his mother had aided in pushing the birth of Izzys child, his understanding, became anger. She was an innocent, and he was sure that when she would find out, she would find a way to Asgard, and burn his world to ash. Thor felt his lips tilt to a smile, and he wouldn't stop her.


Tony stared down at their son, in the incubator. He was a little small, but he was born early, and needed a little extra help. He hated seeing the tubes and wires, but he knew they were helping him. Glancing over to Izzy in the bed, she still hadn't woken up, and his heart ached at the thought, that she would wake up and panic of no longer being pregnant. Looking back down at Caleb, he reached in, and gently slid his finger into his sons hand... 'You and your mom are strong, you'll be ok..'

His mind flitted back to last night, and he closed his eyes, trying to shake away the screams he heard from Loki. The god had woken up, screaming from the pain he was feeling, to the point that Nat and Vision had to hold him down. One of the assistants had tried to give Loki pain relief, but it hadn't worked. For over an hour, Loki had screamed, and Tony hated every second of it. If that was Lokis reaction, then he knew Izzy had felt it all.

'Tony, please go get some rest. I'll watch over him..'... He felt a hand to his back as Pepper came to his side... 'He needs you to be taking care of yourself..'

'I can't leave him..'.. Tony sighed, turning his head to her.

'I'm not asking you to go back to your room, but your lab is just down the hall. Go get some sleep on your office couch. If there's any changes in them both, Friday will call out to you..'.. She said, rubbing his back. She smiled down at Caleb... 'Hes got your nose and your mouth..'

Tony chuckled lightly... 'Poor kid..'

'Go..'.. She hooked a hand under his arm as he withdrew his hand from the incubator... 'For him, please go get some sleep..'

'Ok. Not like I can do anything to help really..'.. He took a few steps back, and moved to Izzys side, being careful of the wires attached to her and kissed her head... 'Please wake up sweetheart, we need you..'.. He glanced around, and his eyes landed on the curtain around Loki. He headed over, and pulled it open... 'You feel anything, you tell us, got it?..'

'Of course..'.. Loki winced, placing a hand to his stomach as he shifted on the bed... 'I do not want her to suffer any more than she already has..'

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