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Izzys mind wandered over the events that had happened in the last few weeks. Her dad and pops finally got married, with her hero officiating. They had kept it small to just the team, and then broke the news publicly on the same day, which caused a lot uproar. Some bad, but mostly good from the public, it was the government that had the issues. Seemed they didn't like that their public figure, the blonde haired blue eyed ideal American man, was now married to his guy best friend and teammate, not to mention the fact they argued on her pops being the former winter soldier. Oh, did Izzy have a lot to say about that. She ripped the government apart for their statements, gaining the favour of the people about it.

Izzy shook her thoughts clear, as she stood on the ladder, pulling out a book and steadying herself as she opened it. The two of them had spent the last three weeks, every night in her dreamworld, searching through Friggas personal library and were on the last stack of shelves. There was also the two libraries to search, as well as the tomes in the vaults, and Odins personal library. It was wearying but she wasn't giving up... 'I don't even know why I'm trying to read this..'.. She snapped the book shut and dropped it. Izzy didn't even have to look to know he had caught it. He hated that she was on the ladder, and that was something she enjoyed, pissing him off.

'Ah, yes..'.. She peered down as she reached for another, seeing him stood with one hand holding the ladder, the book open in his other hand, reading it... 'This would be of no use to us, it speaks of, well..'.. He cleared his throat, closing the book and then looking up at her, holding it out for her to return it.

'What?..'.. She could see the colouring in his cheeks... 'You can't just leave it at that, come on..'.. She took it back... 'Whats it about?..'.. She hooked her arm through the ladder, and began to flick through the pages, seeing there were some pictures, but still didn't understand.

'Nothing you need to concern yourself with. Are we not here to find something else?..'.. He rapped his knuckles on the ladder, bringing her focus back. Izzy rolled her eyes and slid the book back into its original place, before pulling out the two next to it.

'Catch me..'... She let herself fall back, and chuckled, hearing him mutter as she landed in his arms... 'See? You are useful for something..'.. She wriggled out of his grip, still holding onto the two books, moving to a table to sit down.

'Yes, I am your personal lackey..'.. Loki huffed, and moved to climb the ladder to check out the other books on the top shelf, more so to stop her climbing again... 'Please remain on the ground, it is safer for you and your child..'.. Once he reached the top, he pulled the ladder across to read the spines.

'Pregnant, not immobile..'.. She called to him, and he glanced back down, seeing her head already buried into one of the books. How he was still holding his self restraint, he had no idea. It seemed in the last few weeks, even trying to irk her, was not affecting her as much anymore. They had settled into a friendship of sorts, well, only in the dreamworld. When awake, she was still vengeful.

'You must be careful, if not for you then for your son..'.. He sighed, focusing back on the shelf.

'Heard you the first one million times you've said it, and if I'm still not listening, then clearly you need to give up on it..'... She muttered loud enough for him... 'What does this mean?..'.. She pulled one of the open book towards her, one that was full of translations.

'What?..'.. Loki pulled another book and climbed back down, coming to stand at her side, peering at what she was reading. Seeing the words on the page, he ripped the book from in front of her, and tossed it aside... 'Nothing important..'

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