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Tony watched as they spread out around him, and as much as he wanted to kill the bastard, he didn't want to be locked up and away from Izzy and Caleb. When he left the compound, he disabled the tracking, finding somewhere remote and shouting for Thors watcher friend. It surprised him that he was heard, when the bifrost thing snatched him up and not a minute later he was stood at the edge of a multicoloured bridge thing, and a giant in gold armour watching him, with a lot of armed guards with weapons, surrounding him... 'Quite the welcome party you got here..'.. Tony counted each one, wondering how many he could take out.

'You are not welcome..'.. The one he assumed was Odin, by the description he had, stepped forward, holding a golden staff... 'Though having you here, works in my favour..'

'Oh, she's going to kill you, you know that right? If your own kids don't do it first..'.. Tony sniffed, as he took in the view... 'Why her?..'

'She is unique, and it was written thousands of years ago. You cannot change her destiny..'.. Odin tells him.

'Can't really call it destiny when you've been pulling the strings her whole life. You're going to stop, and leave her alone, end this bullshit with Loki, so you can drag his ass back here, and she stays with me..'.. Tony gestured to him.

'No. You only see it from one side, Mr Stark, only thinking about yourself. You have not see what we have..'.. Odin turns slightly, gesturing back towards the palace... 'You think of me as selfish, a tyrant..'.. He turned back to Tony... 'You and your companions, you strive to save and protect your world, I strive to protect the nine realms. What is one life to the billions that inhabit all these worlds?..'

'You want to sacrifice my wife?..'... Tony went to take a step forward, before weapons were drawn on him, halting his movements.

'No. I want my daughter, as that is what she is now, to take her place beside her husband, and rule Johtunnheim. She is the only one to restore order, and bring peace. Let her come, and I will allow your world to continue..'... Odin said and Tonys back went up.

'You're threatening my world now? Nice, and you say you're not a tyrant..'.. Tony scoffed.

'A sacrifice that is needed, if to ensure peace. Tell me Mr Stark, what would you sacrifice, to ensure your sons future?..'.. Odin asked him, and Tony clenched his jaw at Caleb being mentioned... 'Would you give her up to save him?..'

Heimdall turned his head out to the space behind the mortal, seeing what was happening back on Midgard. Though he could stop it if he wanted to, he waited until the very last moment... 'My king..'.. Heimdall turned to Odin, bowing his head slightly... 'They are no more..'

Tony looked between the two, and noted Odin sigh sadly... 'Then this meeting of yours, is over..'.. Odin cast him a glance, before turning away and with his soldiers, headed back towards the city... 'Send him back..'.. Was all Tony heard, before he felt himself being pulled and he hurtled through the bifrost again.


Bucky and Steve kicked in the bathroom door, and his eyes scanned the room, seeing the water spilling across the floor as he stumbled over to the bathtub, and noticed her beneath the water. He reached in and hauled her out, sending more water cascading over the sides... 'Steve we need towels!..'... He splashes across the floor as he moved back to the bedroom and laid her on the floor
She was wearing a red robe, but with it wet, it clung to her body that she may as well have been naked. He knelt next to her, moving her wet hair from her face and titled her head to check her breathing, and pulse. Finding none, he started compressions... 'What the fuck Iz?! Why would you do this?!..'

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