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Loki sat in a chair, outside of his bathroom door, feeling a myrid of emotions. The main one being pure hatred for what they have done to Isabel. Whether that was his own emotion or hers, maybe both, but that emotion he held onto, to tamper down everything else he was feeling.

When they got back to the room, he shoved her to the bathroom, and quickly filled the tub half way with cold water, before scooping her up and putting her in it. He then froze the water, to stop her from getting out, but to also help, before filling it some more. He hadn't been in there since, he couldn't, not if they were going to keep to her vows.

When he tasted the drink, he knew it was off, but smelling it, the yorik weed to increase desire and sinca clover for fertility that were in the drink, would have her in the bath for the rest of the day. From what he tasted, they had put a lot in the goblet, and she had drank more than him. He could hear her frustration through the door, hating that he had put her in this situation, all those years ago, but he was sure when it all passed from her body, she would kill Odin.

'I hate this..'.. He heard her muffled whine, and he closed his eyes, his head dropping to his hands as he sat in front of the door.

'I know, I am sorry..'.. He called to her. He was feeling everything she did, and she was feeling him. A vicious circle at the moment, both being tortured by it all... 'Have you tried to sleep?..'.. He heard some splashing.

'Yeah but I'm way too wound up to sleep. I feel like I've done a lot of viagra, crack and sherbert. I'm buzzing in here..'.. She said loudly... 'How much longer?..'

'All night if we must..'.. He sighed, getting up to stretch his legs.

'And what if someone comes in? Look, just get in here. If dickhead walks in again, or anyone, they'll hear us in here and we can play to that. Just freeze the water for me again..'..

Nope. He was not going in there. She may sound reasonable, her anger burning more than desire right now, but he wasn't risking it... 'I would rather be out here..'

'Loki! Get your ass in here!..'.. She shouted and he could feel the pull of the bond. This is what he was worried about, he didn't want to go in there. Gritting his teeth, he stood and opened the door, closing it behind him. He kept his fists clenched at his sides, seeing her in the bath, her head resting back, hands draped over the sides as she watched him... 'Make me sleep. If we both sleep, I'm sure I can calm down, and neither of us have to worry then..'.. The pointed look, he was getting what she was saying.

Loki craned his neck, seeing the water still frozen around her and walked over, crouching at the side and taking her hand. Blowing out a breath, he felt the bond... 'Go to sleep..'.. He pushed on it, and saw her smile, her eyes slowly shutting with a contented hum. He waited another minute, and her breathing evened out. Waving his hand, he conjured a pillow, and laid on the floor, getting settled and falling to sleep himself.


Tony had no idea as to what was wrong with him, as he yawned again. It was weird, not even midday and he was ready to fall back to sleep. He hadn't been over working himself, so he didn't understand why he felt so tired. Blinking a few times to clear his vision, he knew he wouldn't be able to continue, so he rubbed his face... 'Friday, can you ask the girls to watch over Caleb. I'm exhausted, and need to lie down..'

'You got it boss. Miss Potts is currently free, and I have asked her to come to you..'..

Tony got up, and moved to the bassinet at the side of his office, seeing Caleb asleep. He hadn't long been fed and changed, so he'd be out for a little while. Tony dropped onto the couch next to Caleb, his head resting on the back of it as he fought against falling asleep, waiting until Pepper-..

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