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Steve didn't like it, not one bit, whoever this was, it wasn't Izzy. The fact that she so freely came down to the holding area and into a cell without a fight, had him wondering what her plan was. Bucky was terrified, something he never thought he'd see again, those demons of his past now resting on his shoulders.

'Let Izzy come back..'.. He said as she sat on the bed, her legs crossed as she stared at him with a smile... 'We need her back..'

'No you don't. You WANT her back, because you're afraid of me, but what you NEED is for me to be out and play..'.. That grin of hers made him feel sick to his stomach.

'What did they do to you?..'.. He glanced away from her, that look in her eyes had him creeped out. He looked around the holding area, anywhere but her.

'Oh, why? Does it get you going to know what they did to me? Hm?..'..

Steve turned away, not sure if he could stay in the room, but the door opened again, with Loki strolling in, Nat right behind him.

'Oh look, my darling husband..'..

'Silence..'.. Loki barked at her with a glare, forcing her to listen, and her eyes narrowed at him, but she was quiet... 'What is it you wish to know?..'.. He turned to Steve.

'How to get Izzy back. We need her back in control, so whatever you two did, you need to fix this, now..'.. Steve looked between them.

'Very well..'.. Loki turned to Nat... 'Remove them..'.. He held out his wrists, and she sighed, taking them off.

'Better hope this works..'... She muttered.

Loki felt his magic was back, and he turned to Isabel, well Alpha, watching her... 'Now darling, this is going to hurt..'.. He conjured a dagger, and plunged it into his thigh, hissing at the pain. He saw she didn't even flinch, but smirked at him. He pulled it out, healing himself and doing it again, but she still didn't react.

'She's not hurting..'.. Nat stepped forward as he healed himself again... 'I thought she could feel what you feel..'

'Then ask her..'.. Steve could barely look at Izzy.

'Having her speak is not a good idea, the bond goes both ways..'.. Loki said, having no idea what was going on. Instead he stepped towards the glass, her eyes on him the whole time... 'Bring Isabel back, now..'.. He felt for the bond, forcing it, but there was still no emotions within her eyes... 'Why is it not working?..'

She had gotten up off the bed, and moved to the glass her fingers tracing on it... 'She's spelling something..'.. Nat came to his side, taking note. She scoffed, and shook her head... 'That's not happening..'

'What?..'.. Steve frowned at her.

'She will let Isabel take control, if I..'.. Loki cleared his throat... 'We will find another way to bring her back..'

'Well you better figure out how, cause we don't know how soon Odin will take you both. Considering the way she is..'.. Steve nodded to the cell... 'She's how they want her to be, right?..'

'Damn it..'.. Nat threw her hands up... 'Your mother, could she be stopping Izzy from taking back control or done something to her?..'

'Possibly. Frigga has a way of knowing things, that can happen. It would not surprise me if she had used this to their advantage..'.. Loki made his dagger disappear, just as there was tapping on the glass.

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