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Tony dropped his head back, as they all returned to the compound in the jet. The mission was a success, but after Friday sent through the footage of Izzy and Bruce, as well as her conversation with Loki, he wondered if there was something more going on. He had the message from Bruce about his worries, and he had thought it over. She had only been back to herself for a week and a half, so maybe she was still adjusting. He didn't want to think the worst.

'15 out..'.. Nat had called to the rest of them.

'You ok?..'.. Tonys head came around, looking at Steve and seeing concern.

'Yeah, I'm good. Just can't wait to get back to her..'.. He smiled.

'She been down there again?..'.. Steve asked, moving to sit next to Tony.

'No. Her, Bruce and Friday have been trying to find anything as to why she's not remembering her dreams. Before all this, she'd have them, sometimes nightmares, but she did remember them, vividly..'

'Thor might have answers, I'm sure if it's anything to do what they did up there, he'll know..'.. Bucky says from across the jet.

'Yeah, but how long until he gets back?..'.. Sam was next to Bucky... 'Iz was there for a few months but said it had only been a couple of weeks..'

'I don't know. Kinda hoping he's back before Caleb is born..'.. Tony sighed... 'She doesn't seem any different to me, like she's actually herself..'

'Not to mention she really hates Loki, so I don't think you got anything to worry about there..'.. Pietro piped up, but received three sets of glares... 'What?..'

'I wasn't worried about that..'.. Bucky scowled at him... 'I've seen Izzy in Shadow mode, believe me, this anger of hers right now, that's all her. Not to mention she's pregnant, so yeah, she's angry and protective..'

'She told me, Pepper and Maria, years ago, that she wished Loki hadn't used the scepter on her. To have a normal life with Tony, well..'.. Nat chuckled, glancing back at them as she flew the jet... 'As normal as she could get..'

'Yeah, but if he hadn't used it, then she wouldn't have found out she's Caps kid. Or know that Hydra was still watching her, right?..'.. Pietro asked.

'Hate to say this, but he's got a point..'.. Tony stood up, moving over to the station to the side, and bringing up the surveillance inside the compound... 'As much as I don't want to think about it, they could have come for her at any time, and she wouldn't even have known about her past..'

'I suppose..'.. Steve got up, coming to Tonys side... 'She's not been near him, has she?..'

'No. Friday has been keeping an eye on her. Bruce has been taking the food down to him, wearing his headphones so he doesn't have to listen to whatever Loki is saying..'.. Tony says, finding her in her lab, running tests yet again.

'Lokis been throwing insults again?..'.. Clint came to the other side of Tony... 'No surprise there..'

'No. He's been trying to talk to Bruce..'.. Tony tells them.

'What? Why?..'.. Bucky asked from behind them.

'I don't know, not sure I even want to know. Could be a trick, try to turn Bruce to the big guy..'.. Tony shrugged, and moved out of the way to sit back down.

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