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Izzy was feeling another flutter within as she watched Tony and Bruce move around the lab, setting it up. They were going to record her sleeping, watch her wave functions and track her REM cycle. Maybe there was something that she had missed, and with the two of them watching over her, they might figure it out... 'Is it almost ready?..'.. She yawned, glancing to the time and seeing it was only 8.14pm. All she wanted to do is sleep, it had been a really long day.

'Yeah, come on sweetheart..'.. Tony smiled at her, and held his hands out, helping her to stand, and moving to the bed they had set up for her... 'Fridau will lower the lights for you, and we'll be here all night..'

'Is there any way we can see what it is I'm dreaming about?..'.. She sat on the edge of the bed, and shuffled back, laying down to get comfortable.

'I've thought about it, but not come up with anything yet..'... Tony tells her, holding her hand... 'You ok?..'

'Yeah, I'm fine, just tired. Just want to figure this out, is all..'.. She smiled at him... 'If I start moaning your name in my sleep, at least we'll know..'.. She teased.

Tony smiled back but didn't say anything. He wasn't worried about that, more about he'd hear her say someone else's name... 'You get comfortable, and I'll start with hooking you up..'.. He leaned down, kissing her softly... 'I love you..'

'Love you too hero, always..'.. She grinned at him and rolled her head to the other side, looking at Bruce at the computer... 'Love you too Bruce..'.. Her and Tony chuckled, seeing Nruce glance over, smiling.

'Love you Iz..'.. Bruce walked over, tapping his pen to his palm... 'We're ready, just need to get you set up, and then you can sleep..'

Izzy just nodded, and snuggled down, pulling her blanket to her chest, as the two placed the pads to her head, chest and wrists. Closing her eyes as the lights dimmed, it didn't take long her her to sink into sleep.


Nat activated the mask, and adjusted the weighted bump on her stomach, as her, Bucky and Steve stood outside the cell area... 'How are we looking?..'... She held her arms out to her sides.

'You'll need to glare more..'.. Bucky wagged a finger to her face, and she did as he said... 'Don't forget, get angry when he calls you wife. Thow in a few threats and don't react as to how you would react. You're Izzy, not Nat..'

'If this works, it will make this easier to question him..'.. Steve ran a hand over the back of his neck... 'Tony and Banner got her distracted tonight, but she may still find out..'

'Then we better get our answers tonight..'.. Nat sighed, and rubbed her lower back... 'Only had this on 20 minutes and already my back hurts..'.. The other two chuckle, and she punches them in their arms... 'Don't be assholes. Friday will have the door open, so stay out of sight and keep quiet, no matter what, got it?..'

'Yeah, we got it. Good luck..'.. Bucky nodded and moved to the side with Steve, keeping out of sight. Nat straightened her shoulders, and put her hands to the bump, walking in through the door that opened.

'Sit down, shut up, speak when I ask a question, got it?..'... Bucky smirked to Steve, yep Nat knew Izzy well enough.


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