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Steve and Bucky helped get an unconcious Thor from the jet, and onto the trolley, to wheel him inside. Even for them, the guy was heavy. Once he was on, Helen and her team rushed him inside... 'What the hell Nat?..'.. Steve turned to her... 'You didn't seem surprised, so what are you not telling us?..'

Nat let out a breath, sharing a look with Maria... 'When Thor brought Izzy back from Asgard, me and Maria started looking into all legends, texts, anything about that place, trying to find what we could about the whole marriage thing, and if there was a way to undo it. We've been on this for months, and when Loki started to talk about his life, I'd ask him about it all, and he filled me in on what he knew. He had said that Thor probably knew something, and that's why he hadn't come back, they were stopping him from returning..'

'So why now? Why is he back now?..'.. Bucky asked, looking between the women.

'Don't know. He was unconcious when we found him, the fact he didn't come through the bifrost, tells me he found another way back. Helen will fix him up and we can talk to him when he wakes up..'.. Nat said... 'Come on, let's go..'.. She jerked her head to the building, both women, the two soldiers and Pietro headed inside, to catch up with the others... 'Still no change in Izzy?..'

'No. Loki said she's no longer in pain, he can't feel it either, but he can't see into her mind..'.. Steve tells them, running a hand through his hair.

'He said he can't feel anything. No emotions either, which honestly..'.. Bucky shook his head slightly... 'Got me worried..'

'Why?..'.. Maria glances to him as they walk.

'Becuase if Izzy isn't feeling anything, then I'm worried she's switched her emotions off..'.. Bucky turned his head to her... 'What if she's gone Shadow?..'

'Until Thor wakes up, right now we can't worry about that. We need to find out what he knows..'.. Nat wasn't going to admit it, but hearing Bucky say that, had her wondering if he was right. They stopped outside med bay, and she looked through the window, seeing Tony back at Izzys side, Loki sitting on the bed across from her, watching Helen assess his brother... 'Hes got the cuffs back on, right?..'

'Yeah. When he said he couldn't see into her mind, he asked to have them back on..'.. Steve said... 'Be honest with me Nat..'.. He turned to her... 'You and Wanda are the ones who have spent the most time with him, and you have a good read on people. You think he can be trusted? That everything he's said is true?..'

Nat looked back into the bay, watching Loki... 'I think we can trust him that he cares about Izzy. He's made it clear, she's going to kill him once Caleb was born, and I belive that. We know she will have something in mind. But yeah, I believe what he's said is true. Wanda even looked into his mind, right?..'.. She looked between Steve and Bucky... 'He'd rather be locked up, than be free, what does that tell you?..'

Steve thought it over, and took a deep breath... 'Ok. I trust you. But we all need to sit down and talk about this, all of it. No secrets, no hidden missions, everything out in the open..'

A loud clattering had the five of them spin to the window, and saw Thor sitting up, thrashing about in a panic. Steve rushed in, just as Loki took hold of Thor... 'Brother, stop! You are alright, you are back with your friends..'

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