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Izzy set her her fork down, and sat back, rolling her neck as she chewed the last mouthful. She took a deep breath in through her nose, before looking over to Loki with a glare. Swallowing her food, she picked up the goblet, and drank the remainder of the orange juice, setting it down... 'I still hate you..'

He chuckled, pouring her another drink... 'You can say it as many times as you wish, yet you are the one that keeps bringing us here..'.. He set the jug down, and waved a hand to his asgardian room.

Every night for the past week, they were here in her dreams. Izzy had no idea as to how this was happening, but it was pissing her off. That and the fact when she woke up, she didn't remember any of this, yet in her dreams, she was aware of the fact she didn't remember... 'If I knew why this was happening, I'd make it stop..'... She rolled her eyes.

'I am sure you would miss me if you did..'.. He smirked... 'How are the tests? Surely they have put your mind at ease..'

'Really?..'... She pulled a face... 'If I remembered this shit when awake, I wouldn't need to do all the damn tests..'.. She folded her arms.

'Again I do not know the reasons as to why..'.. He sighed... 'Are you still able to eat more now?..'

After the third time of meeting in her dreams, Loki had figured out why she couldn't keep anything but fruits, cheese and nuts down, it was what they had to eat the first time, when he had told her to sit and eat. He had commanded her to eat and drink whatever she wanted when she was awake and since then, she was able to keep everything down.

'Yeah..'.. She blew out a breath... 'Don't think I'd survive without meat, pizzas and lasagne..'

'I am sorry..'.. She noticed his hand twitch on the table, before he pulled it into his lap... 'Is everything alright?..'

'Aside from wanting to kill you, and not remember that you're harassing me in my dreams, yeah I'm fucking peachy..'.. She snarked, picking up her drink, and taking a gulp.

'I have to ensure you and your friends continue to despise me..'.. He picked up a piece of dried meat, taking a bite.

'You don't have to be an asshole about it though. It was fucked up what you said to Bucky, and to Nat..'.. She referred to last night, when the two went to try and get answers again.

'I do not remember these moments, just as you do not. I do not mean to be so cruel, only that I must remain in exile, alone..'... Izzy watched as sadness flitted in his face before he cast his eyes down to his plate. For a brief moment, she felt empathy for him, and she shuddered at the feeling.

'Ugh, this is boring..'.. She dropped her head back... 'Sitting here with you, night after night..'.. She looked over to the doors behind her... 'Can we leave?..'

Loki was surprised that she said 'we' and not 'I'... 'I do not know. We should try..'.. He stood, and came around the table, holding a hand out to her but she ignored it, getting up and striding past him to the doors... 'Perhaps you may want to change first..'.. He called to her and she stopped, looking down at her attire.

'Yeah, just in case anyone else is here..'.. She headed to the closet, pulling it open to find something to cover the sleep shorts and vest she was wearing. Finding some trousers and a shirt, she slipped them on over her own clothes, rolling the legs and sleeves to fit her better. Heading back to the door, she ignored him, and grabbed the handle, but the door didn't budge.

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