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Izzy ground her teeth, as she sat with Tony on her left, Thor to her right and Wanda on Tonys other side. She didn't know where the others were, but between the three with her now, she had no doubt they couldn't handle Loki if they needed to... 'Don't ever think for one second, I'll kiss you or sleep with you. Once this conversation is over, you're going back to Asgard..'

'Ah..'.. Loki smirked at her and a drink appeared in his hand as he sat back across from them... 'That is not possible. Now that our marriage ritual is sealed, we will remain close by to one another. Not only did mother wed us, but my Johtunn side claimed you as its mate..'.. Izzy felt Thor tense next to her.

'What does he mean by that?..'.. She turned to the asgardian next to her, and he gaped a few seconds.

'It means darling..'.. She glared at Loki again as he spoke... 'We cannot be apart from one another..'.. He put his right had to his heart... 'Such distance will only hurt you, and I mean that literally. I do not expect sexual encounters with you, my dear wife..'.. Izzy really wanted to throw something at him, every time he called her that... 'But we are bound now. I will remain here on Midgard, near by. It is now my duty to ensure no harm comes to you, and in extension, your child..'.. He gestured to her with the glass he held.

'I still can't read him..'.. Wanda whispered, leaning across Tony to her.

'Why did you help in the first place? That's what I want to know..'.. Tony stood, heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water, needing to do something other than kill Loki... 'You're not exactly the paragon of Sainthood. You didn't just do this cause you wanted to help, you saw that this benefitted you. What do you get out of this?..'

Loki chuckled, watching Stark move about... 'You really are a genius Stark, very good..'

'Brother, I advise you against mocking anyone here. Wanda is more powerful than you, and I will give her permission to do what is necessary to control you..'... Thor gestured to the other woman, now sitting next to Izzy, holding her hand.

'This as you call it, benefits me in the way I have more freedom. Though I do not mind waiting until your demise for our wife to be mine, and mine alone..'.. Loki quickly moved, vaulting over the back of the couch as she came at him, pure rage etched into her face... 'Now now pet, you do not want to stress yourself. You have just returned to your body, and your child will feel it..'

Izzy grabbed a cushion and screamed into it for a moment. Taking a breath, she composed herself as best she could... 'First off, this..'.. She gestured between her and Loki... 'Was a transaction. You save me and help me, now you get to live here, have a little freedom as you said. That's it, nothing more will ever come of this. In fact..'.. She turned back to Thor... 'If you can find a way to divorce us, I'd appreciate it..'

'It cannot be undone, not even in death..'.. She whipped back around to Loki and threw the cushion at him.

'Fuck off!..'.. Izzy dropped her head back, feeling nauseated again... 'Thor, can I kill him?..'

'Unfortunately not. Though I believe if you did, you have a fair reason as to why..'.. Izzy chuckled at Thors casual tone about it.

'Damn. Fine, can you and Wanda take him down to the cells, lock him up? Hero can have the power dampening engaged down there so fuck face..'.. She jerked a thumb in Lokis direction... 'Can't get out..'

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