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Tony was glad to have her back, after their wedding, everything just seemed to go to shit, but now it was as though they had a chance to finally be happy, though with their history, it probably wouldn't last very long. The two of them headed to the main room, wanting breakfast. They'd eat with the team and then head to the lab, to begin work on the iron legion, 2.0 as she called it.

You're getting lost in your thoughts there hero, are you ok?..'.. She pulled him to a stop, just outside of the main room, her eyes searching his with concern.

'I'm ok, just hoping this isn't a dream, that you're really back to you..'.. He cupped her face with one hand, and she turned her cheek into his hold with a smile.

'I know what you mean, but yeah, I'm here and I will reassure you every time you need me to. I won't be going anywhere, no more being an avenger, I'll stay home and keep mini safe. Still Shadow, remember?..'.. She chuckled, kissing the palm of his hand.

'I remember. Huh..'.. He looked off in thought... 'I can't tell if I should feel sorry for whoever attempts to come for you and mini, but I'd probably just get to digging the hole to bury whoever it is..'.. That made her laugh, and she pulled on his other hand, through the doors to join the others.

'Oh, I'd try to kill them, but I think I'd end up last in line for that..'.. She nodded to the rest of the team as they set the table for breakfast... 'Can't tell which of the girls would get there first..'.. Chuckles broke out.

'Pepper..'.. Nat, Wanda and Maria said at the same time, looking to the woman in the kitchen as she poured glasses of juice for everyone.

'Pepper doesn't have a mean bone in her body..'.. Sam looked between the other three, confusion on his face.

'Sam, word of advice..'.. Steve clapped him on the shoulder... 'Never underestimate a woman, especially Pepper..'.. Everyone laughed, as Tony pulled out a chair for Izzy to sit down.

'You know what the others are capable of..'.. Pepper walked over with a drink for Izzy, setting it down for her with a smile, before smirking at Sam... 'I've spent enough time around you all, that I picked up a few things. Like people say, it's the quiet ones you got to watch out for..'.. She sat down on Izzys left.

'God's I love you Pep..'.. Izzy laughed, picking up her juice and drinking it. As soon as she had a mouthful, she spat it back into the glass, reaching for a napkin to wipe her tongue... 'Sorry, I don't know what thats about..'.. She frowned at the orange juice... 'Tastes off to me, I don't know why..'

'I'm sorry..'.. Pepper got back up, taking the glass to the kitchen.

'Don't be sorry, I like orange juice, always have I just..'.. She sat back, shaking her head.

Steve picked up another glass of the juice, and took a sip before gulping down half a glass... 'Tastes fine to me..'

'Do you want some water or something else?..'.. Tony asked, kissing the top of her head.

'Do we have grape juice? I don't know why it's in my head, but I feel thirsty..'.. Izzy ran her hands through her hair, spacing out.

'Ok, that's weird..'.. Tony turned back to her... 'You hate grape juice. You said its too artificial, anything grape flavoured, you only like green grapes..'

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