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Tony watched Izzy as she sat in the chair, cradling Caleb in her arms. Just less than an hour ago she had woken up, but she hadn't said much, just wanted the tubes and wires removed, and wanted to see Caleb. Tony glanced back to the curtain surrounding Loki, and he knew the guy was awake, he didn't get the chance to leave before she woke up, seconds after him. Tony hated his suggestion but it seemed to have worked, she was awake, but without either one talking, he didn't know what happened in the dream.

The silence from her was deafening, and the others were all spread out around med bay, waiting for Izzy to say something, anything. Tony couldn't keep taking this... 'Iz?..'

'Oh, now you want to talk?..'.. She kept her voice low, as to not disturb Caleb, nor did she look at him... 'Want to tell me what's happened? Other than the fact I had our baby..'

Tony didn't know where to start, and he sought out Steve, as if to help him... 'Well, after Nat helped you back to your-..'

'Not you dad. Him, hero owes me that..'.. Izzy looked to Tony... 'Considering you, what was it? Oh yeah, wanted me to fuck Loki, cause if I loved you, I would want to be home with you. I wouldn't want to put you through all this, right?..'

Tony took a step back... 'Th-That's not wha-..'. Tony realised... 'You remember?..'

'I remember everything. Funny how weird it is, to remember the dreams, and every conversation you all had in this room while I was asleep, it's like they're echoing in my head. You didn't stop to think, if I could hear those conversations..'.. Izzy stood, and moved to put Caleb back in the incubator... 'The dream world wasn't about us having sex, we figured it out. But nice to know, that I mean that little you would want me to cheat on you..'.. She walked past them all to the door, stopping to turn around... 'And also, no one was pushing those thoughts into your head, Frigga was quietening all your other ones, so only your insecurities remained. You..'.. She pointed at Tony... 'Thought it all by yourself, she just brought it to the surface..'.. She walked out, leaving them all stunned silent for a moment.

'Ok..'.. Nat pulled the curtain open around Loki... 'What happened in the dream world? Do you remember?..'

Loki nodded... 'Everything. Nothing sexual happened. We would wake up there, have the food that was laid out for us, talk. Over time, we worked out how to leave the room, and went exploring. She was still vocal about her hatred of me and the situation, but in time, we began to become friends..'.. Loki didn't want to give too much detail, the more private ones, he wanted to keep for himself... 'We started our search of the rooms, the libraries, to find anything. We were aware of everything from when we were awake, but as soon as we woke up, we did not remember the dreams..'

'How did she wake up?..'... Steve asked, not sure he wanted to know.

'When I returned there, I told her everything, and she was angry at Starks suggestion, as her message indicated, but she had been working on a timeline of her life, trying to find something she had missed that would help, she wanted me to do the same but we never got to that point..'.. Loki tells them.

'Did you two..?..'.. Sam waved his hand.

'No, we did not. We both made it clear it would never happen, regardless of anyone's opinions. We were speaking about her plans of torturing Odin, when she mentioned she wished she still had her fire..'.. Loki explained, looking around at them... 'That's when the pieces fell into place...'.. He turned to Thor... 'Purifying her would have erased every part of her, except Shadow, had I not switched us. There..'.. He sighed, not wanting to mention the next part... 'There is a part of her that she has denied, she did not accept who she is, that was the purpose of the dreamworld, to speak it aloud. She is now awake, and back with you all..'

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